How do we stop the browning of America? I'm looking for real, plausible solutions. Not your "day of the rope" shit, you LARPing virgins.
How do we stop the browning of America? I'm looking for real, plausible solutions. Not your "day of the rope" shit...
Improving yourself.
We literally cant. I see no plausible reality where we can take control of our country.
deport all niggers;
kill all kikes;
reconquer mexico and canada and drive out the current population
This. Be a better, stronger, richer, more attractive, more intelligent white man.
Remove all human life.
Take control of the government. It's the only way.
You don’t. Deal with it, stop being a racist and move on. Also, lol your grandkids will be brown.
Limit or end welfare isn’t that hard. Vegas fag here recent article on this family 8 “homeless” people yet they moved here from Ohio with no money. Welfare enables this shit
Doing away with the 14th (anchor baby) amendment
Undoing the 1965 Hart/Cellar Immigration Act that favors third world shitskins over Europeans, Canadiens, Aussies and other predominantly white nations to be allowed citizenship
There are pests in my house. How do I stop this problem?
You can't. We're going to become another Brazil, just accept it. Only abolishing the Republic could fix it but too many idiots have romanticized this form of government and our fathers, who were basically a bunch of Jacobins and would've been SJWs if they existed today.
Have a Shit load of kids and encourage right leaning whites to do the same
0. Demonstrate to th American people that the media is run by communists. Isolate the media from their historic bases 0.25 Crystallize pro white sentiment 0.50 galvenize an anti shitskin sentiment 0.75 ready the American collective psyche for higher prices for most items due to an impending labors shortage. Make them willing participants 1. Seize power and from that position ask the people who don’t belong to leave. Explain the following points. This is a humane and just first step.1. End birthright citizenship (const. amd. req.) 2. Halt all legal immigration 3. Revoke citizenship of 2nd gen. illegals (const. amd. req.) 4. declare national emergency to allow millitary to cross function as ICE 5. declare Mexicans/others as subversives and criminalize aiding them 6. Get rid of ITIN number, the mock-SSN that illegals use. 7. Build the wall and arm the border with auto turrets
t. Chink or pajeet
Get the fuck out of my country cunt.
America has historically been highly sympathetic to Communism.
Get rid of the international globalist cabal running things. There’s a reason why no one knows them or where they are but they’re always appearing in articles
Thinking this is a humanly alterable phenomenon is a mistake. Whites do the "browning" to themselves:
Meant to reply to OP.
offer free lobotomy services
Kicking Jews out of America sooner rather than later by accelerating the dialectic between them and Whites.
You have free pass to buy heavy guns and shot loads of ammo, do the math retard.
There's no political solution for the endless parasitary needy mud skinned hordes.
Since we're sort of on the topic of niggers, I just want everyone to know that, across the street from me, there's a huge house party of niggers. This is probably one of the quietest neighborhoods in the fucking country. However, since 5pm today, I heard nothing but screaming, crying, loud music, and obnoxious cars flying up and down the damn street. There's been nothing but noise on this road since this family of savages moved into my town. I don't know what do. Should I call the cops or wait it out?
Sorry m8, but the browning of America is inevitable. More and more white people are racemixing with nonwhites and having amerimutt goblino offspring. A pure European will be a thing of the past. White people have done this to themselves, deal with the consequences.
Anglo friendo. I honestly don’t give a fuck either way. Why would I?
real plausible solution:
when you feel you are ready to die of old age
go kill as many minority children as you can first.
think of it as having the same numerical effect as having 50+ children (assuming you're score is that high.)
if everyone that cared did that, this problem would be fixed quickly.
have many babies and then, before you die, kill as many of their babies as possible.