I dunno wtf is going on here

so... brazilian fag here...
I really have no clue of wtf is going on.
So... long story short:
we are selecting our president.
between Bosnoaro and Andrade.
Andrade is ..a left wing candidate.. his party has some cases of corruption that has gone to lights specially cause they were in power in the latest 12 years. But, they did "not bat" at all.
I think I only went to college thanks to this government.. but not everything is perfect.
Not that I'm defending. I didnt vote for them.
What I dont get is : Bosnoaro is ... something fuck'd up.
Dude, he is literally, brazil militar dictatorships cock sucker.
He said that one general (from the militar dictatorship) should be a national hero.
I dont know how may it sounds... but its like say that in germany they should make Josef Mengele a hero.
It's fuckd.
And now with a fucking scandal going on about fake news being spreaded using whatsapp bots and facebook data.

Is that...all ... LEGIT?!!??

Gimme some tips to leave the country QUICK!

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>fake news being spreaded using whatsapp bots and facebook data.
It's the russians, always the russians.


holy fkc user..I rly hope u r kiddin
fkc.. becuse of some blue pilled shithead i'm going to be slautgher and tortured for my different opinions on some shit.
just so u guys can be edddgy.

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i dont give a shit you stinky nigger
nice d.ubs tho

Post tits and I'll consider green card

I kek'd
feels bad tho.

dictatorships are more common in south america than 12 year old virgin women

feels good to be mexican

feels bad bro. hope it doesnt happen in there!
I hope when they close internet I still can make it here.
Probably going to be the last "free speach" place left.

Fuck off scum,go back to paraguai

cara.. seriosamente: tu estar no Jow Forums e votar no bonaro...
é de uma incoerencia meu compadre...que estrapola os limites da humanidade

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Why would a dictatorship under Bolsonaro put your life in any more danger than it currently is living in Brazil?
Are you a communist activist or something?

Stop believing on tv and sjws man,bolso cannot do those things that they are saying,much less end "free speech"
He gonna win democratically after all and in the worst case he gonna be better than PT

I bet you have a foreskin still on, too :

the dumbest of sheeps select their butcher themselves, sad!
And yes it's all fun and games until it's a fucking dictatorship.

Brazil fag here, responding to fellow monkey,

Born and raised in Brazil until 15. Had my shit stolen constantly cause "muh pivetes" and this was in fucking Curitiba PR.

Needless to say it was shit. Fast forward 10 years after leaving BR. I go back. Know what I find?

Fucking monkeys thinking they're hot shit because they can use a credit card. Everyone has a smart phone that costs a shitload of money, but hey, muh technology. Crime is up as is corruption but Brazilians have now added to the debt in a way that's fucked.

It took a decade to fuck up the Real currency. Literally went from .50 cents per real to .25 cents. Thank Lula and Dilma for that.

Bolsonaro is your one chance to turn it all around. You should only be worried if you're a faggot looking to marry in a church; a transsexual (in which case you should be dead), or a criminal. Feminists will have to fuck right off too.

So go fuck yourself and I hope you get stabbed in the asshole by one of your dilma-lula-humping "comrades".


You should consider learning how to write English in such a way that you come across as a native English speaker. It'll help you immensely in future endeavours... take it from a professional truck driver!

>but its like say that in germany they should make Josef Mengele a hero.
please provide proof that he did anything wrong

only a fking german understand this shitty situation. sad as fuck.
pls send boats for us plox

>but its like say that in germany they should make Josef Mengele a hero.
So you got the college meme, and are still retarded enough to write this stuff down. Great going.

Our military dictatorship killed 300 communists. Not people - communists. That's it. That's all.

While millions of innocent Russians were toiling to death in Soviet labor camps for crimes they never committed, millions of people plucked out of their families and callously thrown into gulag hell under Stalin's orders, our based militares killed 300 faggots who were working for the Russian KGB. Too bad they didn't go after the leftist journalists too.

It was a good time to be alive in Brazil. Hell, by all accounts it was rather idyllic compared to what we have now. Have you looked at pictures of old Brazil? Crime rates were low. Poor people could afford decent housing. Damn good public schools.

You have bought your professor de História's propaganda hook, line and sinker. You fucking dummy. You literally think our "ditadura" was as bad as Hitler. You fucking cabaço do caralho.

>60.000 murders a year
True, a bit of law and order can't be that bad

>I dont know how may it sounds... but its like say that in germany they should make Josef Mengele a hero.
Josef Mengele was a hero, he saved countless Jewish lives tending to their health and hygeine

>Have you looked at pictures of old Brazil
Back in the pre-goblino days.

what makes you so sure?!
look at the history of latin america, or new democracies. look at this election based on fake news.
he is going to have power to do anything he wants.
The less you expect... when their boots stomp your face and you cant use internet..remember this fking post.
you are a completly disgrace to human kind.
you fking expect me to be a fking liberal just because i'm againt a lunatic "fascist" idiot.
HE IS FKING SENILE. HE never done anything in politics.
WHY AM I wasting time with a load of shit like you. You dont even live here.
you are probably a spoiled brat rich little fuck who thinks we should kill them all in the favelas.

cê tem quantos anos, filhote? 15?

>we should kill them all in the favelas
Would this really be a bad idea?
So the world loses a few million toilet cleaners and gang members.

Yeah it would be bad, fuck you.

Make our currency strong again so that people may afford more decent housing would be a good idea. And punish criminals harshly. That should take care of the favela problem.

Try this. Stop being a leftist.

dude... i'm not a fkin commie or anything like that. I didnt want the fking PT to be the only way around.
Shit, for me brazil could be the fkin free market paradise. Friedman and Mises could be happy in brazil and I would not give a single shit.

the motherfker say shit like "we should kill more people" "we should close the senate"

I'm all for a Hayek paradise in BR.
But I would vote for a ghost, fking spaghetti, a brain dead monkey, a fetus, anything but this retarded fascist.
fascism is not the way dude.
thats all.

What is Brazil's actual contribution to the world?
Corned beef and the destruction of the Amazon rainforest?
What do the favela monkeys do other than shit out huge amounts of goblinoids and murder each other every day?
The point here being; how could Bolsonaro make Brazil any more of a shithole than it already fucking is?

Bolsnaro literally wants to chop down the Amazon to build farms. He is selling out a world wonder to agribusiness lobbiers

>I really have no clue of wtf is going on.
Ah, my kind of political climate
Cant wait for the triple election shitfest

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imagine all that you said and I cant even use internet anymore. And if I do, I die too.
you know...gud old fascism

What do you do for a living?

If GD doesn't get elected, nothing will change. This is the only clue you should get for things going into the right direction, everything less is more or less irrelevant and tested for decades.

look at America
we had a two party in 2016.
The first party, the left wing party...
>we have gibs for people... some cases of corruption, but, you owe us for the gibs remember!
>Look at that guy! He's totally racist hitler nazi murder guy! You can't vote for him!
then we voted for racist hitler nazi and America has had it's best two years in 40 years.

Vote Bolsonaro

Press B to give Bolsonaro your energy and to throw this faggot OP from a goddamn helicopter!
> B O L S O N A R O
> O
> L
> S
> O
> N
> A
> R
> O

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This, illiterate huemonkey doesn't even know how to spell the surname of his "enemy".

also B

My Brazil visa is still good, so if they turn the fucking internet off I might come for a visit just to livestream the chaos for my Jow Forums friends.

Why doesn’t he just burn down all the favalas & grow stuff from the ashes?

They already do that. There are literally clouds of smoke during the dry season. It doesn't accomplish much.

soft eng
dude.. I would vote for trump.
because fkin trump is different.
He didn't openly said of killing people or closing senate, or a coup.
bolsonaro already said those kind of shit.


These fucking retards have no political compass whatsoever apart from being edgy
They have already fragmented and there will be ANOTHER far right party popping out in the elections making their percentages drop, mark my words.
Only possible but unlikely scenario is ND being forced to get into bed with GD to form a government but GD has literally one person with a functioning brain in their entire party, so I cant see this working

>America has had it's best two years in 40 years.
And all we had to do was just stop worrying about paying for anything and just dig deeper into debt!

>soft eng
lmao, no wonder you're shitting yourself about Bolsonaro you're a fucking bugman

least it won't be a communist dictatorship

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I just dont want any fkin dictatorship in my fkin country.
the leftist shitheads, being the fkin garbage as they are they never said some stupid shit like "lets kill people" "I'm against democracy"..at the very least.

kill yourself shillbot

You're crying to the wrong crowd.
Jow Forums is infatuated with the idea of a sexy masculine boot pressing on it's neck.

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We have beautiful inner cities. Beautiful cathedrals. Beautiful traditional architecture. Most of our capitals, underneath the graffiti, underneath all the crime and grime the left has allowed to flourish in the last decades, are beautiful. We haved housed lavish museums and opera houses for centuries.

The catastrophic museum fire that recently made the news only proves how inept leftist administrations always are. The people responsible for taking care of it were PSOL members. Brazil used to be great, if slightly provincial and derivative in its culture; after all we're an European colony. And the left is destroying this greatness.

We have a rich literary tradition. Machado de Assis, Graciliano Ramos, Guimarães Rosa, to name but a few. We have great intellectuals and philosophers in our history, too. Gilberto Freyre, Mário Ferreira dos Santos, Gustavo Corção, to name a few. We have a genius, unique musical tradition, epitomized by the likes of João Gilberto, Tom Jobim and Chico Buarque. You can shove Harry Potter and Paul McCartney up your ass.

Favelas are pockets of poverty and crime in otherwise decent cities. Unfortunately, for too long now this criminality has been spilling out into the surrouding cities. The left has deliberately allowed this to happen. High crime rates are favorable to the left.

We export a lot of coffee, sugar and petroleum, if you're into economics, and if you think of a country's "contribution" in strictly material terms, which I suspect you do. Muslims are knifing and raping the English left and right so I don't know what makes your country that spectacular right now. Maybe your rotten teeth, your ugly fake-tan cunts and your caveman soccer hooligans?

give it a try before you whine if he is a nationalist he will deport or kill anyone who isn't from brazil plus hopefully deal with your rampant crime don't know why you are complaining about your government killing you when just walking outside you have a higher chance of some thief shooting you in the head and taking everything on you

I prefer that thing where you pay a lady to wear high heels and step on your balls. But I'm more erudite than most.

Tá com medo, petista safada?

If you're white come to Italy, otherwise don't

>Killing criminals, druggies and commies is bad and against human rights booohooo
You are a literal cuck bugman and should unironically kys

>These fucking retards have no political compass whatsoever apart from being edgy
The awakening of the people who vote for them matters. There simply is not a party whose ambitions are closer to the will of the Greek people than GD, that is also more popular and likely to get elected. Their introduction to the Vouli started national discussions about ethnicity, religion, human rights and immigration that haven't ended to this day.

Also their edgy days are long gone, they have toned down a lot from when Michaloliakos was a pagan and writing poems for a sun god and the party proudly displaying NS symbolism all over and openly denying the holocaust. Now they are more or less a "traditionalist" type of party. Radical, but not so much "edgy" as media say they are.

>They have already fragmented and there will be ANOTHER far right party popping out in the elections making their percentages drop, mark my words
There are already 2. Eleftheri Patrida and the party of Synadinos, former member of GD, they've been around for a while but none of them will get media attention and they'll effectively be a drop in the ocean.

ND is as pro-refugee, pro-Islam and pro-debt slavery as the other parties. If GD accepts such a coalition then there is absolutely no reason to trust them.

What's so great about democracy?

>Muslims are knifing and raping the English left and right so I don't know what makes your country that spectacular right now. Maybe your rotten teeth, your ugly fake-tan cunts and your caveman soccer hooligans?
Exactly, which is why when I see someone like Bolsonaro in Brazil I can't fathom why people wouldn't want him purging that kind of shit. If there was a Bolsonaro-tier candidate running here I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

OP is an absolute cocksucker. Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING is happening to you you fucking faggot if Bolseiro wins. Actually, we would be completely wrecked if Haddad became president


you are so uncapable of conceive someone doesnt vote for bolsomaro and not being a leftist that you shouldnt even have internet access.
but.. thank god that will change with new government!
dude... take your fujimori sticks wayyyy up your ass and begone

>High crime rates are favorable to the left.

wut? It's the opposite. Insecurity generally fuels right/far-right.

Good you fucking faggot. I hope the right wing death squads hang you first. The time of the faggot communist in Brazil is over. Now is the time of the iron fist. First Brazil hopefully USA is next.

I love Bolsonaro! Treats whore feminist exactly how they deserve to be treated and wants to kill faggots. He is based as fuck!

holy fuck...
> we need those armed man telling me and everyone else what we should do

what kinda of porn category is that

Are you a woman? Because you sound like a hysterical woman. The left works on weak minds that bought every single absurd shit they say in order to reach power, just as you. Simple and pure mental terrorism

Well said. The same kind of person thinks that Trump is LITERALLY Hitler and he's going to round up and shoot all his enemies tomorrow and we'll have Nazi parades in the streets while the ovens warm up.

How is GD doing by the way? I used to follow them quite closely but haven't heard anything in awhile.

Maybe you should just kill yourself.

congrats man, you sounded like a really strong man !
>such a man
incredible demonstration of you might power. sorry for not answer politly to your great arms and muscles. incredible

We need armed men protecting the weak from faggotry and leftists who seek to corrupt all that is good. The day you faggots and leftists are summarily executed is a great day for humanity. I hate leftists and transfags with all of my heart and I will never be at ease until they are all purged.

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if you fking read the thread you'll see that I said specificly that trump and bomaro is fking different.
And I fking dont care about trump.
Fuck, he is an adorable angel compare to bomaro

definitely a woman



That's exactly what a leftist numale would say

All I can say is, calm your fat ass and just watch him running this shithole. You can freak out too if you want, I'll be watching and laughting at your facebook textões and criticas sociais foda

You sound like you're dying to get fucked hard by a real man.

You're giving your energy to a Jew lackey.

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>Doesnt like dictatorship

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>Ywn have a Bolsonaro or Salvini and see hysterical feminists flocking to Jow Forums to ask what's wrong with you
What's the point in living

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I did. But the comparison in question is that all countries go through periods of good leaders and bad leaders, but aside from the occasional Pol Pot or something it's not as bad as you think it could be because in fact modern countries are not absolute dictatorships.

You have more to fear from the international bankers causing social chaos.

>adorable angel

Early twenties female
Medication needed:
Hard dicking

Next patient please

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Dude, I wish you could witness all the fuzz here. Feminists/numales/trans are literally suiciding. I always hated this country but there is no place I'd rather live than Brazil next year

yeah dude, I hope you got a great job too and nothing shitty happens to you or your parents economical life.
hope you have nice stable parents with enough money to make you leave the country.
otherwise, we will laugh together

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Not too shabby but I stopped following them too. I wager that with all the traitorous crap that happened with Macedon that it might finally reach a very weak 2nd place. Also I don't think too many people realize the gravity of the situation as all this bullshit debt and all the bullshit laws that go with it still didn't make enough people hungry or homeless, so libs think everything is still A-OK and the way to progress is still open.

A vida sería mellor se a xente deixou de correr detrás destes lacayos xudeus

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fk... u got me

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Fuck off shill. You either get Bolsonaro or some faggot Leftist. End of story thats the choice. I hope the Palestinians get shoah'd followed by the Jews getting nuked by Iran so we can glass Iran too.

Second place would be great, to have the birth place of the evil satanic system of democracy be the first nation to cast it aside and accept National Socialism as a superior system....that would be a huge propaganda victory for us! The kikes would never stop crying about it.

As to the Macedon stuff, those slavs need to stop LARPing and find a new name lol

>I hope you got a great job too and nothing shitty happens to you or your parents economical life
YOU are the one telling me to put fucking HADDAD in the chair and telling me about economics? Are you fucking retarded? I'm ust putting these in portuguese cause you really have no idea what is happening if PT wins

>revogação pec do teto
>governo volta a gastar mais que arrecada
>dívida interna explode e títulos do tesouro despencam
>aumenta tributação
>investidores juntam suas coisas e vão embora
>os que ficam repassam para o pobretão fodido
>dólar dispara, bolsa em queda livre
>governo aumenta selic pra atrair investidor
>empresas fecham pois não é mais vantajoso ter empresa quando o partido da FODENDO DILMA coloca novamente a taxa de juros perto de 15%
>desemprego explode
>se governo abaixa a selic o risco de calote (que aconteceu muito com a mandioca) dispara
>população endividada e desempregada
>saldo da economia brasileira: completamente arrasada

É isso que você ganha por colocar uma merda de estadista gordo no pode. O pior é que os analfabetos econômicos como você não tem a menor ideia e ficam assustados porque "ain o Bolsonaro é racista".

Se mate.

Yeah man. I love militarized states too, with police riding in amored cars with big ass guns on top because corruption and drug cartels have gotten so bad.

I'd prefer an anti-kike leftist running some shit hole I couldn't care less about than a jew lackey who promises to back the kikes up to the hilt.

If you think having a jew lackey in charge of anything then you are either
1) a kike
2) a CIA nigger

Which is it?

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É a Nova Era.

Por que quere que un escravo dos xudeus sexa o encargado? ¿Non hai nada máis que Bolsonaro? Por que un lacayo xudeu debería estar ao mando?

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>As to the Macedon stuff, those slavs need to stop LARPing and find a new name lol
The politicians couldn't give less of a fuck about the name. Our current president unearthed this topic and willingly handed it over to them, however there are many more implications than just the name. It's about power/control over the region and certain privileges the people of FYROM get from this agreement, mainly the chance that they can finally stop being a landlocked nation and have some access to northern Greek sea, start claiming that there is a "Macedonian" minority in Greek territory that they have to re-attach back to the motherland, etc.