Cheer me up Jow Forums

i'm sad that this girl i was texting for 8 months suddenly won't text as much (it was great for the first 6 months and now she never texts first anymore).

we went on one wholesome classy date finally last week and she seemed to like me a bit, but now it's been a few days since we last texted each other - should i text her back first or should i wait? i want a second date with this girl so i can save her from degeneracy and thottery.

give me some advice or motivation pls

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she's wholesome 6/10 qt3.14 with a good family and very caring. 6/10 is the best i'm gonna get in this life, so help me out Jow Forums

text her RIGHT NOW
do it faggot
this shit is supposed to be on Jow Forums, have fun getting banned when the fag mods wake up
gib more context

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>so i can save her from degeneracy and thottery.

she probably sensed your mental illness
id go after other women who don't mind mentally ill guys
look at retarded girls or really overweight girls first

wtf are you talking about nigger

why? but isn't that the beta move?

we met through tinder, texted for 4-5 hours cumulatively every day since the beginning of the year then it dropped off for 3 months because we became busy with work (she works 2 jobs, i work 2 jahbs) and she texted me again out of NOWHERE about 6 weeks ago. and we started texting again but it isn't the same. she asked me for coffee, i was too busy then i finally arranged dinner. we went on dinner, it seemed to go well. and she even agreed to a second date. but it's been like 5 days and no text from her at all yet. i don't want to text first because i'm always initiating the conversation

how long has it been?
need more context

it's been about 4 days since we texted. i didn't initiate another conversation bc i don't wanna seem pushy or needy

Depends on what and most importantly HOW you text her. In my opinion never taking initiative is worse.

>5 days

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what? :

what user :

take her on vacation and bang her fag

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when you text her something take le initiative
given that she randomly texted you out of nowhere it doesnt seem so strange that she hasnt talked to you for this long after
what kind of person is she?
did she fuck something up to make her think that you wouldn't be interested?
just kidding fella
stop taking advice from 60 year old neets online

I can't make you stop being a beta through Jow Forums you dweeb.
fuck the girl! or don't! It doesn't matter! she never mattered. In the alternate reality where you DID fuck the girl she wouldn't have mattered.
Go make your own self amazing and get beta personal problems out of Jow Forums

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that's what i'm trying to do through the collective wisdom of Jow Forums you fucking ape and at least one/two anons are being helpful faggot

thanks user - well no, i made it clear that i was into her but maybe not clear enough. i did forget her birthday last month so maybe that could be a grudge she's holding?

she's a very happy/bubbly person. seriously my type. she works a lot and is closely knit with her family. i think she might be turned off since i resecheduled our date twice... but at least i took her out somewhere fancy/wholesome

>so you can have a 12 hr conversation which would take 5 minutes if you talked instead
Call her on the phone, pussy. Ask if she wants to hang out again. Feel her out. If she gives you the cold shoulder then best to pull out your tampon, rub one out, and move on.

Text sth along rhe lines of "so, whens that 2nd date happening"

Don’t listen to this guy, OP. You want another date with this girl, you’re gonna have to calm the fuck down and wait for her to contact you. Clearly you’ve talked plenty and she knows you’re into her, giving her more attention is the last thing you want to do. Sounds like she probably does like you but she’s not sure she wants to be with you. Dont let her think she’s got you in her back pocket.

i would just text her at this point user
if you kind of fucked up but the date went well she probably wouldnt be too enthusiastic even if she likes you

read in a normal circumstance thats what should have happened

niggers what are you doing to me, which one am i gonna do? all 4? help me decide on one course of action

dude it's not the 1950s anymore, you need to anal gape her first date if you want her to stick around

You need to send her dick pics to let her know you're interested. That is the only way shit has worked for me

memeflags fuck right off

great idea fuckface, i'll get charged with sexual harassment and lose my jobs that i worked my ass off to get so i can pay for all of the illegals being housed at the fucking radisson hotel in toronto

you need go to a strip club and see some pussy in your face to motivate you properly. Secondly, I’m not sure how low iq or underage you are OP, but you need to visit jewtube and watch video’s on how to pick up women.

>suggests nosetube PUA
>calls me underage
>a fucking strayan
how do you fuck up 3 times in one post

you need to be more aggressive. youve already wasted too much time

how are you so retarded or underage that after 6 months of texting a 6/10 thot, you’ve only managed to buy her a dinner??? Do yourself a favour and watch some video’s on how not to be a beta.

i agree totally - but we really hit it off. she definitely was sour that i kept rescheduling our dates (it happened 2 times last month and 2 times a few months ago when we tried to meet up). i want to try and make her forget that somehow. and i also probably missed her birthday

joking aside you need to not be a pussy and pull some moves. invite her over to watch netflix

i am autistic with women i'll give you that. i don't know how to read them and i'm afraid of getting too attached

Dont get hung up on one girl you always think that she’s the one the magical one that is perfect but there’s always someone better out there don’t waste your time looking focus on getting money, when you have money they will come.

Text or call whatever, but take initiative, dont waste any more time.
She initiated contact so its okay if you set up 2nd date. When you contact her, dont mumble around .

Confidence is the key, bro. So you don’t ask her if she wants to go out again, you tell her she is.
>‘Hey, babe. So what night are you free? We need to grab dinner and a movie’
Remember, you’re the Chad with the 12lb cock.

okay user, thanks, i'll take your advice. what should i say? what if i ask if her birthday was last month? try and use that as an excuse for a 2nd date?

to be honest user, i've been playing the nice guy approach. maybe this will work... can you rephrase that in a better way that's more realistic... i can't fucking call her babe, we had one date. and i can't suddenly transition into chad mode, she'd think i'm a schitzo or some shit

you're right, but there really are few women i click with man... idk if you can relate but i wanna exhaust all my options with this qt first

Yeah ausbro is right. Your timeframe is way too long man. With chick you match with on tinder you need to be setting up a date within a few days ideally. Don’t be afraid, just push thru the fear. Everyone has it to varying degrees. As a younger man this is the time to really figure out women by dating a lot of them. After that you’ll know what you want and how to look for it. But now, your strategy needs to be just get experience with them to figure that stuff out.

Ok, you should have texted her yesterday. The industry standard is you text or call a woman 3 days after a date etc, but four days is fine. You’re cutting it a bit fine with 5 days, because you have to come up with a credible excuse now on why you have taken so long to text her without coming across as a liar. Any other user’s feel free to suggest a decent narrative for OP so he doesn’t look like he was waiting for her to text him.

You started off strong and ended it with absolute garbage.

Also girls are more similar to you than you think, they just have the submissive role in sex and because of that they also expect men to take care of them and protect them, be their stable foundation. But for the most part think about what girls do that make you go crazy, do that but do it in a masculine way, like if they ignore you get their attention somehow, but then ignore them make them feel like you’ve got something more important in your life than them. If you have a lot of money none of this matter and you can literally just show them your sexy car and mansion and they’ll fuck you.

to be fair, it was long distance at first, she was going back and forth from school for the first 5 months. so it's not too bad

STFU. OP needs some instructional video’s on how not to be a beta.

no, i agree with you. i'm just terrible with people in general

Just remember that if she really is a qt she probably has other men in her life especially if you found her on tinder. She might even be the kind of girl that likes to get pumped and dumped and isn’t looking for a relationship at all. Maybe try inviting her to you house to chill and then fuck her that’s probably all she really wants, just an exciting fuck.

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>bc i don't wanna seem pushy or needy
>6/10 qt3.14

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she likely wanted you to make a move or fuck her on the date
you didnt fuck her
and you blew your chance. she will never be more than a buddy.
stop rooting through the trash and move on

wtf is a lead
we need more trucks of peace over there clearly

Kill yourself.

It's okay user I'm mad Paris isn't white too

Lets not be negative and try and help OP so he doesn’t get friendzoned, can OP redeem himself here??

I thought you was close to her. Anyway fuck it. Do this. Start uploading pictures of you with other cute girls. Pay those girls a dollar or two if they don't let you take a picture with them.

Women are competitive. I learnt this from 50 laws of seduction by Robert Greene. She will respond. She will see that other women are showing interest in you means you're something special. You're something to compete for. She will respond bro. Trust me on this. Other than that, lift weights, and do special things for her in a non-desperate way like bringing her heart shaped balloons, roses, chocolates, etc. If none of this works then send her dick pics. That is the only way shit has worked for me.


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nobody texts for 6 months non-stop daily for a quick fuck. explain the logic

If you like her more than she likes you, it's already over.

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This is true, you normally do this when you’ve been friendzoned, however in OP’s case it might prompt her to text him.

i hear ya, thanks user. really appreciate the legitimate response unlike the other french frog faggot on this thread.

i have a date with another girl this evening actually. and i got the 6/10 qt on snapchat. what's your strategy user? should i snap the date?

readwhat do?

Do this user, be subtle abt it though.

but how? should i snap the restaurant and get my date's cleavage in the shot? kek

in other words, how would you go about it being "subtle" and will this really work? i'll update on Jow Forums or /b/ next week so other wizards can learn how to get out of a similar situation

you're not ready for a woman yet, user. you're a beta faggot.
here's what you do. express your inner beta to its fullest. be pushy so she has to reject you outright, instead of passively. you need to recognize how pathetic you are.

>I was texting for 8 months

There's your problem.

and there's probably some truth to that user thanks


That’s not what I meant by subtle. The best way to do it is tag yourself at wherever you’re taking this girl for a date on your faceberg or any other social media. It would be “OP is at xxx Bar with Stacy Smith” etc, no photo’s etc.

just went through it myself, being rejected by women really forces you to grow as a man. That's the real truth behind the whole alpha/beta thing. Genetics and upbringing play a role, sure. But experience is the key.

Hell yeah. But post it such that you're just meeting a new friend. Nothing serious. That sorta thing. Be cool about it.

You have to gain knowledge, learn the strategies of seduction, and simply act on them. The principles in that book are timeless user. If they don't work on that girl then she's either abnormal or she's a trap.

For fucks sakes don’t get hung up on the details, user. Focus. Has she ever mentioned something she likes? Hobbies? Movies? She has dropped hints to you before.
>oh I love to paint in my spare time
>Hello, Stacy. This is Chad. So next week the art show will be in town and I will get us tickets. What night works best?
Trust your gut. You’ll feel it for better or worse

>go to jewtube to learn how not to be a beta kek

sounds good, user thanks for the advice. the competition thing will work i hope

Some girls do, they play it up then they want you to take them home on first night and smash then they want you to not text them for a while then later start again meet and smash repeat. They do this ritual with like 20 other dudes

It doesn't matter. If she had interest she would have found time to meet in person early on. For you the whole thing was finding a soul mate. For her it was to pass the time. The rule is if she doesn't want a date or meet up in a week's timeit's a waste to persue.

she loves animals and dolphins. she works at a vet

fuck ;<

that's so fucked up that people actually do that, i feel kind of sick

Somebody has been dickin girls down

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user, have you thought abt how you’re going to “close” with this girl you’re going on a date with??? Get the other girl out of your head and focus on at least getting a kiss from the girl at the end of the night if she doesn’t make you feel like you want to kill yourself.

>can OP redeem himself here??
most likely not, esp. on tender-type shit
there is always remote possibilities for this or that, but most likely she is no longer interested in you. You haven't even been friend-zoned. You are in the uninterested zone. Maybe you said some thing that completely turned her off and you made her vagina dryer than the Sahara. Maybe a super chad, Mr. RightNow came along and she's fucking him. Maybe she got back together with an ex she was on a break from (and she was only fishing for compliments on tinder to boost her self esteem). Who knows? Treat her like you no longer know her and move on to something else. Maybe hit her up 6 months to a year from now if you are still single and she is still around. Time to move on.

Tyrone here, she's been busy suck my huge cock. I'm getting tired of her, you can have her back.

she's another wholesome girl, but not my type... i don't get the same feeling... not even close (i guess i don't jive with her personality). but she has a great body and cute face. i'll bring her chocolate and compliment her and kiss her after dinner

This is the reality the globalists have created, if you want to stop it vote republican and hope they undo the jew

this is probably truth. i'll try the competition thing that the other user suggested and maybe text her one more time to set up a date next week. if that fails then fuck it. thanks for putting it bluntly, user

Boom. Tell her your getting a puppy, user. You need her to help you pick one out. She will wet her panties.

this is actually fucking genius

readand give me your input on what to do next?

tell her you are sending her a dick pic out of frustration because she never texts you first and send her this.

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Ok user, so you’re going to have a hard time listening to this girl’s inane conversation without coming across like you want to hang yourself with a table cloth. My suggestion is drink enough alcohol so it makes it easier tolerate her or better yet, do a few lines of coke beforehand, you’ll feel like you own place. That said, at least you’re getting dates, try focus on “closing” this girl if you can stand her that is.

You just need confidence. Chads don't plan and go on Jow Forums and obsess like this, they just go out and do shit and learn from the many mistakes they make. Get confident, stop with the faggy :< shit, lift weights and generally try to look good. Talk to lots of girls, even the whores, because "the game" is complicated as fuck these days and all you can do is try to get as much experience as you can.

this is good

You don't believe that shit, right? The jew plays both sides, so they always can have the winning hand. They always overplay it though. Enjoy the ride before the reboot.

again, another gem of advice. gotta start somewhere user. i never had a dad growing up so i was never taught any of this shit

I'm sorry OP but it's over for you. If she's not texting you frequently and excitedly she has completely lost interest in you.



Hope it works out for you, user.
>I don’t know why I care so much about your love life, but I do.
>muh feels when I remember a time when I didn’t want to strangle the whole lot of them

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thanks, fren

i know i'm probably on the losing side of this one, but can't blame me for trying to find love.

peace out space cowgoys

It's not genius if you're not prepared to commit to being a dog owner dude. Just fuckin call her at a time you know she's free, if she answers, tell her you really enjoyed last date and you'd love to go on another. If you get another date, don't fuckin reschedule it. Plan on a fancy place, and tell her what you want her to wear. Not in a creepy way. Just X colored dress or something like that. Then you dress in complementary way. Treat her like a lady.

If she ignores the call, ur probably fucked m8. Maybe you messed up the date, maybe you upset her somehow without realizing (and the fact that you didn't realize and SPECIFICALLY apologize matters more than whatever you did/do wrong), maybe she just realized she doesn't feel that way for you and she genuinely cares enough about you as a person that she's struggling how to tell you without hurting you. Girls lock up and go quiet when this happens. She may eventually tell you out of the blue, or you might just not know.

Women are fickle beasts, leaf, but I hope for the best for you.