With negative rent in the centralbank, ppl taking loans for things they can't afford, a healthcare system that has longest waiting time, and school system that lacks 77k teachers
This will be a major happening that will put Sweden into real chaos and hardship and maybe even ruin the view of Sweden as a welfare state. It will be a bit like Weimar which I hope leads to more nationalism (and quite frankly more balls). Growth per capital is 0,8% and 1,3% depending on what statistic imf took which is pretty bad with France and Brittain being worse if you take the 1,3%. I don't think Sweden will be able to manage like they did in 2008 when we were barely affected, what what do you think?
I have no clue what economic problems the us faces I've only looked at Europa. And your news like to talk more about how Kanye West is rayshist than important stuff. How is it going in burgerland?
Liam Hughes
We need a global recession, hit the reset button
Justin Ross
I don't think this one will be the big one but probably worse than 2008 rip Mediterranean countries again
Aaron Martin
Can't wait. Let the normies reap what they sow. Force them to sell their overpriced aparments and houses and move to the islamic suburbs. They all deserve everything bad that will happen to them.
While I agree with the general sentiment, when Henrik Jönsson talks about issues that affect the labor market it has to be noted that he is the founder of RestaurangOnline, which is now part of Hungrig.se. Exactly what incentives this gives him regarding the political state is unclear, but Hungrig.se makes a lot of money by circumventing Lagen om Anställningsskydd, LAS (Employment Protection Act).
Cameron Ward
Sounds great. Maybe people will wake up THEN.
Noah Foster
Jackson Butler
So you can't afford to hire teachers. And even if you could, no sane person would want the job. Guess you'll just have to send all of your kids to those quran Schools funded by Saudi Arabia all over your country
Sweden fucked itself. In a few years it will run out of money and the mudslimes will go apeshit
Benjamin Ross
I'm so fucking ready A government collapse is literally the only thing that might save us now And to my countrymen who want to witness the rebirth of our once great nation: go rural, stockpile guns, ammo and supplies learn how to hunt/grow your own food
Sebastian Myers
housing market is also going to shit
Dylan Baker
Oh look a meme flag, probably an American then I believe you have more problems with your country and the replacement of your peoples than me.
Samuel Reed
At least you still have forests. If you still know how to live in them without industrialization you’ll be absolutely fine.
Aiden Rodriguez
Hopefully Sweden will plough through their own localized recession before any external economic crisis erupts.
Colton Wright
>Its good because you can get a better idildo5
John Foster
Enjoy your Islamic wasteland lol
Camden Roberts
Although he is right he is a filthy neocon who earns his money on the cheap labour that his friends in the gov:t imported
The big one is the next one. There's no way to salvage the current financial system, the only thing keeping it petering along is 4% global growth. Any recession is going to demolish debt to GDP ratios.