This is Manuela D'Ávila

This is Manuela D'Ávila

She is a member of Brazil's communist party and running as vice president with Haddad (the left wing candidate for the presidential election in Brazil)

A few days ago, she tried to sue a shitposting group for making memes with her being hot. It all started after some guy said "Manuela, would you suck my dick?" (Note: the group is full of teenagers, and the guy who said it was a teenager himself). Her request was denied.

TL;DR: influential communist name in Brazil was memed and tried to sue some teenagers

Meme her.

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Wow she's ugly


she’s pretty qt for a filthy commie

This pic is ripe for bukaki and golden showers shop.

Post the memes

Yes, and she being hot is most of a meme honestly
She used to be really fat

What the hell? literal Che Quevara tattoo


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Barfing up lunch thinking of her shriveled tiddies.

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my jewdar is tingling from that pic

Peak degeneracy

Would hatefuck

kidnap when?

That's the "Manuela, would you suck my dick?" that started the situation
I don't have any memes right now but she is mostly memed by being formally fat, hot or useless

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She's only hot among the mutts of Brazil, though.

I am already tired of her fans on pol spamming her everywhere.
Not only that, she has been a fattie all her life.

hey, brazilbro let's post her pictures to shadman just sayin'. she has this hentai feel.

>this is a "meme" in brazil

oh wow are you even trying over there?

She's not Jewish.
Probably a Portuguese-Spanish-Italian mix.
Like most white Brazilians.

here's a translation in Romanian.
Manuela, vrei sa imi sugi pula?

They're doing pretty well, memes wise.
Have one of them.

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>no crazy commie gf to hatefuck

post more

In some latinamerican countries "Manuela" is also a female name your hand is given when masturbating, so I guess it can have a sort of double way of reading the meme.

>In some latinamerican countries "Manuela" is also a female name your hand is given when masturbating

Nah, that only happens in Mexico.
I'm pretty sure it is only a Central American mutt thing.

Well, I never said that was a meme
On the contrary, I said that I didn't have any memes with here so I just showed what started the whole intrigue with the shitposters

Don João VI nos abandou

D. Pedro I nos traíu a todos.

I prefer Mexican memes (when you can understand them)

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Deodoro da Fonseca nos macaqueou de vez

I mean, we do have some more attractive politicians but that's a good idea

Stop being mean to this young boy, it's not his fault puberty is taking so long.

Should be a law against moles

>Nah, that only happens in Mexico.
I guess, but lately with the internet and shit many latinamerican countries are kinda of adopting mexican slang and memes.

Why is every brazillian mixed? Seriously, how did it happen, wasn't Brazil like 80% european around 1900?

That one I can't remember who he was.
The Duque of Caxias?
The Marshal who signed the proclamation of the republic?

Anyway, let's just be glad for Bolsonaro... and root for him,

No. It was as white as it was now, back then, around 45%.

It peaked in the 60s at 65%.
Slightly whiter than america is today.

Yeah, but Brazil is imune to that, thanks to God.
Because they aren't "latin american" in the same way.

Brazil is only "latin american" because commies took it.
Truly, the right in Brazil doesn't see the country as a companionship of Argentina, Mexico or Colombia. That's a commie cup in itself.

towards the end of the 19th century some faggots came up with the idea of "racial whitening" in which they thought blacks would eventually adapt or outright disappear within a few generations of race mixing with whites
you can see where this led us

Kek. It's funny because she's not that bad.

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not your personal army you southern spic piece of fucking drug dealing shit

Yes, because Brazil was not 40 to 60% non white already...

Nah, duque da caxias was an empire hero and died before the republic
It was Deodoro da Fonseca, he killed our country

Bolsonaro has 59% of vote intentions so I'm pretty positive he'll win

Call me a drug dealer but don't call me a spic ffs

and whose fault was that, Alberto?
why did you have to bring so many africans without castrating them, and why did you fuck indias?

Che is actually seen in a good way in Latin America and one of the reasons why Latinx is full of commies.

Never do that again...

>Castrar seus escravos
Como ter mais escravos sem gastar uma fortuna?

Fucking ruined.

os otomanos castravam os escravos deles
era só ir buscar mais, mas português é burro

lol dude can shit literally even get worse down there?

Yes, If Bolsonaro doesn't win

She looks like Ronaldo but with a wig on

what's in it for me?

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She's a commie bitch, she should share her pussy with the proletariat. Also

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anybody have her feet pics?

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As a Brazilian, are you guaranteed freedom of speech?

brazil r just southern spics. little better than the fucking shithead mexicans

done. you're welcome.

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this is what milfs should look like

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depends on your definition of 'freedom of speech'

More or less
If I say some Jow Forums tier shit outside of Jow Forums, i become national news
The socialist party tried to take WhatsApp off the air because of "fake news" and Haddad wants to regulate alternative media

The less degenerate people down the US after Chile (thanks to Pinochet), I can guarantee

I've seen many videos that definitely corroborate the absolute opposite.

To be honest, our degeneracy levels are alarming but decreasing as the conservative wing gets more and more repercussion

Communist from brazil, SHOW US HER BENIS.

your english sucks, gtfo and go suck a lady boy cock faggot brazillian


Strange, at first glance I thought she was Nikki Haley

top smug

Thenk iul