Ben really understands that we live in a society
Ben really understands that we live in a society
Yeah, wow. Virgins BTFO.
Jow Forums is a fucking trash dump, what is this shit?
The fucking mods won't get off their asses
They're all over the place, what the fuck are you talk about?
Whats coochie?
powerfully low IQ
shows us we need to get the Jews to stop practicing miscegenics
coochie means pussy famm
>mods won't get off their asses
mods are under strict instruction, user.
Wow, Ben is fucking pathetic lately
Is he an incel?
This thread is indicative of Jow Forums as a whole. It has become infested with people born in the late 90s. Jow Forums is no longer what it once was. Goodbye.
Hahaha, fucking incel.
The mods are literally kikes on Israel's payroll.
>This mad for some reason about a thread which is related to politics
Are we in 2003 again?
I'd say it accurately show cases the social hierarchy in modern western society. Only thing i'd change would be the phrase gamer for incel.
>the polygamous nature of the modern sexual marketplace
>the hypergamous nature of women
Pointing out that the sexual marketplace decreases equality in our society in terms of access to sexual resources is pathetic?
Dude it's just a fact. Women like more attractive and richer men and society is now allowing them to forgo a large % of men. You don't have to be an incel to notice this societal shift.
Just another synonym for pussy you up tight cunt.
Go back to plebbit
Why is Ben anti-chad or something? does he not understand Darwin?
>society is now allowing them to forgo a large % of men. You don't have to be an incel to notice this societal shift.
what shift? it has always been this way since forever
>that we live in a society
This meme will never get old
Oh ok, now i see it.... whats the point of this? Who are the chads? Are we the gamers? I though garisson is Right leaning
This, there's always been a sexual market place offering products with varying degrees of consumer appeal. This aforementioned market has only made its self more apparent now because of social media.
ohh what a nice gi...fuck..
Zyklon Ben does it again.
Chad is a catch all term meant to refer to men who cap out on a ten on the looks spectrum. Gamer is just a synonym for dog shit ugly.
Chad = Jews
Gamers = Goyim
got me fooled to, im scared
Does anyone else have some more POWERFUL images?
>Social acceptance of adultery
>Social acceptance of polyamory
Most liberals I know are polyamorous. The women are happy and men rarely get any other than from their (once faithful) significant other.
For the longest time our institutions promoted monogamy through religion, through social shaming, through the institution of marriage. You aren't shamed anymore for being a slut, cheating (as long as you blame the guy), and no fault divorce offers no penalty for cheating in marriage.
Technology has made it easier to cheat than ever before. You can meet on tinder, get an uber and be back before he get's home from work
In short, no, it hasn't always been like this.
>hurr hurr, muh furchins is flooded with nufags
>nufags doesn't do the things oldfags does
>I come to this decadent cesspool a couple years ago therefore I know what I'm talking about.
The exit is that way
>It hasn't always been like this
It kind of has, it's just more apparent now because of social media.
These types of threads have common characteristics. If you spot any of these, be sure to take a closer look before replying.
1. Post asks a question that implies either false or misleading assumptions
>why are liberals so much smarter than conservatives?
2. Any variation of "blacked" posting, usually spamming porn
3. Copy pasta posts
>as a former trump voter.....
4. Twitter screen shot reaction threads. Easily recognizable, usually accompanied by bait text
>well pol she's got a point.
>pol btfo
>prove him wrong. Pro tip: you can't
5. Any other obvious (you) bait. The shills aren't very clever, their bait is normally quite transparent, don't take the bait.
>wow wtf racist?
>muh Bill nye, muh nu science
6. Meme flag. Need I say more?
If you find one of these threads, do your part. Sage, report, and hide it. Do not post an image as this will always bump the thread.
This is all on the credit card btw
>Yes, I would like to 'borrow' your body
ugly nappy haired blacks need to die DIE!
>This upset for some reason
Did you see a black dick on porn hub during your anal play session btw?
Except when we want to help out firefighters...
I knew it was a fake, no trap is that beautiful and feminie.
>>unknown flag
>>ebil nacis is little faggot instead of the proud white man totally ignoring reality
good one Shlomo (deposits interbutts shekles into kike-bux account)
Looks like gamers have a better time in that bathroom, and its used more. What did he mean by this?
Most credit cards don't send a paper trail through the mail anymore and most people don't share their cards.
You don't need your spouse to sign off on a card.
Very Interesting
I'm quite happy using the gold standard right now
>Posts a shopped image
Sauce it or fuck off you sissy skinned faggot.
>No trap is that beautiful
Pic related.
Its a kike tactic that has been on this board forever- post a pic of a real woman, claim that its a tranny. Not like we can't tell the difference from simply looking at the hands, feet, shoulder width, and muscle structure.
>sony franchises
Garbage aesthetic. Can’t stand sony franchises but now I realize they must make them for NPCs
Also pic related, pink Euro trap asshole = girl btw. So i'm not gay.
These types of threads have common characteristics. If you spot any of these, be sure to take a closer look before replying.
1. Post asks a question that implies either false or misleading assumptions
>why are liberals so much smarter than conservatives?
2. Any variation of "blacked" posting, usually spamming porn
3. Copy pasta posts
>as a former trump voter.....
4. Twitter screen shot reaction threads. Easily recognizable, usually accompanied by bait text
>well pol she's got a point.
>pol btfo
>prove him wrong. Pro tip: you can't
5. Any other obvious (you) bait. The shills aren't very clever, their bait is normally quite transparent, don't take the bait.
>wow wtf racist?
>muh Bill nye, muh nu science
6. Meme flag. Need I say more?
If you find one of these threads, do your part. Sage, report, and hide it. Do not post an image as this will always bump the thread.
It's not millimeters but centimeters at this point.
Half of the sissy skinned pansies I post are legit. Sauce me on the sources of these images if you think I'm wrong.
fuck off nigger
Depends on the specific section of the face you're attempting to correct famalam.
No, thats Nintendo
Fuck off your self you sissy skinned faggot.
>more attractive and feminine than any girl I've ever been with or will ever be with
Sissy white skin and pink ass pucci goes really well with the female anatomy. Also consider anal play if you're upset or something.
You can't even larp properly you paki nigger, somalians are the skinniest """"humans"""" on earth retard.
Not the ones from Somali land(which is where i'm from) you pink mouthed ass licker.
These sorts of pro-black race wankage are great for linking to your white friends and slowly turning them into Nazis
>Skinniest humans on Earth
Nope, that title would go to the far East Asian you retarded troglodyte.
For once, I could do with his overenthusiastic labeling to fully explain what he is unsuccessfully attempting to convey here.
Gamers are dirty? Does the "free coochie" thing mean that you should pay for sex?
Ben is a jewish name.
>unknown flag
newfag you don't even know how Jow Forums works unknown flag =/= memeflag
>>related to politics
it's not even gamers who suffer, it's anyone who isn't the chaddest of the chads
This, but unironically
I used to respect women.
You'd think this is the case but in reality the left can only say what in-group people are saying. Dissenting opinions get retribution and the dissenter submits again to group think. Even if there are people out there who disagree (or don't completely agree) they typically stay quiet because they don't want to be disowned by the group and shamed.
The left is like a cult in that fashion, and the loudest push a narrow narrative to make the undecided conform. It's like saying "You can have free speech if you say what we want you to say." "You don't hate minorities do you?! Are you a fascist?!"
Bluntly put I doubt half of them believe the shit they spew and just do it for approval points and to align against leftist anti-right rhetoric.
I know, right? I'm so glad this same exact thing doesn't happen on the right.
dammit, got trolled again
>posting the edit
Come on, man, I thought you were better.
Trump is such a Chad. Id give him my girl.