Why is this?

Why is this?

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(((Amer*can football))) isn't a sport

When you have the most expensive healthcare system in the world, it's your duty as an American to live your life continuously on the edge of death by your own unhealthy choices.

The top right guys stomach almost looks padded. It looks fake, like he either stuffed something in there or is pushing it out somehow. That or he's pregnant.

It looks really weird.

My guess: Soccer trainers are ancient soccer players, so they aren't genetically predisposed to be fat, unlike football players who have done a sport which require less endurance and agility than soccer so who is more obese friendly

Americans are obese and cherrypicking

Yes, it's an advertisement.

Absolute units

He lost the weight. Also he's the only NFL coach. The other three are college

Soccer coaches need to look nice considering the entire sport is for homosexuals.


Funny coming from someone who's national sport is homo figure skating. Go do some twirls ya chinky faggot/

>europoors can't afford luxury meals
film at 11.

Don’t you have a dog to be fucking, rajinder chang?

This desu

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Amer*cans aren't even human.

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As opposed to American Football? Don't they even have male cheerleaders now?

soccer is gay

oh you...

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so prestigious

GOAT handegg coach.
Protip: it's a good bet that fat coaches were linemen.

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