Right Wing in England

This is Manchester, England. The procession of the English far right activists. Literally everything you need to know about the popularity of the Right Wing in Europe.

Attached: Right Wing.jpg (686x915, 179K)

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Slavs are not white.

Right wing =/= Far right
>Right wing
based, 10/10, zeer goed, *clap clap clap clap*
>Far right, nationalists LARPing as pagan vikings or some shit
cringe, kill it with fire and magnets, *pukes*, thanks for holding actual realistic right wing politics back you assholes
So, the police actually protects people's right to express themselves in the UK? Even far right activists? How does that fit into usual Jow Forums's narrative?

You should spend some time studying trends. Europe doesn't have a quarter of the problem we do with shitskins and yet they're already turning far right. The more you push, the worse things will get for you.




>Right wing =/= Far right
Oh come on now, it's all the same.


Attached: 1537329013711.gif (840x488, 511K)

>mfw I'm half turkish but i slipped into an EDL parade

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>not falling for the honeypot jew

thought the cops were forming a Hortler symbol for a moment

Just seems like Manboobster from here, but at least they covered up. Lame that they aren't in a nice nazi symbol formation. Or did the cops not let them do that? Pussies.

>it’s good one can express themselves when approved by the state and surrounded by police

Hale hortler

Attached: 4ef04aad20d1c5b2986efdc962476d90e5a2f424_full.jpg (184x184, 8K)

divide et impera

Fancy slipping into a noose? Only thing worse than a roach is a roachmutt

If you can find me
I blend in too well >:)

Attached: ILi73t1.png (557x924, 604K)

Jesus, the police are openly marching in right wing marches? Big if true

m8 look at the formation.
that's either a Hortler or a mystery cloud

God I want to move to Europe. I'm tired of being stuck in the middle ages.

The entire police force in an entire town will wait decades to stop thousands of little girls from being raped and yet they will pull all the stops out to 'escort' about a dozen peacefully protesting guys AHAHAHAHAHA
The police force in this country are pathetic and if there are any GCHQ niggers reading this you are pathetic too.

Turks were the original mutts desu.
Complete mystery meat genetics
For all you know your Turkish parent might be 100% European

How do you sink a polish ship?

kek, so this is the power of the far right

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My mother looks French
It's started to bother me recently for some reason though, identity crisis

Attached: Karen.png (377x270, 211K)

If the EDL is anything like the Proud Boys then you would have blended right in.

this is the most cucked """protest""" i've ever seen


Attached: poland-nationalist-march.jpg (1920x1079, 545K)

All far right white nationalist protesters are controlled fake psyops