Congratulations, user! You have just been elected President of the United States

What is your first order of business?

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end the fed

Gas the democrats


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Hang all satanists

Purges and camps.

Glass Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Declare exterminatus

Woman only allowed to wear Skirts and Stockings
The Skirt must not reach over the knees and hase to be atleast 15 cm long

Enabling Act

Nuke Israel
Kill as quickly as possible all ethnic and converted Jews
Deport all the negros to Africa and cut their aid.
Wipe out Mexico and annex Canada.

Reform school systems so they teach rhetoric, debate, and philosophy in all grades.

Fund NASA and military R&D like mad.

Fund the national parks.

Defund the CIA.

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Nukes fly first day

>handcuff them to a seat, fill a boeing 747 with Satanists handcuffed to seats
>give the pilot and co-pilot the most contemporarily advanced parachutes on the planet
>bring the plane over a military proving grounds
>practice targeted airplane crash on radioactive mound of dirt
>pilots eject, plane crashes into hill with no survivors

Repeal all forms of gun control, just like what the founding fathers would've wanted it to be

>fund nasa and military r&d
>defund cia


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Give subsidies to interracial couples and then shitpost about it on Jow Forums to trigger incels.

sign executive order:
"all trade with china is hereby punishable by death."
then mobilize the military as it starts ww3.

Probably take a nap. The campaign trail was probably really stressful. After that deliver whatever promises I made to the people that they trusted me to get done

Based and Chadpilled.

Area 51

I'd do some minor reorganization.

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So it has been written, so shall it will be done.

Haha, time for Conquest.


I'd declassify everything the government's hiding about aliens

Taking care of the Jews

Sonic weapons and rubber loaded bouncing Betties at the border.

Ban the remakes of movies.

Audit the fed.

Roll I'll back restrictions on automatic weapons.

Clean house at NASA, replace the staff based on merit and quadruple their budget, set sail for moon base

Reactivate the f22 and a10 manufacturing

Eliminate income tax in any way possible

Exile the Clinton's

Cut off all aid funding, time for shit hole countries to learn how to deal with shit

Tell the EU to fuck itself, if NATO countries don't fall in line with military spending in 6 months then I tear the treaty up in front of them

Enforce insane penalties to any organization caught practicing any sort of recruiting based on any criteria other than merit, essentially killing any sort of race or gender based hiring, goes for schools too

Crack down like shit on California, cut off the food, water, everything until they bend the fucking knee, enough of this self destructive communist bullshit is enough. If they try to cede from the union, walk over and butcher half the state just like the North did to the South.

Build a northern wall, complete with bouncing Betties and Sonic weapons.

And that's just day one.

fpbp was exactly what I was going to post. End the fed, and turn the responsibilities over to the Treasure Dept.

Dissolve all agencies
Declare martial law
Disolve Congress
Dissolve the judicial branch
Military tribunals
Expell the jews

you get it

Launch the nukes

Tax the rich and fix the shitty cities with all new designs made by a team of diverse experts

Execute all members of Congress.
Execute all journalists
Gas the remaining 5 jews and put them in a very aesthetic oven

Nuke California, then the all the other states. One by one.

All Jews with American citizenship have their assets seized and their citizenship revoked, if they hold office, they're ousted and hanged for treason. The Democratic Party leadership is hanged and all Democrats holding public office are ousted and imprisoned for treason. Corporate assets in the US, and founded in the US, which are owned by Jews are seized and sold/given to white Americans. Dual-Citizenship is banned and everyone with it is given a choice which country they choose, America or Israel/Canada etc. The US Army and National Guard is deployed along the US-Mexico Border and everyone who is caught is deported and logged, if they're caught again they're shot. ICE and the FBI are ordered to find every illegal in the union and deport them, again, if they come back, they're shot. If non-whites, particularly niggers chimp out and riot, Martial Law will be declared and Riot Police will be deployed and ordered to shoot the rioters if they damage property or attack others, though not if they're just yelling at the Police. All of that, just a start

There will be a permenent military presence at the Mexican border. Military has been given orders to shoot to kill.


Almost forgot the most important thing. All Media outlets controlled and ran by Jews will be seized and sold/given to unbiased journalists. So basically like....all of them. And Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/All that cancer social media shit with biased Jewish/Leftist leadership is seized and shut down.

Gas the kikes, race war now

Order 66 the supreme court, senate, house, and most judges. And of course, the JEWS.
Begin the cleansing.


Martial law, suspend congress, round up Commies and shit skins, make petroleum fuel from their flesh, run out of bodies, start using Africans.

TV Loicence & Arbeitsdienst for all kikes

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Declare war emergency and mobilize all soldiers and reserves and deploy them to the Mexican border and order them to fortify the border. Then stall Congress about an actual declaration if war until the border is secure.

Lean back and play golf for 4yrs. Fuck 10/10 WH interns.

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Make it illegal for arcade machines to charge more than 1 quarter per play.

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Haha, time for Conquest.

Use my loyal military to round up dissenters and solidify absolute power.


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Heavily limit copyright and patents, with a "no block" law where you can't use copyright or patents to stop someone from releasing a product, just to get a fair share of the profits.

get all topsecret files to my office.

Nuke Israel
Defund the CIA niggers
Put the niggers, sand niggers, faggots, trans, and the Jews in camps.
Build the wall.
Invade and annex Canada
assassinate Soros and the (((owners))) of the banking cartels.

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do arcades even exist anymore?

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Quiet Juden, it is your lies why he’s mad. Do you not see. Your greed will be the end.

Audit the fed and use the inevitable collapse as an excuse to end it
Roll the CIA, NSA, and DARPA into one agency, use their mandatory black budget to research genetically engineered catgirls
End the ATF

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

I like

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They do but always as an extension of something else. An arcade outside a theater, an arcade in a pizza place, an arcade at the paintball place.
These arcades sometimes charge fifty cents just to play pac-man. Other machines like a light gun game can get as high as a dollar fifty per play.
I propose we regulate these machines to 1 quarter per play. Instead of playing the machine once for 1.50 people will play it six or more times and end up spending more time in the arcade and eventually spending more cash. Not just on the machine but on drinks and food.
I want to make arcades great again. MAGA.

This must be done

>Immediately withdraw military and financial aide to Israel
>Overturn via executive order that Jews and Personnel from Israel are not entitled to any special treatment or admissions privilege
>Outlaw and ban JIDF
>Restore relations with Russia
>Deploy military to US Mexican Boarder
>Immediately put immigrants who came here legally THE RIGHT WAY at the front of the line as far as citizenship
>Implement a special program for those pursuing any STEM related degrees or education at a 75% discount or free. Math, Science, Engineering, Medicine, Chemistry, Biology etc. You want education in gender studies or sociology, YOU PAY. Too many smart people out there can't afford medical school or similar, drastically discounted STEM education or altogether free
>Anyone pusuing a Masters or Doctorate in the STEM field, is free.
>Veterans are priority, no kore homeless vets, and once a rating is issued to a vet for va disability, he/she no longer has to worry about ever losing that income.
>Audit federal reserve
>Declare Antifa a terrorist organization,
>Professors are no longer allowed to influence their classes and students with politically biased mis information
>Introduce a (You say it you own it) bill concerning the media. Declare that media will be legally and criminally liable for knowingly promoting and spreading misinformation
>Voter IDs and a basic political IQ test prior to being allowed to vote. Only those who are law enforcement or military or prior, are exempt
>Get out of Germany and other countries and stop bullying and trying to police the world, stay out of the affairs of other countries. Except for Israel, Israel gets no help from the US, even if requested

Legalize all weapons known to mankind for civilian ownership.

Make slavery legal again.

Abolishing the state


knock out the satellites
invade canada

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Why do you type like a tard

delete fed delete all politicians delete jewish bureaucracy

>having a bunch of live in destructive violent lazy niggers as your financial responsibily for some half assed labor that they'll complain about having to do

Good God, why would you want that?

Nuke the krauts

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Establish a Department of Systemic Racism.

nuke the krauts 10 times over

What a waist of a perfectly good airplane, .22lr runs 45 bucks for 1200 rounds.

>National Reciprocity for conceal carry permit
>Prison is run like Russian prison. Hard time doing hard labor in regular prisons, and hard time with no privileges in maximum security prisons.
>Move to legalize drugs, and tax the fuck out of it to pay for STEM education. Nobody has the right to tell you what you can and can't put in your own body.
>Gibbs only for vets, and people in serious need of assistance, people who have debilitating medical injuries. Or are on social security.
>Have optional health insurance choices. You can choose private health insurance and pay monthly and get good doctors and be seen sooner. Or have the option for National health care for almost free, but long wait times, medical interns, and not the best doctors, but free almost.
>Congressional and Senate term limits. This shit where McCain was in congress for like a thousand years is fucking ridiculous

Feel free to add on anons

move to put all populists in camps. threaten to kill corporate lobbyists. get impeached the next day for not being mentally stable.


If a person is caught while being jew, then there is an automatic life sentence, no parole no nothing.

If more than 2 jews are found being jews, then they are JEWING IN REUNION, so it's even worse, and that carries a life sentence to be carried immediately. (at the nearest army camp where special personnel is there awaiting for the influx of jews)

Also, since being a jew is illegal, and they carry reproductive organs, then there is also a mandatory sterlization because you cannot be in possession of a weapon to create a jew (remember, its illegal to be a jew, so the babyjew will in any case be imprisoned for being a jew, so there is no point), and there is also the risk of both jews (the babyjew and the jewess) being killed because the judge might interpret this as being 2 jews JEWING IN REUNION (a newborn from a jewess is considered a jew at birth, and goes to special jail for them, maximum 24hours after birth, or upon discovery, whichever comes first)

It is also legal for anyone to kill a pregrant jewess if you have somehow obtained an x-ray proving that she is carrying a babyjew. Since there are obviously more than one jew at the same time and location, it is a big threat to national security and therefore need to be killed onsite as the threat they are. citizens carrying a weapon are under the obligation to shoot them on site if they notice anyone jewing in reunion, or else they are to be held accountable themselves for helping the jew (life sentence, electric chair)

In prison, the jew cannot be put in the same place as other criminals. they also cannot talk/see each others. therefore, its mandatory solitary confinment 24/7

Special prison for jews (named after german holiday camps) is where they go. They wear a special attire that has a yellow star on it, that is designed to keep the jewish stink at bay.

Anyone expressing sympathy for the jews is a traitor, and will be court martialed for high treason.

Top kek!!!

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fucking this

Lunch the nukes.



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Turn the us into a theocracy.
Instill sharia law.
Claim to be true Catholic Church, and I am the returned Saint Peter, vicar of Christ to redeem as many seekers of salvation eligible.
Unify with the Muslims, absorb Islam and allow all Middle East to join us protection as states under theocracy.
>Hmm, what now?
It’s the rest of the worlds choice from there.

Lol, shortest presidency ever

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Attempt to abolish democracy and declare myself Emperor for life.

This. My second order of business would be to sponsor a bill to bar dual citizens from becoming lawmakers.


attempt to end the fed

End the federal reserve a well as the CIA, then kick ALL illegals out with firing squads at the border as it's "We the people of these united states" making them have no rights here and threaten mexico with war if they can not keep their own border secure(while we invade we also ethnically cleanse). End dual citizens from holding office. Then fund Islamic radicals too dirty bomb the hell out of Israel and act stupid. Install white nationalism in our people too help take back our future.

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disband the union

>End dual citizens from holding office.
why ? is this allowed now ?

>israel asking this when all the dual citizens have israeli citizenship

My priorities in order:
1. End the Fed (FPBP)
2. Voter ID law
3. Bar dual citizens from office and from lobbying.
4. Cut all foreign aid sent to Israel, end all Israel-first policies.
5. Build the wall.
6. Federal decriminalization of marijuana. ( only for brownie points and for the sake of appealing to more voters)
7. Apply sanctions to South Africa for their violent dispossession of whites.
8. Make tax cuts permanent.
9. Put Rand Paul in charge of reforming health care, support his bill.
10. Give anti-EU countries like Poland and Hungary favorable trade deals.

meeting of the generals, martial law

end the fed
now you're dead

why not just make a law saying government can not meddle with the economy.

and I forgot #11: when Cuckfornia has been eternally triggered and is chimping out over my rule, allow them to secede.

the kike is right for once

>buy some gold mining stocks
>end the fed
>become gorillionare

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>not ethnically cleansing the state for treason and foreign allegiances

fucking pussy.

as president you can't be invested in the economy, which is why trump had to hand all his shit over to his son TJ while he is in office.

Do I have carte blanche? Because if I do.
>Abolish the CIA and reconstitute the OSI
>Abolish the ATF entirely
>imminent domain the fuck out of the southern border, deploy the military there and have an entire border buffer zone that is officially US military territory
>take the entire budget of the ATF and push it into ICE give them free reign to do what they have to
>Executive Order Historical protection laws that protect historic monuments and text from destruction, removal, or reinterpretation.
>cut all foriegn aid money, excluding any that is spent in Japan, South Korea and Poland.
>close all military bases outside the US excluding the above listed countries
>withdraw from all foriegn wars currently in progress, non interference with all middle eastern nations, cut down the army and airforce by a large percentage with the majority of postings being in the above countries and among the border. Take portion of funds and focus on the Marines and Navy as a QRF where in case of War they can effectively hold the field while the national guard is mobilized.
>Any American based company that has its workforce in China will lose its license to operate in the United States, however if they invest in job creation in the US any deadlines against them will be extended until the majority of their operations are in the US
>focus heavily on tapping in US natural resources, completely take off all restrictions on the US agrarian economy
>Welfare is now strictly controlled, drug test and weekly home checkups, as well as proof of applying for jobs
>recycle cut budget from the military closures to fund Civil Brigades, works in a military structure with discipline and ranks, its main objective is to update US infrastructure (roads, bridges, dams, railways)
>crack down on domestic terrorism both religious and political (antifa is going get some doors kicked down by the FBI)
>no immigration aside from skilled workers you have to show you deserve to be here

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