This guy is your worst enemy

this guy goes through out Montreal looking for hate symbols that you guys draw like swastikas and shit.
he is an Uber Chad and can fuck any racists shit up

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anyone who drives for uber is not a chad, dogfucker.

this guy power washes away 40 swastikas a day some times and he's jacked. watch the video

his virtue signaling is just a stunt, he has people go and draw them so he can look good in the eye of the public. real people, real right leaning people, dont go around vandalizing things.

>Qatar state-sponsored media decries racism
>Turns a blind eye to rife slavery and indentured servitude within their state.

It's simply a Wahhabist state using christian guilt to shame western nations.

Gay if true.

Truly a parody of a man

This. I'm full fash at this point but I don't go around committing petty vandalism, that is for niggers.

>draws swastikas
>comes back later to erase them
>runs to reddit to brag about how he is "bashing the fash"

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He's just some fat bald retard. Why do you think that is cool?

I'd stomp a mudhole in that little peckerhead. I shit bigger than him.

read the comments literally everyone says he's cool

so he is a jobless loser at that age lmao, and if its 40 then thats awesome. Im glad we are winning enough for natsoc to be so popular in Montreal

90% of swastikas are false flags

Lol, what a retard. Just use some clear-coat on the swastika, and this bald nigger can power-wash all day without getting it off.

he probably has a job or welfare

No you retard. It is because the Israeli and Saudi lobbies have the republicans/conservative in their pockets. As evident by how much Trump sucks dick. So Qatar and it's lobbies would want to maintain good relations with the democrats/liberals. No shit they don't really care about what they preach.

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>people on twitter are saying he's cool
Is that supposed to mean something you mindless shit licker?

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>and he's jacked.
What's he going to do, assault some graffiti artist?

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yeah raycists need be taught a lesson

I'd like to see abs that can deflect bullets and knives. I'm also pretty sure that his won't.

There will be people who call this "activism", there will be people concratulating him, there will be people giving him the ego boost he so sorely seeks by doing this sort of bullshit work.

But in the end, what does he accomplish? He will not make the hate go away. In fact, by painting over symbols of resistance, he tells them "Your opinion isn't valid". That means he fuels the hate even more.

And of course, what nobody's been mentioning so far: He's a hater himself, just on the other side of things.

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never, he he did that they'd win. (un ironically)

but children are exposed to this shit. he's saving people's tax dollars too. he does it for free

im having a stroke

>dat fedora
>dat picture of the racist nigger hater Che

>Christian guilt

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Not wanting women to be forced to cover their hair is not racist lol....he probably has people spray the swastikas ahead of time so he actually looks like he has something to do....virtue signaling loser

What the fuck, that guy is built like Heavy from TF2

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Now why would he call rabbis to do that?