If you had to deport one race in america who would it be?

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By sheer numbers and disgust they rank higher priority than anything else
Jews,Blacks and Asians are all minuscule compared to their numbers.

polish people



Friendly reminder that Amerimutt posters are JIDF


Deport them where? back to Europe? I'm completely fine with this and will spread my 56% Italian and 44% Irish Genes across the continent.

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Let it burn.

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>Being this butthurt

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After Jews? I'm sure you expect Jews to be most deportable, right? Asians of all kinds. Chinese and Indians mostly.
Asians are growing faster in number than Mexicans whose population is already declining naturally. They are also coming in to take white collar, not blue collar jobs so their earning power is already disproportionate. Indians and Nigerians are the highest earning groups in USA.

Deport Jews though just because of mindless NPC antisemitism. The Jews did nothing wrong!

none of them, they're going to eat their
daughters and sons once famine hits.

that's my idea of population control,
eat what you fucked into this world

◄ Leviticus 26:29 ►

You will eat the flesh of your sons and
the flesh of your daughters.

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Fuckin' Niggers. Duh.


Niggers, any other answer is wrong

I'd need to have a prediction of what happens after the particular group is deported. For example, I'd say get rid of the Jews, if it meant allowing LA MIGRA to do its job properly and remove every last illegal spic, and closing up the border. But since there's still tons of brainwashed whites, that probably wouldn't happen. So spics it is.

Jews is the only right answer.



Jews, Niggers and then Spics desu

>being triggered by amerimutt memes
If you're actually white, the mutt meme is funny because it's so fucking true

Blacks, no question


just all the fucking niggers


Send the whites back to europe.

We could use them here and moving forward we can insist with a clear conscience that europe is for whites only, all countries which does not want their whites anymore can send them over (no mutts, ofcourse), we'll happily finance cargo-boats which will dump all the migrants who want to come to Europe in the USA instead.
Whites merely stole credit for everything that makes the USA great anyway (or so I've heard), so surely all the blacks and mexicans will be able to do not just fine, but spectacularly now that all the racist whites are no longer standing in their way.

Jews must stay over there, of course.

no fuck off i refuse to let my home burn


Spics because their population is growing at an alarming rate. The black's population is stagnant.