We constantly hear from right wing and left wing that the mainstream media and now the CIA, FBI and the rest of the structures of power are liberal. For example, the right wing complains that CNN is liberal and the left wing rejoices in this fiction. But CNN along with the entire ruling power structure is the most militaristic, pro surveillance oriented, pro globalist, pro authoritarian, pro big business entities in America. So now we are supposed to believe that militarism and the rape of our economies by giant transnational conglomerates is somehow liberal? The entire structure of power in America is anything but liberal, it is pure fascistic and only uses a thin veneer gender friendliness to mask this fascism. And it has worked, all you need to do is claim that you are for gender rights and you can slaughter and rape all you want and both liberals and conservatives will never know that you are FASCIST.
>We constantly hear from right wing and left wing that the mainstream media and now the CIA, FBI and the rest of the structures of power are liberal no. we really don't. you're delusional.
Asher Gonzalez
liberals lost a lot of power in the 2 years since trump won but still hold enough to get certain things done.
Alexander Lee
yes, we really do hear ALL the time that CNN for example is "liberal" Sorry but CNN is the MOST militaristic, Most pro surveillance entity on the planet. It is you would are totally delusional (actually more like plain old ignorant)
Kevin Russell
They are only "liberal" because their world view is centered on the almighty GENDER CRISIS. But in fact they are more like shallow stupid superficial people, nothing at all like a classical liberal.
Levi Price
People need to stop conflating leftism and liberalism.
Dominic Wilson
The problem is really that none of these terms has any reference to their original meaning, so when the term is used we don't really have any idea what it means so the terms themselves are essentially dead in the water.
Cooper Wright
There are various layers. 1-What they believe but may be willing to lose to archieve their goals. 2-What they say they believe/will do. 3-What they will do 4-What they want to archieve (you can do something you know that will fail because you want the fail result.).
If you talk about layer 2 they are at area 24 of this political compass picture. SJW that believe what they say its good, are at this area too. If you talk about layer 4, they are at area 12 of the picture.
Liberalism in philosophical terms is very different from “liberals” today. The left is used by those in power to expand government, reduce freedoms and take control over the public.
Connor Wood
>liberals lost a lot of power in the 2 years since trump won rand corporation (not related to rand paul) already made this research at 2017. you can get the free pdf and check their result
1-"First, until recently, measurable indicators of the rule-based order remained broadly stable and did not show evidence of a rapid decline"
2-Second, however, developments since 2014—including Russian aggression in Ukraine, the Brexit vote, the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and the continued influence of far-right parties in Europe—suggest that the order could be in much more peril than the data through 2014 would suggest 3-Tird, to the extent that interconnections are apparent from the data, economic variables stand out as the most load-bearing elements of the order. 4-Fourth, the data suggest specifc ways in which the rule-based order has had practical effects to beneft U.S. interests. 5-Fifth, beyond the general ideological reaction to the order, the data raise worrying new trends, including evidence that key trends in the order may have begun to turn in negative directions in 2013 or 2014. 6-Sixth, there is evidence in the data to support a claim of liberal overreach. Te order is in the most danger in areas where it has been pushed to the far edges of plausibility. In such areas as liberal interventionism, the reach and extent of EU bureaucracy, and the speed of global trade integration, the data suggest that overly ambitious efforts to advance liberal elements of the order could be destabilizing. 7-Seventh, two powerful qualitative trends—shifting geopolitical balances of power and the emergence of a worldwide antiglobalization narrative—may pose a substantial, indeed historic, threat to a shared international order.
It's not liberals its communists...Communists believe in spreading their "democracy" by force. Neoconservatives agree, because they are also communists. Look it up.
Liam Rodriguez
“Liberal” and “Democrat” have become synonyms, despite the fact that the two groups have different views by definition. CNN is left leaning, the FBI and CIA were proven to be in bed with the DNC, along with most MSM sources, in the leaked Hillary emails. They are playing the confusion game. The goal is for everyone to have different information so nobody can agree on who the bad guy is, so they fight eachother instead.
Ian Roberts
Meaning of liberal has changed. You and boomers are the only ones getting hung up on that.
Carson Lewis
Not necessarily. They are jewish, and jewish first and foremost. They only tend to slide "liberal" (read: leftist/communist) because the Jew fears the National Socialist.
And that about wraps it up.
ps: this guy looks like he has AIDS
Nathaniel Phillips
Its just retarded american naming. Theres nothing liberal in USA at all in no side.
Robert Gutierrez
>lefties are pussies who can't get shit done >lefties also fill up all of the FBI and CIA
If you took a political litmus test to all the people in the FBI and CIA they will be 9/10 conservative/republican leaning.
Austin Lewis
Why do they cover up left wing violence and amplify or outright lie about right wing violence then?
Grayson Rivera
What that haves to do with liberalism at all
Brody Baker
who's the old lesbian in the ad?
Zachary Jones
It's a forced social cataclysm. Not an ideology.
Jason Miller
only idiots believe the word "liberal" and the label "liberal" have the same meaning all, or even some of the time. liberals are rebranded communists.
Samuel Rivera
>large surveillance state >conservative Sure bud. The powers that be are not left wing or right wing, just people who are money and power hungry. Whatever tools they need to use the will.
Camden Sullivan
Everyone in the world knows that USA liberals are not liberala but comunists, that why the term cultural marxism was created. Do you know why its not fascist? Because it doenst put the native people in the center but the State itself. You are right, you are not liberals you are commies, because that what happens when liberals are in power, commies replaces them, thats why libertarian ideology is dangerous, libertarians and liberals are commie ennablers, and you usually dont realise that you are being replaced before its too late, like what happened in USA.
Jason Martin
i like the idea of the ideologies map. The image needs to have some reworking though. Maybe a one of those floating word things (forgot what they are called)
Elijah Parker
I pretty much agree, now if only the liberals or left or whatever you want to call them would drop their bullshit identity politics.
Dylan Cooper
CNN is Leftists Authoritarian, Alinksy Marxists, not liberal more like communist. It's the sum total of the brainwashed Broadcast Journalists that came out of the college programs taken over over entirely by Intersectional neomarxist
the hypocritical aspects of leftism don't disprove the existence of the hypocritical aspects of leftism just by being hypocritical
Julian Gomez
Alinsky formulated tactics to disrupt the power centers - CNN's sole purpose for existence now is to protect and enhance every single element of the current ruling power structure. Have you ever read Alinsky? CNN is NOTHING like Saul Alinsky
Grayson Torres
Dumbass. Intelligence services like CIA control both sides, faggot. If they didn't, I'd lose a lot of respect for them.