Learn Your Origins

The origins of European peoples.
EEH - dates around 40k years ago
EEF - dates around 7k years ago
LNAF - dates around 4k years ago
AS - dates anywhere from 3k to 1.5k years ago

>b-but how come the Finns and Balts are so blonde whereas tatars, Turks, and Yakuts aren't
Finland has a much higher latitude (less sun), and the Finnish/Baltic people did not rely on fishing to get vitamin D nearly as much as the Yakuts did.
The Volga Tatars and Turks, even though they come from very cold land, experienced a lot of sun due to having lower latitude & also relied a lot on Fishing.
Finns/Balts/NW Russians and Turks/Yakuts/Tatars are one people. It's literally proven by DNA.
>If EEH came into Europe 40k years ago before the blue eye mutation, how come I _insert Iberian nationality_ have blue eyes?
That's because of your LNAF, EEF, AS or non caucasian admixure. or maybe you just happen to have a rare mutation/ light pigmented brown eyes that you mistakenly call blue.
>>Greeks & Turks are one people
I created the map to represent people at the time of Byzantine empire, before most of the mutting took place (and Empires grew in power and influence)
Turkey & Greece had shared genetic and cultural background before the TURKS (North Asian people) came into Turkey.
Turkey is rightfully Greek land & has always been that. If you think otherwise, I suggest reading a history book.
>All SLavs have common ancestry though
Absolute bullshit.
Slavic people in different regions have largely different genetic backgrounds. Sure there was some intermixing later on & culturally they were quite similar, it's about as dumb as saying that Asian Kazakhs are the same people as Balkan Albanians just because they share a similar culture.
Also, remember that the Russian empire did not exist then. So no mutting among the Slavs either.

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Sage goes in options of this medium effort D/C.

This is very wrong.

R1b and R1a both spread from the yamnaya/proto-indoEuropean culture.

I2 seems to have been the norm of Hunter Gatherers, though I think they found some C and R1b. Also it's not clear to me whether or not the current sublcades of I2 in Europe are remains of European huntergathers or were spread by farmers from turkey or from the proto-indo European expansion; same with I1.

The farmers seem to have been pretty heterogeneous with respect to paternal Dna, some being J or G, or E, I2?, I1?.

Also Slavic people particularly the Western and Eastern ones are very homogeneous, while there is Germanic admixture in the west and finno-ugric in the east, they both overwhelming descended from the same people group. And even the Southern ones are half way in between North Slavs and Greeks/Albanians.

Can someone pls explain to me what are Serbs? I never understood this shit.

Whoever made this is truly retarded.
French are a mix of Celts and Germanic, meds are only in the south.

A Slav-Med mutt. Serbs and other South-Slavs and Romanians cluster in between North Slavs and Greeks/Italians/Albanains.

This is so insanely objectively wrong
Usual memeflaggot

Yea the whole op is shit. The French while being more med than say the English or Germans, are still overall more Northern than Southern, and are more related to Germans or Englishmen than say to Iberians or Italians.

>yamnaya/proto-indoEuropean culture
Don't be confusing genetic and culture.
No European people actually have European culture as of now.
Christianity is Semitic in origin.
The Yamnaya were not Aryan nor in any way related to the Aryans.
They were North Asian.
The Aryans come from iran.
I2 & I1 have common ancestry, but that does not imply that I2 is somehow a branch of I1.
In fact, looking at the migration patterns in map above, one could conclude that both I1 & I2 formed in Central Asian & split earlier than 7k years ago.
R1b & R1a are related as well, but that is because European Hunter Gatherers are an Offbranch of Aryans.
In a sense, R1b came from R1a.
It is senseless to refer to Slavic as an ethnicity, because in doing so you equate the blonde mongoloid Northwest Russians who speak a Slavic language to the Dark Caucasian Serbs who speak a Slavic language.
There's no sense in doing that.


R1a aka Aryans were Eastern European. They originated in Ukraine and Russia, not Iran and India.

They looked like Pontids, East Nordids and Baltids with CM admixture.

I have trouble believing that.
You aren't an Italian then

That's just because you are utterly retarded
That flag you're hiding is most likely American

ydna is only 2% of your actual DNA. Pajeet with R1a and R1a Pole won't be close genetically in any way.

No, they originated in Iran.
They came into Ukraine and Russian, as well as North India.
In Russia, they interbred with the Mongoloid North Europeans, whereas in India they interbred with Non Human Dravidians (Dravidians are literally NOT homo spaniens)

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OP doesn't even know how y-dna works
My autosomal is closest to the Eastern Alpine population
(Guess how I1 got there, it's not hard if you can afford proper education and a brain)

When a large portion of a population in a certain location shares the same ydna, you can reasonably conclude that that ancestry accounts for more than 2%.

You're that idiot Kurd

No, they didn't originate in Iran. They invaded Iran.

Oldest R1a relevant for Indo Europeans is found in Ukraine and Central Russia.

Name a single racial similarity in me and semites.

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Oh look, this retard joined again

Germanocentric nonsense. Germans are more farmer than their Eastern neighbours.

Balts and Slavs should be closer to Aryans by default.

subhuman pseudo scientist with meme pictures

Right = Europeans = my skull

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Fuck off retard, Europeans are racially purem

Nobody cares about you, Iberian pseudocm larper

The closer you are to the upper left side corner....the whiter that you are

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Not a single one.
You're almost entirely EEH
Iberian stock
You could be French, Spanish, Portuguese, South Irish

Americans are retards. Europeans are a mix of WHG, ENF and Steppe people. Proportions differ in regions of Europe.

No one is fucking pure. Especially Amerifats.
Nonsense. West Euros aren't whiter than Easterners and Finns.

>literally a standard eu map

>Finns/Balts/NW Russians and Turks/Yakuts/Tatars are one people. It's literally proven by DNA.
This means Russia must annex it all.

Finns are not White.
Finns are Asian.
Just because they have blonde hair doesn't mean they're fucking white do you fucking understand that?

Wrong retard, Europeans are racially pure 0% semitic blood.



Finns are white.

Fuck off mohammad.

Latvians are pretty much the whitest by any objective measure. They have more WHG, less ENF and about the same steppe as Lithuanians and Estonians.

хeхeхe кaк cмeшнo.
Кcтaти Кpым Pyccкий

Western Euros literally created the term "white" and for about 200 years the only white people in America, Canada, Australia, etc were English, Irish, and Scandinavians.

So tell me how Slavs flipped that script in any reality except your head cannon??

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Literally retarded Americans everywhere

they are not white.
They descend from Central asian nomads.
OBVI-FUCKING-OUSLY having lived in the Most Northern Location on Earth for 4000 years, they are blonde and blue eyed.
You can put sub saharan niggers in Finland (in pre-civilization times, before the advanced tech) and Natural Selection would make sure they'd end up being blonde and blue eyed.
That won't make them white.
They'll just be blue eyed blonde niggers

Fuck off retard, finns skulls are european

Do you live in Sweden by any chance?

>French are in the same group as Spanish
Ok retard

>R1b migration

you know nothing kid

pic is shitty OP is retard

based Latvians.
Who cares what ENF heavy mutts think. Westerners and Scandinavians don't even have pale skin shade, but some weird orangetinted dirtyskin.
Compare Swede to a Finn or Balt and see for yourself.

WHG Dna is a Myth

Dark hair, dark skin, dark eyes.

It's okay though, you are still an American.

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Finns & Balts are Asians, which are notorious for having clear & even shaded skin so you are correct

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Fuck out of here retarded mohammad everyone can tell you arent white.

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>Finland has a much higher latitude (less sun), and the Finnish/Baltic people did not rely on fishing to get vitamin D nearly as much as the Yakuts did.
EHG's in Finland ate seal meat all the time and built stone settlements around the coast for this type of economy. High in vitamin D.


The inner and outer regions never had a dominant position and never contributed much genes in this country. Ever since Corded Ware, the southwest had the biggest influence and most dominant genetic contribution (Indo-Europeans), including for blonde hair.


Yakuts, Turks...whatever got nothing to do with anything and didn't even exist at the time.

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Based shitskin

R1 is much older than you think
Even some American Indians had it

Sklej te pizdę, amerykańska brudna kurwo.

>dark hair,dark eyes
None of that is facial similarity.

Some Germans are quite swarthy, yes.

The founders did not consider Germans to be white - and there are many people on this board who still do not consider Germans to be white.

But people from the British Isles (especially Anglos and Irish) are extremely pale. Nobody has skin as white as them.

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>They descend from Central asian nomads.
Don't have to be a genius to realize this, since the whole steppe was full of Yamna-type nomads.

shit map, you're not white memeflag

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Livonians were the whitest people in Europe, but they disappeared unfortunately.

Germans are mostly R1b so obviously I'd expect them (at least the PURe germans) to have Brown eyes and hair. IDK about "swarty" skin color though.
There really are no swarthy people anywhere in Europe.

Lmao so are you telling me that Scandinavians are related to Arabs?
Oh well, gues it isn't so enriching for them afterall

>French are a mix of Celts and Germanic

And Roman

Psuedo science.

What in the fuck are you talking about? Irish people were not considered white. They were malligned as an ethnic group until well into the 20th century.

They did not benefit in any way from imaginary white privilege so therefore they are not white. Same thing with Slavs.

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They may be pale but that doesn't change the fact that British are swarthier than the average Bavarian even. Brits literally have no bones and are swarthy. What little they got came from actual Germans and Scandinavians lol.

Anglo Americans were delusional. They even called Swedes swarthy at one point and we all know for a fact Swedes white mog Brits to hell and back.

>and are more related to Germans or Englishmen than say to Iberians or Italians.

Then explain why so many French have Italian last names.

I ask for actual racial comparison get no replies only shitty graphs.

I've yet to see an Iberian that looks like this but whatever floats your boat.

OP and most commentators in this thread are retards who only tangentially understand european population history and genetics, anyone with half a brain ignore this thread

True, more of a Hellenic, Italian or Hispanic facial structure.

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R1b is the celtic branch of the indo-europeans. They are not the WHG. And they came from eastern Europe, not India, and Iran.

The following are the main groups that compose modern Europeans in varying amounts.
1) Western Hunter Gatherers (med skin, blue eyes, brown hair)
2) Scandinavian Hunter Gatherers (light skin, blue eyes, blonde hair)
3) Early Euro Farmers (light skin, brown eyes, brown hair)
4) Indo-Europeans (light skin, brown/blue eyes, multiple hair colors)
5) Caucasian Hunter gatherers ( unknown so far)

Indo-Europeans seem to have been a mix of Eastern Hunter-Gatherers (another potential contributing population, especially in the east), Ancient North Eurasians, and Caucasian Hunter-Gatherers.

jesus who ever made this is a brainlet.

There are no Saxons in England before 500AD, because they come from Saxony in German, dumb fucks

Now listen here
Let me tell you
*vommits burrito*
All about
*gunshots in background*
Who is white

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It depends, Southern French are more related to North Italians and Iberians. Northern French more to Germans. France was the melting pot of Europe. Everyone has been in the country. It's why a French ethnicity is an entirely artificial concept. And they know it, that's why they made it illegal to distinguise French from each other.

It should be noted, a lot of people in Colonial America were unaware & they conflated Germans & Dutch people to the point where the term "Dutch" was pretty much applied universally to all Germans. Of course, that was likely a result of the word "Deutsch" being similar to "Dutch".

As a result, many of the Pennsylvania "Dutch" are actually German in heritage.

Post Avar pre Bulgarian slavs
Croatians and Bavarians were the one to first expell the Avars from Pannonia, Serbs and other lesser slavic groups migrated south after their collapse.
The Byzantine De Administrando Imperio doesnt tell us much about the early history of Serbs compared to the Bulgarians and Croats but we know that you came from north central europe, next to white croatia which is either in Galicia/Ruthenia or Bohemia (Bohemia mostlikely since out of Bavarian sources we know that Chrobatians were a Military caste formed out of eastern tribesmen)
Its possible that the authors made a mistake and switches Sorbs with Serbs, the other possibilities are then that Serbs migrated from the East over Pechenegia.

Bulgarians were originally a turkic nation and ruled the area of modern day Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria and part of Greece/Romania, they too migrated on a different route than the Czech, Slovaks, Croats and Slovenes.
For the local population there isnt much really preserbian, for Croatia we know about the Illyrians and Goths but other than Syrmium Serbia wasnt densely populated and no group dominated (Were it the Gepid, Dacians, protoillyrians etc)
And for the language, Vuk Karadic borrowed almost a third of the modern serbian language from Croatian and Montenegrin, he also arrived late compared to the Illyrian movement.
And thats it desu, you could look into the Scytians and Celts that lived in modern Serbia and fought the Persian and Macedonian Empires if you want some preroman history

Germans are bigger melting pot than French.

Tell me the racial similarities in this guy and an iraqi


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My paternal haplo is R-Z331 and my maternal is U4b1b... am I white?

That's only 2% of your DNA.

That bottom map is full retard

The ANE is baked into the EHG and CHG, which distinguishes them from their western counterparts WHG and the Natufian.

So Yamnaya/Proto-IndoEuropean are just a EHG and CHG mix, there's even a linguistic theory, I forget the name, that Proto-Indo-European language is a creole between the Caucasian and Finno-ugric language groups.

He's swedish

The arguement of having paler skin is negated when more Brits look like this than Germans do.

You'd be hard pressed to find many Southern Germans who look like they pass as totally mediterranean. The darkest people like Bavarians get is usually dark brown hair. Rarely black.

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Because what you call "iberian" is syrian.
And I am.nordic.

And portugal is inhabited by the semitic race.

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Complete nonsense. Germans are swarthoids and average German looks like Mengele.

"Dr. Davis Ramsey noted, “The common soldiers of the state were, for the most part, Irish.” British General Clinton wrote to his Secretary of War, “Immigrants from Ireland were to be looked on as our most serious antagonists”, and a letter from Ambrose Serle to the British Secretary of State went as far as to say, “Great numbers of Irish are in the rebel army”, and recommended that they be prohibited from leaving Ireland because “they add strength to the rebel army.” Even the Royal Gazette estimated that Washington’s forces were about half Irish.

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I will have to agree with you.
Pure Germans tend to have darkest hair & eyes

>No, they originated in Iran.

Wrong, R1A and R1b originated in Russia, and the proto-Indo-Europeans lived in the pontic -caspian steppe, who then spread these two lineages across Europe and Asia.

Top kek

Even the Austrians are whiter than the French or Brits lol.

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To me, they're all the same mutts.

>the Aryans did not originate in Iran

K became R
K we're SE Asian


Syrians for the Most part are not Iberian, but Hellenic mixed with Semite.
Syria was part of the the Hellenic world & Byzantine empire, and was not corrupted by the Mongoloid invasion like Modern Turkey (previously Anatolia) was.
Bashar-Al-Assad is the perfect example of an Arabized Greek.
Most Syrians (or at least the pure ones) would easily pass in Greece

EV13 Master Race checking in

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The swarthoid gene is clearly present in the French, hence being turbo manlets.

>maligned group

You do realize that Irish Catholics are the most successful white group in America and have been for almost 80 years now (since the 1960s)?

Wrong. Anglos are whiter than Krauts. Hands down. My family is old American stock. Krauts are just swarthy visitors here

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