Sexual Revolution thread 8

Welcome to sexual revolution thread: MOMMY edition.
(hopefully soon to be /srg/)

Key notes of the thread.
-The role of the woman in the family unit may be replaced and they might eventually lose their ability to contribute to society in total.
-Artificial wombs will not only be safer for child birth, but you can engineer your children safer from the start too. Artificial wombs wont get drunk or do drugs and risk your children to exposure, nor will they fall victim to car wrecks. It's just safer with artificial wombs
-Sex bots will eventually be able to take care of you on top of providing you with hours of sex.
(Archived link)
>human pregnancy in general is not efficient
>robots can cook
>robots that can clean
>advance robotic movement
>Sex bots technology so far
>Hotel staffed by robots
>more advanced robotics
>Africans are starting to use dolls
(Location of sex brothels around the world.)

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all of you 20lbs of pussy and ass rubber fucking losers will be long dead before artificial wombs or advanced robo waifu's are real

>rubber fucking losers

t. toasty roastie

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They are already here dumbtard. It's just not commercially viable yet.

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I'm going to get myself a Hatsune Miku model

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AI waifus are closer than we think.

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With 3D printing cutting costs for small-scale manufacturing, how long before pic related becomes reality?

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Companion gynoids would be pretty damn neat, especially if you could use a neural lace or whatever future equivalent there might be to directly connect mind to synthetic mind.

You could have a physical 'partner' you'd be literally connected to and able to read and interpret one another's thoughts. Mind/machine interfaces on top of a physical companion robot would be one crazy fucking future.

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It's sad really, if you really think a machine no matter how advanced can replace a woman.
A machine will never tend to you,cook for you, clean up after you,take care of you when you get sick or love you for who you are.
You'll sink money into this thing and get nothing

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>what is AI

>A machine will never tend to you,cook for you, clean up after you

Neither does a modern woman.

Also: A machine is much cheaper than a biocunt, no divorce, no drama, no false accusations.

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This BBC presenter cried therefore SEX DOLLS ARE WRONG!!!

>A machine will never tend to you,cook for you, clean up after you,take care of you when you get sick or love you for who you are.
Neither will a women, so what's the difference?

man now I want one

>You'll sink money into this thing and get nothing
They are already cooking,cleaning and fuck.

Even if there is no love they already are worth their price

Stop dating bad women and marry a decent christian girl ideally one in her late 20s or early 30s with a kid so you know she's mature
Or find a wife maybe

Put the proxy down, rabbi.

>This BBC presenter cried

He's a cuck weirdo. The doc was OK though.

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>Stop dating bad women and marry a decent christian girl ideally one in her late 20s or early 30s

Hello, master retard

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So the 3% of women who haven't ridden the cock carousel marry 3% of men and the rest get executed?
Is this what it's like to have 85 IQ?

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>No blue eyes

>So the 3% of women who haven't ridden the cock carousel marry 3% of men and the rest get executed?
>Is this what it's like to have 85 IQ?


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this is what you get when you let the jew in power

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How do we stop artificial wombs from birthing women? Do we just... abort them?

gene editing obviously

gene manipulation maybe?

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Unneeded, a mixture of the father and the AI 'mother' teaching and training them from birth to be decent human beings would be sufficient.

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this alone just sold me on one

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Women wont be effected by men masturbating with kikepuppets any more than they are effected by men masturbating with their hands.

They will continue to select from available men who are willing to reproduce as they always have. Kikepuppets just mean men can enjoy slightly more exciting masturbation sessions.

Single men will not begin raising children on their own with kikepuppet mommies. How do I know? Men don't adopt and raise children right now when there is nothing stopping them.

All this is is a way to monetize your sexual urges. Kikepuppet posters are literally falling over themselves to fork over sheckles to have the privilege of letting jew golems suck them off.

Don't forget to hose off the jizz chamber and re calibrate the moisture actuators every 100 faps queers.

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>I vaporized your ex-girlfriend

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>Sexual Revolution thread
>feeding the jew sheckles to masturbate into his goy trap.

Nothing is kikier.

>>Women wont be effected by men masturbating with kikepuppets any more than they are effected by men masturbating with their hands.
This, women already view 90% of men as subhuman anyway.

Within 10 years I'll be able to walk into a build-a-fuck store and customize my own sex doll to take home with me.

The future is bright as fuck

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>women already view 90% of men as subhuman anyway.
Somehow humping a kikepuppet is going to show them who's REALLY in charge.
>They're going to regret the day they rejected me when they see how pretty my Jiz-maiden 3000 is.

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>Sex toy's don't already exist

Fuck off faggot, nice hillary-pepe tier meme you got there botnet.

If it means a reduction in the amount of regular attention that they get, as well as the elimination of men doing anything they want for the vague promise of pussy in return, then yea it would be a pretty heavy blow against females in the battle of the sexes war

white knighting for jewish sex puppets?
well this is a new low even for you Hershel.

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>Somehow humping a kikepuppet

Except it's mainly produced in china and japan. Literally anti-kikery.

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>Single men will not begin raising children on their own with kikepuppet mommies. How do I know? Men don't adopt and raise children right now when there is nothing stopping them.

Why would they adopt and ensure the survival of other men's genes? I suspect many married men who do only do so because they're pressured by their wife. Now if single men had the option to have children without having to deal with women more may be willing.

>But surrogacy is a thing yet many don't take advantage of it!

Prohibitively expensive for most, and comes with its own risks. There have been cases where the surrogate mother decides to keep the kid, then get to collect child support from the father.

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Nope. It just means jerking off into a mannequin instead of your usual jizz sock.
It will have no effect on the amount of attention women get since men have been busily masturbating since time immemorial.
Pretending your jizzmop is your wife upsets the balance of nothing.
Unlimited access to a fucktoy that sits on your bed is exactly the same thing as unlimited access to pornography and kleenex.
Only one makes you double pathetic because you are LARPing that you have a girlfriend.

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that's an interesting dynamic but having artificial wombs and egg donor moms has nothing to do with sexbots.

Both men and women have roles in society...

Women have abondoned their roles, but men haven't.

This is the cause of everything that is wrong is society.

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Modern women don't do that now with the added risk she'll fuck some dude at a work function and take half your shit.

oh. well checkmate on me i guess.
China is draining your money for a plastic fuck doll instead of Jews. Either way you lose.

Carefull not to jizz up the hair too much. Repeated washing tends to weaken the fibers on the Chinese models.
Have fun faggot.

This bitch is mad her pussy stock is crashing.

Do you have any idea of the investigation that goes into parents via adoption and even surrogacy with their own dna? Do you honestly think you can pass a psych exam and that your income, life and medical records won't affect you having access to an artificial womb? It will be regulated highly, if it's even allowed at all. Nobody is just going to leave you alone to build an army of tards.

>wamen have access to sex toys
>"so liberated, rip patriarchy,


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>marry a decent christian girl ideally one in her late 20s or early 30s with a kid so you know she's mature
>marry a single mother carrying jamal rebellious young boy

I know fishing in those waters can be tough, but keep it up, you will do better next time, have a free "you".

men frantically masturbating never bothered women before...
...but now that it involves plastic dolls LOOK OUT., woman are gonna get BTFO.

Maybe they should stop fucking bitching about it then. It's getting old.

women bitching about men masturbating? this is news to me. you know women masturbate too right?

>playing retard

>Women don't care about things that take attention away from them

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Fuck sex robots, when am I going to be able to regenerate the fucking foreskin the kikes stole from me??

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Fucking this!
That's the real revolution we need.

can sexrobots just become normal already so i can get even more real pussy?

fucked 9 bitches this month, wtf are you niggers doing. its the easiest thing in the world

I've seen real life chinese women and some of them are really cute.

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user, you're fucking rubber because some anons convinced you all women are roasties.
Life will move on, new babies will be born, yours won't because you've been fucking rubbercum dumpster all alone.

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Honestly, sex bots will only ever be successful if they can recreate that feminine energy that makes the female sex so special, is that energy that moved legions of man to war and hardship, to endure untold suffering, just so they can protect the women they loved.

Anyone who has felt that energy knows how good it feels, feeling that feminine spark made me forever grateful to god, allowing me to be born as a man and to enjoy that grand feminine essence was his greatest gift to me.

If sex bots cannot reproduce that energy....then no, they will never replace the real thing, and I say this as someone who wants sex bots to succeed.

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>women have numerous sex toys, giant horse cocks and dragon dildos
>no one says a word
>males finally have thot bots

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accurate but you can back up the year to 1972, when Pong was released.

What happened after the first sexual revolution?
Did things became better or rather degenerate?
This should make you think

eh, for me its body heat, scent, and that temporary positive emotion they express during the first few weeks of a relationship. Infatuation can be replicated.

Women want control, but they're not gonna get it any longer.

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lol what happens when u get sick of fucking it? which will happen

Buy a different one.

Just like a real girlfriend, you find a new one.

non-baiting kissless virgin here. im wondering if the people that say
>real women aren't capable of love
were just betrayed by women in their past and thus believe they are incapable of being loved, and maybe don't realize they aren't worth being loved in the first place.

Modern women won’t either

Can we get them in this size too?

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What like short or tall or something?

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I wonder if delivery guys are noticing and increase in human-sized boxes being delivered to dark homes.

My artificial womb, my choice.