What's Jow Forums's opinion on the racial fitness of Polynesians and other Pacific Islanders?
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Based and redpilled
Please tell me there are more qts like him.
They're quite cool and have rich history and culture, even though obviously it's a bit alien to Europeans. Definitely worthwhile people.
Don't Polynesians and Pacific islanders have the most muscle mass of all races?
>get the fuck out meme lab influencer.
This is now a southern dandy thread.
Doesn't those islands have more obesity and betus per capita then the US?
They turn into landwhales at 30+
PIs are fucking rare, like .1% of the population. Literally who cares. They seem bro tho, but I wouldnt know cause no one fucking comes across them unless youre a NFL player
For every swole Tonga there’s 300 human manatees. You are what you eat after all.
buncha moks, they'd be useless if their women weren't easy.
>Oh, look. It's a retarded leaf.
Very hot and redpilled. Many white fags and sluts need that hunk
Well, that's embarrassing
What's with all the slide threads lately?
>ptg died for this
Fuck you leafnigger day of the rake when?
the ugly and smart incels just die early
Pacific islanders have massive obesity rates in America and Europe.
you just fucked up, leaf.
Fuck, I just love panty hose on a man. What is this?
Just fine, as long as they stay home.
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A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.
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The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.
They're very fat.
dumb and lazy, the perfect goyim.
My gosh, they're npc eyebrows
>What is Jow Forums‘s opinion on assorted shitskin #32648?
Every. God. Damn. Time.