Is she right?
What do you think
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Fuck your eugenics program kike.
Blacks need abortions
Probably thought he was on reddit
Whiteguilting girls into having babies
>you could afford a baby, we can't
>you could put your disproportionate amount of $$$ into babies, yet you rather spend them away enjoying single life
>have a baby and set things right
Yeah man, you really want more babies raised by the type of single mothers who would listen to something like this.
lol why are these baboons pleading to be able to exterminate dey keeds
Is this real???
Of course she's right.
Negresses should have a fast lane to every abortion clinic for a free scrape every 3 months and should be rewarded with a crime stoppers coupon of no more than $200 redeemable at any liquor store or place where grape drank is sold.
We should honestly let black nationalists do their thing instead of opposing them, eventually they'll all get cocky and will decide to move back to Africa and we can be finally live away from them.
Abortion is nigger population control
Guessing the image is probably satire but I fully support abortion for non-whites while being pro-life when it comes to white babies.
I understand perfectly.
And goddamn, she is right. isn't she boys?
Fuck your anti-eugenics program christcuck. Also
>supporting eugenics
Pick 1
this promotes black abortion and encourages white women to raise their babies...
done! we can't afford your baby either.
Literally just shoot niggers
Problem solved
>If I call them kikes they wont think I am one
That's not how it works
How many layers of woke is this bitch on right now? /Ourgal/
Good, subversive propaganda.
If black people don’t like their living standards in America, they can leave.
Minorities make up over 80% of abortion patients. I don't understand how anyone can be against abortion when criminalizing it would literally result in millions more niggers. Only cucks are pro-life.
>We need to abort black babies
They'll fall for this shit. Good job, OP.
Championing the genocide of niggers in the name of nigger lives matters
>the glorious irony
I support her
>Taste like watermelon
This bitch is woke af too. I'm starting to like black bitches.
>rewarded with a crime stoppers coupon of no more than $200 redeemable at any liquor store or place where grape drank is sold.
Thanks for that chuckle
yes. she is right. spam white woman social media with this meme
I agree with her. Move this nog to the head of the class.
fucking idiot, abortion is one of the best ways to keep the black population in check
>princess vitarah
Yes, less black and brown babies is always a good thing. Plus she’s right, she can’t afford it. And since the baby is black that means it doesn’t have a father, which means it becomes the responsibility of the taxpayer to both raise, and to hold in a prison when he comes of age. Easier to just abort