Is having children worth it?

Is having children worth it?

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I never had one, maybe one of this days it will happen , can't imagine .

Considering you're on Jow Forums and probably haven't touched a female ever, you don't have to worry about that.

The amount of pedophiles on pol alone makes me want to never have any kids.

As long as youre ready to commit your life to protectig and raising another human being. You will never feel like its worth it or like youre ready for your first kid, or even your second. Each time it was scary and nerve racking for me atleast. Once the baby is born and healthy, its a warm glorious feeling that isnt replicated anywhere else in life. Now that my kids are older (13 and 10) I still feel like it was way worth it, and really want more. Just think about how you will have your kids to help you, enless you become a complete deadbeat loser. Just raise them right and keep them away from the fucking jew, and you will die happy.

The amount of Latvians in the world alone makes me want to never have any kids.

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cringe and autismpilled

Absolutely. I had the neighbour's children twice on Saturday in about 10 different positions.

Who cares if someone is on here! Thats actually a good thing because we know hes atleast redpilled on the JQ, so he knows what to avoid and what to teach his kids about.
OP im more worried about your little anime fetish you got going on. You need to quit that.

Would you mind taking a seat on that stool?

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Children are wonderful, it's the narcissistic nagging feminist wife I'd be worried about.

having children is the whole point of life

>pedo jokes that may not be jokes
haven’t seen those in quite some time user, quite some time

Once you come on Jow Forums you'll eventually come to hate women because you realize just how much of this shit they're behind

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What is the proper way to feed children? All ages

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I’m white and I love impregnating my white wife.

50 years ago maybe.

Start with mashed veggies

Experiment- It's a new chapter of LIFE

I certainly hope so, since I've got one on the way I'm all in at this point. Wouldn't even consider abortion, fuck that. I've noticed though that there's a huge spectrum in the personality of the kids that seems directly linked to how the parents raise them in the first couple of years.

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> I've got one on the way
Wait are you a girl?

How many kids user.

Not if you're a single mom like me.
I know I'm a pariah and degenerate.

>The point of life is to have children so that they can grow up and have children so that they can grow up and have children so that they can grow up and have children so that...

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breastfed until their teeth come in (like 2 years)
then a diet of meat, fish, dairy, and fruits.

The kids... yes
The mothers.... no.

We need a way to have kids without women fucking with mens lives.

Feed them bowls of eggs

The Mrs is.

sauce on anime girl??

Ah well congrats!

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Pretty sure its one of those incest comics at that 8muse site.

Haha, you're right, user. Might as well kill yourself now

Parenthood is the ultimate cuck

Oy goyim be sure to work very hard to pay for your child and entertain them with our media and oh by the way you better work even more overtime and pay more taxes if you ever want your Fuck trophy to attend college

Or work normal and retire early gee which one do you think (((they))) would prefer

If I had children, I'd have to give up my hobbies and spend a crazy amount of time with them that I could spend improving myself and building stuff instead. Also I'd have to deal with some roastie who even if she looks good now, will be an ugly shriveled up mess in 10 years tops. I'd rather not. Marriage locks you in for a dead-end life with no way to escape. I will keep improving myself, working hard and realizing my dreams instead.

only if they're white

Parenthood is literal NPC behavior. If you're not an antinatalist you need to seriously reevaluate how intelligent you think you are.

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yes. the most redpilling experience a woman can have is to bear a child, it’s literally the only way to fix most of them.

moot decreed that this a weeb site first and anything else is secondary.

Yes, but it’s the biggest step of your life. At 19 I had three children all born that same year. I am really glad to have them even though on the other hand I’m sure you’ll appreciate that it was a disaster and fucked my life up for years.
You cannot autisticly plan life and expect everything to happen as you plan it. Stuff just happens.
Oh, and don’t trust girls to take their pills even if you’ve bare backed and fired up her 100 times before.

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You first, faggot

isn't it kind of a legitimate conversation to be having now- since we are so close to asexual reproduction- to debate the possibility of cloning oneself??? isn't a clone vastly superior to a child?

My brother just had a kid and it's like he's been transformed. He's never been dedicated to anything like this. Makes me think there's something to it

Did he name it Teemu, Timo or Esa-Pekka?

I unironically want 10 kids for the sole purpose of indulging in my pregnancy fetish with a Dutch-Jewish qt.

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You're going to keep saying that in 30 years.

His wife convinced him to name it something foreign unfortunately. Thankfully European though

Interesting. Where is Moot now?

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>something foreign unfortunately.
Your ancestors in Tuonlea are awake and weeping, serkku.

What happens when you're acting like a horny lil boy and she's moody as fuck for actually being pregnant (again)?

if youre a slave its a liability. if youre free yes. most people are slaves


Yes! You can fuck them later on.

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Muslim detected.

Yeah yeah yeah--100% of american posters are white WASP men who have minimum 2 hwhite daughters and have "done their part".

Fuck off larperstein.

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do it goy

t. screaming child

It's fine if you don't like watching things. But if you think watching television is okay and watching anime isn't you're even worse than a cuck.

>Oh no! Don't watch media from a culturally homogeneous society, we don't need you nazis getting any ideas!

you will never have kids muahhh

>tfw your impregnation fetish is so strong you do not get aroused from protected sex

haHAA, told him!!!

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>Is having children worth it?
yea, tightest fuck you'll ever have

>Oh no! Don't watch media from a culturally homogeneous society, we don't need you nazis getting any ideas!
Yeah that has zero to do with why I don't like it. It's fucking gay as fuck, campy and overdramatized to death. It really makes me fucking cringe whenever I see it.


plebbit and memy hahah sooo funny i beat you are smurt

>reddit and morty
kill yourself

there is this russian girl i talk to online and she says she wants to rub her pale mongolian feet all over my greasy italian face :(

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Don't like anime, feel free to fuck off. This is an anime place of gathering.

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Only if you plan on living past 50.

Yes, but you have to have made a good life for yourself, so you can pass it on to your kids.
If not, there is a lot of opportunity for resentment and blame games.

Every white child born is a punch in the face to global Semitism.

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Nothing a bit of foreplay or marijuana couldn't fix.

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Its a sad state of affairs when getting a woman pregnant is a fetish now. Fuck this gay Earth.

basted stinky poster

Yes. :)

if i date a white girl who has a white kid, does that make me a cuck?

Only if the father is still in her life. I've seen a black man taking care of white kids before and the look on his face was tragic.

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I bet her feet smell like roses!


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They are extra smelly because they are dark uwu

Brown girls need to start putting their smelly feets in the wh*te gene pool. Hopefully the smell will contaminate it and spread the dark genes.

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I'm going to wash anchovies feet in mint and lime!

You can't wash the anchovy's feet. They are permanently smelly like mozzarella because she is a stinky italian uwu

You can try giving her foot rubs though but you might start to turn darker because of rubbing such cute, swarthy italian feets

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That's not a fetish user

I can honestly say that I have NEVER heard a girl within my own age talk about having kids EVER. Not even kidding, having children is not something I've ever heard a woman talk about IRL.

U might as well kys if you're looking for a new husband because your kid is gonna get molested by at least one of the men that run thru you

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What age? I'm sitting at 25 and I've noticed the last 3 years that kind of talk has skyrocketed around girls my age but the younger ones are still diving headfirst into the feminist memes.

Anyone else thing the fingers look a little off? Like I get they aren't the focal point, but they just look weird.

This. My mom was a liberal until she had kids.

that's about the age where they start looking for beta bux after riding the cock carousel

ok diaperfur

No. I should know, I was one.

100% worth my son started waliking yesterday.

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Recognizing the biological clock in their mid 20s is a + in my books, better than the previous gens fucking around until 30 and then realizing they can't actually have the kids. One step at a time.

how is that your concern and not that her boobs are so fucking low?? not even in the sagging kind of way???

Yeah but you should still get her pregnant if you're white. You'll probably be closer as a family if your guys kids can be siblings.

Probably bc you're a dude.

Get a 5 cylinder magnum revolver and 4 bullets because that's how many will be NPCs. Make the shots count.