You can choose ONE person who can beat Chomsky in a debate, you do you choose?

You can choose ONE person who can beat Chomsky in a debate, you do you choose?

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Unironically I don't think any fascist, past or present could

Ryan Dawson

in a debate about what OP?
fuck you

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Randall carlson

Christopher Hitchens



Even Hitler?

What is the theme of the debate?

If it's the current Brazilian situation, I choose judge Sergio Moro and watch as Chomsky is severally damaged and destroyed by someone who actually knows what he's talking about.

Wanna know the secret about Chomsky? He's not really a specialist in the themes the talks about. I discovered this after he started talking about Brazil and noticed EVERY SINGLE POINT HE MAKES has already been made by the left-wing media.

Chomsky pretty much regurgitates what left-wing magazines around the world tell him. That's all. There's no substance, no actual investigation. He never read the BR constitution before talking about Lula, he never read Sergio Moro's sentence, he doesn't really know anything, he's a hack.

So, basically, just choose any actual specialist or right-winger from any of the countries he talks about.

>native american
>libertarian capitalist ( as opposed to "anarcho syndicalism")
>conservative longtime anti war activist and antizionist (and anti-neocon)
>blew the lid on 9/11, thus exposing chomsky as a gatekeeper neocon/zionist shill

this mans life work is literally the destruction of chomskys false paridigm.

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I have no proof of this either way, but I feel like hitler would be a pretty lame debater


kai murros

What's the topic? Linguistics? Probably some young machine-learning guru. Economics? Any capitalist with an IQ above 120.

>conspiratard v conspiratard

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Chomsky's entire career has been made on media-spectacles and brow-beating, going back to the original Skinner feud. Skinner has been shown to be right about a lot of things as time has gone on, but because Chomsky got personal while Skinner just chose to ignore him, the dumbass media took that as Skinner surrendering.

A stroke.

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Positively Trump

Sam Harris

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I'd pay fifty bucks just to see Chomsky and Schlicter go toe to toe.

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Adolf Hitler

Rand Paul

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Ben Shapiro

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The problem with Chomsky is that he is very good at reading stuff and absorbing it, so he reads all of the major left-wing specialist of dozens of different areas, regurgitates what he reads, and then people think he's some kind of genius. It's a very hard job to do, and very few people can do it, which is why no right-winger has the same range as Chomsky has.

However, he is blind, because he only knows one side of the issue. Thus, if judge Sergio Moro and Chomsky were to talk about politics in general, American history, the oppression of blacks, mainstream media and whatnot, judge Sergio Moro would look like an idiot because he is probably not well-read on those topics, but as soon as they talked about the area of expertise of Sergio Moro, it's Chomsky who would show himself to be an absolute hack, a fake, a lie and a fraud.

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> choose 1 person to bean Noam Chompsky
ME ME! ME!!! ill do it! ill do it for free! shit ill pay you $500 for a shot at that cunt! is there a time limit? is it ok if i beat him to death? can i let my girl take a few pokes at him too? she hates his dumb egotistical ass almost as much as me. i have so many questions, but im so excited for this opportunity!
> a debate.
awww man.
you dont "debate" chomp chomp, he uses weasel words so much you can never pin him down or get him to state his position. he "debates" by spinning a candy floss cocoon of meaningless buzzwords and gibberish around himself, and then declares victory.
if he is forced to take a firm position with no escape hatches or nebulous re-defintion of words, he would destroy his own claims faster than his opponent could. chomp chomp is BULLSHIT ARTIST, nothing more. he plays with words like a retard plays with his own shit.

It's no conspiracy, 9/11 was 1000% Jewish metawar bullshit

ryan always uses sourced evidence. hes not a conspiracy theorist. he is a modern historian.

Ted will win.

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Good answer.

Pity he's dead

olavo de carvalho

William F. Buckley already did.

peter would still tear him a new asshole. chomsky is a clown.

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Sargon of Akkad

With someone alive or dead? If a historical person, I'd choose Nietzsche or Heidegger.

If a contemporary thinker, I would say Theodore Kaczynski.

Based and redpilled.

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Uncle Ted

Hitchens would look like an idiot, because Chomsky's range is larger. Maybe Hitchen's rhetoric could help him, but that would be it.

You cannot be a generalist, and Chomsky is good at pretending to be a generalist. He only really knows the left-wing arguments, but that's enough to pretend.

If you wanted to debate Chomsky, you would need a team. Thus:

The situation in Brazil? Judge Sergio Moro.

The importance of IQ? Charles Murray.

Human nature and the possibility of anarchism? Probably someone like Steven Pinker.

Soviet history? Soljenitsin or some intellectual heir of his.

Some random nigger

Ted would get on well with him no? Chomsky isnt like the gatekeepers in academia that Ted hates

zizek already beat him, why are we having this thread? chomsky is a lightweight

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I win. That little kike had to be bailed out by mossad with their backdoor to every American landline.

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zizek is a snivelling (literally) moron

>zizek already beat him



>call him a Jew
>he jerks back and screeches “I’ve been found out”
>the whole room claps

Anyone who's doing contemporary linguistics instead of that outdated generative bullshit.

Chomsky flew to brazil like 3 weeks ago and endorsed hadad and the left-wing candidates and called for lula to be released from jail. He knows exactly whats going on, and he's more politically active than anyone on the right even though he's in his 80's.

Ok, this is epic. Ben Shapiro

2 minutes in, WHB reads a direct quoite from chomp chomps own book, and chompy says "Um.. i dont think i put it quite like that..." he really is a worthless pile of shit
the buckster roasted that kike over the coals.

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The writer of this article

Bill Clinton. For the right money that slick bastard can beat anyone. He has no morals, no agenda but cash and pussy.

This thread is pathetic.

It's literally my jew will beat your jew.

Chomsky would lose to President Trump and anyone who is for nationalism and against open borders, since Chomsky is at his heart a globalist open borders communist jew, and one just has to remind him that his ethnic people have among the strictest borders and immigration laws for a reason and that Chomsky only says bad things about Israel but in the end will never do anything to actually deconstruct his jewish privilege.

a debate about what?

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This. You'd like this article

Adolph Hitler

Is Bill Clinton /ourguy/?

*This except Trump is a Zionist too. Trump conned his base sadly.

If Hillary preceded him in death, it could happen. She has been po much shit on him for him to step outside the lines.

Who the fuck is chomsky. Some retard with a name like that try to debate me id body slam him

> The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. They had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Chomsky really is just a pile of weasel words and lukewarm opinions LARPing as some kind of revolutionary. Personally I'd put him up against a drunk Conor McGregor who would get tried of his linguistic tricks that hurt his atrophied mick brain and just hit him which is how you win an argument against someone that argues in circles.

Mad Dog Mattis, warrior scholar.

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I know everything about what you are talking about. His wife, Valeria Wasserman, even had a page of the Luis Nassif (stupid leftie) blog. She's a translator and photographer, I think, and her parents are from Minas Gerais.

Chomsky knows nothing about the BR situation, he only knows the left-wing point of view and endorses the left no matter what. He cannot speak Portuguese, and therefore he doesn't know BR law nor the details of the Lava-Jato operation. Any right-wing BR judge would easily refute him in a debate because the points he makes are been made ad infinitum by all Brazilian left-wingers for more than two years now.

There in America he sounds knowledgeable to you, but for us BR's he sounds - believe me - precisely like this NPC meme you guys have been talking about. Precisely.

Any fascist can beat this jew

Nassim Taleb although he isn't really a solid debater hes better mathematically

>of the Luis Nassif

Sorry: *in the*

I actually even know her Facebook address, though I won't post it here. She's doesn't seem to be particularly smart, just your average left-wing intellectual type. She's very good friends with Woody Allen and now Chomsky watches his movies with her.

Yer just a foookin fanboi

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Is that Balki from Perfect Strangers?

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Count Dankula's pug

>beating anyone on the anti-capitalist left in a debate
i'd pay money to see that

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him if the nazi pug isn't available

He beat both Hillary and Bernies faggy asses didn't he?

neither of those was anti-capitalist, and no, he only beat Hillary, Bernie would have beaten him badly but the DNC wouldn't allow it



I'd nominate Taleb too though it depends what they'd be debating.

Win a debate objectively or through rhetoric?
Lots of people could be him rhetorically; he doesn't have the charisma or the quips.

>hernia would have won
Hahahahah he couldn't even beat Ted Cruz

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Came to post Buckley, but someone's on top of their shit today.

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True but Nassim would most likely win a lot of feilds that aren't linguistics

No one mentioned Sowell...?

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Does Chomsky ever debate anyone tho? It seems to me he only speaks in circlejerks.

>skinner > chomsky
everything have shifted in nature's direction over the past sixty years, not nurture

Imagine it, Chomsky has made a life constantly whinging about America and its "war crimes". Mattis who knows war, both first hand and through the constant reading he's known for. Mattis is the perfect person to push his shit in.

>You can choose ONE person who can beat Chomsky
Me. I'd have to careful because I want him to last a good thirty minutes before I snap his neck. Outer extremities first with a baseball bat then work up to ribs and jaw.

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Who is this?

What a fuckin hypocrite.

As much as I dislike the guy, he would shred Chomsky.


The truth is that the counter augment would come from a moral relativistic neoconservative philosophy that would most likely espouse Exceptionalism as the casus belli for intervention and neo-imperialism.

The Undertaker