Operation NPC jack o' lantern

Operation NPC jack o' lantern

You get where I'm going with this

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Wasting food

carved my pumpkin today
comfy af

waste of oxygen

>carve NPC jack o' lanterns
>NPCs are too subconsciously triggered to knock on your door


Good. I don't want those fuckers at my house anyway.

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why doesn't someone come up with something more global, nobody does this shit in my country

fuck your country memeflag liar

That's a good one.

are those types of pumpkins even edible

how did you get pumpkins during the winter? inst Russia super cold?

There goes the neighborhood.

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light inside should be off

>find libshits
>place npc pumpkins in front of house
>at worst they’ll smash the pumpkin, at best other libshits will attack themselves
>internal chaos, turn the witch hunt on itself

i've never seen a pumpkin that color in my area only orange

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peaceful and tolerant i only dream to live in a world in which you got your own way

>Eating carving pumpkins

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I don't get people who get upset over the concept of "wasting food". it's like, what are we supposed to do with it? create bloated dependent third world populations? with fucking pumpkins?

they want us to load it in our catapults and fling it over to africa

it looks painted

i know but nobody ever does it around here because its fucking stupid nigger

Who's treats? Our treats!

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Bums come around and eat them the next day. Homeless pumpkin pie is a real American treat if you ever get the chance.

Avoid the Mistletoe Stew though.

This is gold

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It would horrify you how much land in my state is dedicated to decorative pumpkin growing.

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>NPC Jack O Lantern is orange
>orange man is bad
>NPC is like bad orange man?

squash is dirty and not real food.

Truly the scariest pumpkin

I'm doing my part!
Are you?

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I got a couple grey ones from the patch the other day
The smaller one I'm just gonna sharpie, but the bigger one.. I've thought about painting the inside black or something so the candle emits a different color

My npcumpkins I'll be working on
I'll sharpie the smaller one and carve the other

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omfg lol


What the fuck is your problem, faggot? Why would I ever want to give my pumpkins aids

There is no light in an NPC. Snuff that shit out right now.

You hollow it out prior to carving. I make pie from the flesh and roast the seeds.

you remove the edible stuff first

roasted pumpkin seeds are awesome

Fuck yes, they are.
I got my girl to do it with me last year and she was nonestop bitching about it, when I'm plopping those fuckers right out into a bowl and digging through it's guts

I like it.
Here are some tits for you user

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NPC Wojack-o-lantern

A welcome surprise.

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