How important is to have a gun for home defense?

Realistically speaking. Is it really important to have guns for home defense?

Statistically speaking, how prone are you to have your house invaded?

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I live in an area where home invasions are common and the local police will tell jokes over your murdered body.

Realistically speaking. Is it really important to learn to swim?
Statistically speaking, how prone are you to drowning in water?

Every able bodied male should own at least one firearm under the conditions and laws we have set at a federal level. Train with it, become proficient in its use.

Most home invasions happen during daylight hours when neighborhoods are empty with people at work. The chance of you being there while it happens are slim. Still not a chance I'd take.

Go to a gun store, finger Fuck them.
Decide on either a shotgun, rifle or pistol. Take into consideration whether you have neighbors, or live more rural.

If you ever need a gun, at that moment you have never needed anything so badly in your life.

I believe if you want to assert your freedom and protect your property it is in your best interest to purchase a firearm. That being said, you need to know how to operate it, and I do NOT recommend handguns to anyone who hasn't had extensive training. For home defense, get a shotgun, load it up with buckshot or birdshot and use a 18.5" security barrel. That way you don't need to be very accurate and you will have a minimized risk of a misfire.

t. Former Range Safety Officer

>I do NOT recommend handguns to anyone who hasn't had extensive training. For home defense, get a shotgun, load it up with buckshot or birdshot and use a 18.5" security barrel.
This is the best advice. I have had training over 20 years with various handguns, and have a .44 magnum. There is no fucking way in hell I would fire that thing with a ported barrel inside. I like my hearing too much. This is why I keep a small semi-auto rifle. Its much more quiet, and frankly just as lethal.

Okay. Statistically speaking you're much more likely to kill or maim yourself, or an innocent third party than an intruder. There are a lot of reasons to have a gun including self and home defense (especially if you're rural and need it for wildlife). Just if you want to play a numbers game? Safer bet is not to have one. I say this as a person who has two. :(

Forget home defense. It is looking very possible were going to be needing guns to defend the country..

If youre even a US citizen that is.

It's important whether you live innawoods or innacity.

Statistically speaking, I am in a safe neighborhood, but the shitty neighborhoods are only a 10 minute drive away. And I can bet they aren't shrinking.

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>jews scare whites into buying guns
>blacks break into white homes and steal guns
>jews arm blacks and make a profit doing it
>jews flip the switch and blacks point their guns at whites instead of blacks

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I love my Mossberg 500. I have 3 barrels for it. When it sits by my bed at home i have the 18.5 inch defense barrel on loaded with buckshot. The 28 inch barrel is great for bird and small game hunting and I have killed many deer and coyote with the rifled slug barrel and scope. Very versatile gun. Also have handguns but only use them at the range.

who do you think you are?
the govt won't let you defend their country

Didn't even make it past the 2nd line. Breaking into the home of a gun owner means you get shot.

Mildly. It's more for dick waving and range shooting.

One could argue that your need for a firearm rises directly proportional to your proximity to shitskins. The more of them you have nearby, the more likely you will have to defend your home or family from one. It doesn't even really feel like killing a person if you shoot one.

Its better to have one compared to needing one and not having it.

Where do all the guns used to commit crime come from?

straw purchases.




Straw purchases and theft. Here locally the police are having to tell the Bubbas to take the fucking "truck guns" inside because too many teenaged niggers are just walking through the white neighborhoods testing cars for unlocked doors. And they were taking lots of pistols out of pickups.

If the government isnt going to defend it themselves, who will?

It’s your god given right as an American of good character to own as many guns for whatever tickles your fancy.

We make them and sell them through faulty FFA buyouts. Also people don't realize that you can build unregistered, un-serialized firearms very easily. These are called "ghost guns".A cursory google search will blow your mind.



You never know, often it's acquaintances that are responsible for home invasions. You might be in the whitest rural suburb in America, but if dildo wants your guns, or families pussy- an invasion is a possibility. Best be prepared.

I've never had to use it but that's not the point. You never need car insurance until someone runs into you with no insurance and you need it. I have been hit twice when the other person had no insurance. Once was a 17 year old driving home from high school 1/4 mile from where he lives, the other time was some nigger bitch that bought a 2015 Lexus RX350 then claimed that she couldn't afford the insurance on her luxury SUV.

fuck off kike

Indiana, Georgia, Arizona and Virginia. Basaciaily some dindu who managed to not have a record buys guns, grinds the serial number off and sells it to his homies up north.

The world is a dangerous place if you plan to see another summer day you are going to need to make appropriate safeguards.

98% white community here. I dont think we've had a home invasion in decades.

I can't tell you how many times I've been to Bass Pro, Academy Sports, etc and seen a sheboon filling out a form 4473 with her nog looking over her shoulder and the salesman just has a look of disgust. It's always a Glock box sitting on the counter. It's like they don't know any other brand.

the police.


Yes, secure it when you are not home if you cannot take it with you when you aren't there.

I have had to draw my cc pistol once and the person thought better of trying whatever it was he was gonna do.

We ALL have guns around here, so we're safe enough that home invasions are becoming rare.

Castle Doctrine + Stand Your Ground = dead thugs.

It depends how effective your moat/drawbridge and pride of lions is at defending your palace.

Who are the niggers stealing those Hi-Points from then? That's right, other niggers.

Jokes on you fucker, I only home invade with lion snacks. Pic related

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Who cares? Buy one.

If you are white and don't acquire guns, it is simply natural selection and you are too weak for this world.

you're retarded for asking this

pretty much. especially since there are shitloads of sales on police sidearm trade ins, and BASED
PSA making the AR affordable for everyone.

>don’t count on a pistol for HD until you’re proficient in it

Good advice

>load an HD shotgun with birdshot

Awful advice

>you don’t need to be very accurate with a shotgun

A cylinder bore shotgun patterns to about the size of a fist at indoor distances. You definitely still need to be very accurate with it

Get an AK and a Glock 17. That’s all you need.

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It depends on if you live in an urban area.
If you do, it's probably illegal to fire a gun within the town. And that makes sense because the odds of you accidentally shooting a neighbor are high.

>glock 17
There are over 6 gorillion quality, reliable polymer framed striker fired pistols that don’t have the ergos of a 2x4 and point like absolute ass

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youre a fucking faggot my dude

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Statistically speaking, low risk. But if it does happen, you'll want a gun. The time between calling 9-1-1 and reaching a live person is at least 45 seconds in many places, more in urban areas. The time between beginning your conversation with that person and police being dispatched is at least one more minute. The time between police being dispatched and arriving is a minimum of 5 minutes if you're lucky. In a lot of places, figure on 10 minutes. So you're looking at a floor of 7 minutes best case of waiting for help. Do you want to be locked in a room somewhere on the phone hoping the bad man doesn't get in?

Get a shotgun, load it with 00 buckshot. Don't use birdshot, all that does is create a nasty shallow wound. 00 buck will go through walls, don't believe anyone who tells you it won't. You will have to aim. But it will hit hard, figure 1" of pattern spread per yard after the first 5-10 yards - you probably don't have that long an open space inside your house. Handgun wounds are more likely that not survivable, a blast of 00 buckshot is a level of trauma hard to survive.

Its kinda like vaccination. The fewer people who are vaccinated the more cases of measels you will start seeing. Likewise for gun ownership and home invasions and oligarchal government overreach.

mosin nagant is three weapon in one
of excellent protections for home

Statistically, its very unlikely that someone tries to break into your house let alone do so with the intent to kill you. Could be less than 1 in 1000. The real question is, are you willing to take the chance?

U know what they say. “Better to have a gun and not need it, then not have a gun and,” POW

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Who the fuck cares about statistics? Guns are so cheap why even chance it? You can pick up a Mossberg maverick or a hi-point if you're extra poor, and just buy a box of Ammo every few years and shoot through your old box to ensure you always have good ammo (although realistically modern ammo will probably last far longer than a few years, if you're really trying to ball on a budget).

Not at all.
Get a few German Sheppards , security cam , and make sure you have a landline to call 911 from.

I'm a neet with 290 dollars. How do I defend my home? My mom has a gun but shes never even shot it and keeps it locked away separate from the ammo.

It’s not about how likely is it going to be for home invasion. It’s about how safe you would be in such an event. Obvi a gun would keep you from being taken advantage of.

Get a fucking job!

I agree. Get a job. Save . Self sacrifice is an investment.

Mossberg maverick. Around $200 dollareedoos and you can spend the rest on ammo. I'd generally recommend a cheap .223 rifle over a shotgun, but $200 is pretty much strictly cheap shotgun territory. You could pick up a cheap milsurp pistol instead, and that'll work if you choose one that isn't in a meme caliber, but a shotgun with 00buck (#4 buck is statistically better, but can be harder to find because "MUH DOUBLE AUGHT BUCK" meme) is a proven nigger eraser. I once heard an anecdote from a prison guard who noticed that gang bangers had more tattoos of shotguns than anything else. He asked the inmates why, and they told him it was because they just put people down in one shot. Now you shouldn't base performance on anectdotes necessarily, but one shot of 00 buck is the equivalent of shooting someone with seven or eight .380 bullets, so do the math there.

>Realistically speaking. Is it really important to have guns for home defense?
>Statistically speaking, how prone are you to have your house invaded?

The Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council released the results of their research through the CDC last month. Researchers compiled data from previous studies in order to guide future research on gun violence, noting that “almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year.”

More info:
Fact Sheet: Guns Save Lives -

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This. Fucking same. Chicagofag here. You better have a fucking gun here.

no rifle no lifle

i live near a heavy foot-trafficed area. we've had to call the cops due to a hobo trying to jimmy open our back door and banging on the window. somewhat prone frend

I live in an area with

Disarming our military and police is a bad idea. Please, leave my country.

having one definitely makes me feel safer. friends house was broken into and he doesn't live too far from here, and I live in a low crime area.

>Is it really important to have guns for home defense?
it is when it happens to you

The fact that this thread so far is at least 90% US flags is quite sad. Imagine not having the right to bear arms or to even use them in self defense. Even Canada looks like a gun rights country compared to the cucked nations of Western Europe.

>Realistically speaking. Is it really important to have guns for home defense?
>Statistically speaking, how prone are you to have your house invaded?
Probably depends on where you live. But seeing as there is no downside to having a firearm (except I guess the money you spend to buy it) there's no reason not to have one.

I came home to a ransacked apt last week after class. Would have felt a whole lot safer with a gun while I figured out what was going on. This happened in Berkeley CA. Applying for my CCW soon.


the important thing is the laws in your state if you could even use it on an intruder

I woke up with a man in my room, standing above my girlfriend and myself. He thought the house was empty, and when my roommate came home, he retreated into a back bedroom to hide. That bedroom was mine.

My girlfriend woke up and was petrified and could not move. I woke up, and was barely able to move myself. It took me two seconds to get to action. I had no gun, and all I could think was that a burglar would undoubtedly be armed with something. I shot out of bed and ran towards him, and thank fucking god he ran out of the house. Thank god. Thank god. If he'd had a knife, and been crazy enough to use it, I'd have been a mess.

I went out and bought a gun. I also have a dog now. I don't know what the odds are. All I know is that it happened to me once, and I will not be caught unarmed again. There's a gun on my nightstand, cocked and unlocked, always, every night, forever.

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Op, it’s very important. Every red blooded American should own as many guns as they wish.


Not tMany gun ranges offer classes for handguns, which are great for beginners. However, it does take a lot of practice to get proficient with one, and to maintain that proficiency. Casual gun owners, in my experience, should probably avoid handguns for home defense. I’ve just seen way too many people beaming proud of their target with random gunshots all over that think they’re an ace shot for hitting a 3x2ft piece of paper from 5 yards
If you’re really into practicing, training, understanding and focusing on the fundamentals, a handgun is a good choice

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good fucking luck

I don't live there anymore. I moved out the next day. But yeah you might be right.

And yet glock does it best at a reasonable price.

>How important is to have a gun for home defense?
Same with anything else. It may be unlikely, but it's better to have it just in case.

You can regularly find M&Ps, FNSes, PX4s, ARXes, XDs, and hell even VP9s sometimes at price points similar two and often lower then a Glock. All of those guns listed are actually made for the human hand and point naturally and don’t have dogshit stock sights.

Glocks were top of the line 20 years ago. The rest of the industry has caught up and exceed them at lower price points. The only reason to get a Glock nowadays is if you have shit taste in guns or if your hands are built like an N64 character model

>All of those guns listed are actually made for the human hand
Its a personal thing
Clearly your evolved hands are beyond a glock, cool. Dont discount them based on your gooberhands though.

Jelly, all I have is a finely whetted hatchet, and I'm too crazy to get a shotgun certificate.

Seriously though, don't bust into my flat, I'll chop you up and they won't ever find your body.

considering america is going to become south america with all the crime that comes with it. very important

>home defense

somebody's larping. god this board is retarded

Can you not defend a home with a shotgun? What are you on about?

Are Texas home invaders coming in tanks now?

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No much I live in tj, very few niggers, stop living with niggers

You've got more experience defending your home by offering them a ride on your arse I take it?

Shall not be infringed friendo

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I'd argue shotguns are good weapons for homedefense, a pistol caliber carbine however is optimal as it is less likely to overpen if you have to fire indoors.
If you have a large yard then a ar-15 or other semi-autmatic long gun is ideal.

Statistically, cops aren't going to arrive in time to save your ass. If you're too much of pussy to take a life in self-defense, then those statistics apply to you.

Since I've just started shooting guns in general, good gravy they're hard to shoot accurately. 10 inch bullet group diarrhea at 15 yards does not inspire confidence in self defense. Granted I haven't shot a hundred rounds through that gun, but damn it's hard.

>isnt ready for self defense at any time

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>shall not be infringed
>constitution can be changed at will
what did the foundercucks mean by this