China Plans to Launch an 'Artificial Moon' to Light Up the Night Skies
What if this is actually predictive programming to prepare the public for disclosure of flat earth and that will tell the truth of the moon as well. What if those SpaceX rockets over big cities or the parallel rocket launches in China and Russia with dazzling displays are actually showing us the firmament? What if Space Force is the mechanism to bypass NASA (((bureaucracy))) and disclose the mysteries of space and the true nature of what we live on. What if NASA shutting down 3 telescopes, a person training to be an astronaut suddenly quitting, and (((science))) actors saying Space Force is bad are because we're on the brink of disclosure and it's imminent. What if Elon Musk is pushing the simulation theory because it's an abstract way to make people think about the nature of consciousness and our reality because the true simulation is the 6000+ year lie of a world we live in that the (((elite))) have led us to believe. What if those articles from mainstream news about how building a wall around antarctica would be a good idea to combat climate change are soft disclosure for the ice wall.
Think about it.
it will crash into the regular moon and then slowly run it over and float away
what if all science is true, everything on tv is false, and we really live in a dytopian idiocracy world where its just chaos and causation
Nope. The chaos is artificial and the lies designed to force us into pure materialism.
God's arms are always open through Christ Jesus
did they get the idea from that james bond movie