Mossad is going to bomb/shoot the caravan and blame it on right-wing militias

It's almost a certainty. The easiest false flag of all time. The democrats are desperate. Screencap this.

Attached: The Walking Warhead S02E01.jpg (1320x770, 381K)

Other urls found in this thread:

If they get into the USA there will be more terrorist attacks. Screencap this.

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why not false flag mexico and blame it on the caravan?

I dont care who blows them up, as long as they're fucking dead. If mossad is the only ones with balls, then so be it. Kill them. Kill them all.

Now you thinking like a canuk

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As long as it's not in America I don't give a fuck.

trump's too pussy to send 2 a-10s in for strafe runs


If they try to come in through Texas there's going to be militia waiting and they will be armed to the teeth. Screencap this.

i wonder why the cartels arent doing something about it, i mean if burgers close the border its bad bossiness

not unless the cartels get to them first

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The correct response. We could false flag attack it in Mexico and blame cartels

dubble d*bs of sealed fate

vaporizing them with depleted uranium rounds is unnecessary overkill

Hope it’s true won’t stop Trump from re-election and they’ll all be dead it’s a win win

D-did he really say that?

Lots of taco meat for the cannibals whoever they may be

Why waste DU when napalm is so much cheaper?

Venezuelans also planning such a scenario
Caravans galore

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Why not just actually shoot the migrants at the border? Declare a no man's land now and follow through on threats to fire on anything inside that area.

We need to crowdfund a cartel carfentanyl-DMSO Drone strike on them

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they're gonna get to the boarder and be naturalized for maximum feel goods


I like the cut of your jib.

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Mostly to keep deployment from drifting too far off target but the added benefit of assured dosing

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>digits n all

Cool at least it'll be cozy.

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I'm surprised you know the 'benefits' of DMSO. It's some pretty useful stuff.

Yes please someone need tomstopmtje!

This. The bad press is worth their broken bodies, fuck them.

Every fucking picture of these assholes has at least one huge Pepsi sign somewhere. Are they being sponsored?

Viral marketing?

One good pass up the line while they're on a bridge or in a tight, walled alley.

Attached: toasty.jpg (950x633, 603K)

Now that is a beautiful wall

>The Honduran migrant caravan, sponsored by Pepsi(tm)

Why not just dump our radioactive waste on illegal crossing sections of the border?
We have more than enough and it'd be a good way to get rid of the stuff.

And Mossad.

Oh shit I didn't think of that. What a setup

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how fucking retarded are you?

Not very.

Why does anyone care that the mid terms are 3 weeks away? Killing the caravan will only improve Trumps position with his supporters and the people that condemn it weren’t voting for him anyway.

I'm no expert. But wouldn't that stuff be slow acting? In other words you have to keep them in close proximity to it for a period of time.

Less then 3... 2 weeks and 2 days

DMSO and RC opiates are a dream team

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> Mossad is going to bomb/shoot the caravan

based and redpilled

It would be expensive as hell to make a poison moat, sir.
May I suggest taking the problem and rectifying it?
It would be cheaper by a power of 10.

>95%+ males between 18-40
>many of them flying the flag of the country they're allegedly fleeing in terror from.
Fuck these guys. They're invaders. They need to either turn around on their own or get slaughtered like any other combatant.

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This is midterms though, not a presidential election. Shit like this could really swing some people in these many individual races (cucks).

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It depends how much you dump I suppose.
That Japanese guy who took too heavy a dose basically melted into goo in under a week.

Who said it needed to be a moat?
That said, digging is less expensive than building a wall, so a moat would work, too.

What if we put a bunch of bear traps outside of the wall?

Best optics decision ever user !

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I am so sick of you Nazis on this board.

Is it so hard to stop being a Nazi?

You are literally a Nazi

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well, I mean, whatever works I guess.

That would just stick them near the wall until they can be freed.
We need something to kill them or get them to turn back.

What if we just paid fudd and friends $30 per kill?
Would be cheaper, and there would be the intimidation of a living sentry killwall to keep the rats away.

can you please get back to racist?
oh wait.... nvm

[Fortunate son plays incredibly loudly]

Just bribe them to fuck off
But cover the money in anthrax

put me in the screencap

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MT-45 ?

not sure its safe

Would unironically thank him for making us look like hero's and starting the civil war at the same time.

>Tolerance is the lube that helps slip the dildo of dysfunction into the ass of a civilized society.

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Load it with dragon dildos and you got a deal.

No, because a Nazi is what you are. Stop trying to downplay me, I have rights and you're a fucking idiot

shitskin detected, you will never E V E R be white

god I love being white

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This isn't Wile E Coyote.
We need the full might of the US Armed Forces to get between us and them and protect the border without prejudice.
We need to turn our southern border into a giant Gaza Strip. Shoot any shitskin trying to sneak in and anyone who is caught supporting them.

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Hell, most of us would be happy with MREs and replacement of our ammo. Just hold our jobs like we were National Guard. I could do 30 days on the ground right now.

Why would you care about safety within the context? Also stronger is better.

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Low-effort trolling

>Do you ever shoot women? Or children?
Look Son, this is a Beaner invasion force! There isn't a damn woman or child within 3 miles of this thing!

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What if we all bought 20x1320ft property along the border and built thin wall houses with electric fencing?

suck my dick I'm bored


Unironically don't even care. Shit, I'll even step up akd take the prison sentence for 'em, if that's what it takes to make it happen.

Reminder: killing a crowd like that takes preparation, it's not something you do in a fit of rage.
By your own admission, you have not planned, so you're a bitchboy niggerfaggot larping as a tough guy on the internet.


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God I hope so. These spics need to be taught a lesson, and that actually make them think twice before coming if they think theres a big bad militia boogeyman lurking around every corner.

Since you're a little slow, let me help you out: I didn't say I'd do it. I said take the wrap if somebody else went to the trouble of making it happen.

>why dont we just irreversibly destroy the terrain around a border, have extreme amounts of fallout next to the sea, inside of a trading river and fishing spot that will inevitably leach into the gulf, and just give everyone that lives near the border cancer?

Yeah the Jews can take care of them I won't give a fuck

>bombing yourself

Oh lawdy. Why would anyone fuck with digits like this?

wtf I love Jews now

That makes no sense, you asshat, how could anyone surmise that was your intended meaning?
It would make sense for you to get the sentence for doing the thing, it makes no sense for you to say, "I'll be the patsy" for no reason.
Fucking moth breathers, man.


The cartels don't give a shit about these people. They would love for them to disrupt the US.

That would be awesome, actually.

>mfw they do it, the people love it, and the midterms are a red tsunami because of it

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>I dont care who blows them up, as long as they're fucking dead.
Yup. This.

why would it be a bad thing if the caravan got massacred? would normies actually be sour a bunch of invaders got merked?

Implying the shock factor won't be worth it.

Capture hundreds of live "white footed deer mice". Pack them closely together, causing stress, but not cannibalism. Quarter inch mesh flooring of pen to allow feces\urine to accumulate.

Vacuum dry feces\urine mix, ball mill (rock tumbler) with Cab-o-sil. Air disperse.

Taco Bell is going to turn them into pink slime.

I hope he wipes them all out

Forgive me for being bad at chemistry but what would that reaction produce?


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So what if they kill 50k spics. We've got em by the millions.

This! If you want to get Mexico on the same page as the U.S., then this is what you do.

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Or the news of this caravan is a way to drive the right to go to the polls

Also gives added bonuses of justifying the use of deadly force, and will reduce the effectiveness of libs virtue signaling.