They said nobody but God can stop them. Here he comes

Looks like there will be not one, but 2 hurricanes hitting Mexico the first should be there by tuesday. Hurricane Willa is a Cat 4. The Mexicans are about to get hit pretty bad not to mention the growing caravan. Humanitarian crisis that could have been averted looks like to be inevitable now. Thousands of peoples lives are at risk.

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>this timeline

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Hurricanes aren't shit. If anything these professional spic victims will get more sympathy from this bullshit.

I haven't kept up with the caravan but do you think the caravan will be hit by the Hurricane? I sure hope so

Holy shit! They are scared.

Feel his energy....
By these digits...

They want to come to America? Send their asses to Barrow, Alaska, or somewhere else above the arctic circle. It's America, bitches.

>hurricanes aren't shit

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>This just might be the calm before the storm.
>>What do you mean by that?
>You'll find out.

fuckin aye

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I told my hispanic friend about this situation and then look what he sent to me.

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I think two of them are going that way. The flash floods alone are very dangerous. Many will turn back for their safety or be held back long enough for us to have our election.

God Wins. LOL

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I know the Q shit, but it still funny pic.

October surprise was real after all

Guys if we will this hurricane to grow in intensity and to go directly at the caravan it will happen.


I send all of my energy to this hurricane

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Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain


>"No one will stop us, only God..."
>Cat 4 hurricane approaches landfall
so predictable

Kek will create the chaos needed to hold back the horde. Divine wind time and all that...desu.

hurricanes take these digits and blow the caravan the fuck out

$10 says that these spics will purposely walk into the storm and then demand that the US government come save them.

kek, digits confirm hurricane obliterates the caravan, with no survivors!

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Michael fucked PCB up. Literally every tree is destroyed in that town. Anyone outside would have been raped by it

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If the storm knock out power it will hurt their support. And it will no doubt damage infrastructure (collapsed trees and such) not to mention all the flooding.

Yup, and imagine the disorganizing effect it would have on caravan. No comms too because batteries will run out for many many.

Rolling for multiple CAT 5 direct hits on epicenter of spic caravan...

Fine, not favored by numerals. Perhaps my goal was too lofty. Re-roll for one CAT 4, direct hit.

I give up. The caravan will continue unabated.

Let's hope not. They will probably be held back for a while because of rain at the least. They are several days away from the border.

h-how many infinity stones does trump h-have?

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Maybe those stupid witches cast the wrong spell not taking into account transgenderism and what effect that has on magic spells ... HAHAHA!!!!

>I doubt that they even know what a symbol that they put on their truck even means

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Hurricane Hondurass Back

Oh yeah, they know. The Church makes sure of that. "Si me ve, si me ve, por el camino de Belen". They are biblically educated.

I think it's more likely a maggot crawled out of one of their vaginas and mixed in and corrupted the spell.

You fucking idiots have no idea what you are talking about. They will start accepting all these shitskins because of storm as literal refuges. Look at what was happening with PR for fuck sake.


My goyder counter is off the charts!!

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It's simple. If the caravan crosses into the US, then we just start burning synagogues.

Lol, nasty. And all the blood coming out of their periods. They can't do nothing right.

>They will start accepting all these shitskins >because of storm as literal refuges.
Maybe some but it will be after the elections so they can't corrupt them.

They will get more support how fucking stupid can you be?
>Maybe some
No they will help them for sure for fuck sake the US government is going to turn its back to get people killed itll make republicans look like shit and they love their non-white voters more than any white person.
> the elections so they can't corrupt them.
What the fuck are you saying here? These shitheads are going to corrupt an election?

> mfw God openly sides against masse immigration because of their blatant challenge against him

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Puerto Ricans belongs to America you absolute retard. Conpwtely differed t situation. Nobody wants south american shitskins. We have an obligation to help PR

Calling HAARP god is pretty blasphemous, Jow Forums

>Puerto Ricans belongs to America you absolute retard
Oh yeah because that will make an difference with this situation where brown people will be suffering.
> Conpwtely differed t situation.
Wrong, its brown people suffering republicans, christians, and democrats will not let it happen.
>Nobody wants south american shitskins.
If they are refugees we will dumb faggot its happened before.
>We have an obligation to help PR
no actually we dont

I haven't prayed for a long time, but please let that hurricane drown those invaders.


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SHUT THE FUCK UP NIGGER you and your shit skin dims are fucked now. You want them here you fucking shekle grabbing kike shill fuck. They will never make it to US soil and if they do we will hunt there asses down like the dogs they are.

Shit jew boomer nigger animal

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Faggot shill

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There will be deaths, but not by the hurricane.

The subsequent flooding? Because they can’t swim and all

So, where is the caravan now?

Just looked it up, apparently it's near Tapachula, which is RIGHT next to the border. They likely won't be affected by the hurricane, unfortunately.

>Cat. 4
so they'll get some rain

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>They will never make it to US soil
They'll split up and magically there won't be a caravan anymore. The ones who get caught will be instantly released into the US because ICE won't have room to detain them all.

It will, there is another one 'Vincente' right behind Willa. The rain will stop them and the support they are getting, comms, infrastructure, electricity, gas. They have a problem. Plus people are starting to think, if they have all this money to walk from honduras to usa buying food and supplies, why are they coming here then?

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based meteorologist poster

I think this would’ve been more impactful to normies if they didn’t pretty much do this same thing during Obama’s term.

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I was just thinking that. Still, you gotta admit its nice to see this apocalyptic shit used in our favor for a change

Pointing out reality makes me a shill? Why don't you fuck off back to t_d already?

Are you 12? Delusional dumb faggot thinks I am a leftist boomer and a nigger. I am being realistic and this board has turned into a bunch of fucking t_d faggots that stick there heads into the ground. The reality is this They won't be stopped unless trump puts the military on the border and starts shooting. That won't fucking happen though.

Go get 'em Kek

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>they will start accepting

>literal refugees
then stay in mexico.

>start accepting
>his source: “my ass”

Between you and me anons, if this isn't covert weather control technology in action, I don't know what is. This is THE smartest move that could be made to stop them.

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Fuck you troll fuck i gave you a chance before and you are the one that started your bull shit NIGGER LOVER go to sleep
How does it feel watching your nigger presidents legacy being erased by a reality 'TV star.

Boomer faggot shill

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Digits to destroy the caravan

>We have an obligation to help PR
>no actually we dont

Yes we do. They're American citizens you fucking moron. You might not like them, but anyone born in Puerto Rico is a US citizen like you or I.


Holy shit that's right. They been making base there for a while. Fucking kikes.

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Divine digitals confirming the shitskin caravan will be smited by 2 hurricanes.
Praise be upon you o lord kek

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Take my energy weather gods!

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Sending all the energy I have.

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never go full retard


He is with us always

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You can't stop Tlaloc, kikes.

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The Aztec gods are angry and want these people out of their land

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The migrants are NOT here for gibs, nor for the midterm elections, nor are they here for the "American Dream".

The migrants are here as a tool to destablize the US even more, but that's just a step to a greater plan.

Combined with the efforts of the alt-left and anti-fa, its an attempt to co-op and light up an American Civil War (((2))).

The goals of the left and the extreme left has been to kick of a civil war, in order to destabilize the USA, since that failed, the (((caravan))) has been dispatched to help create more instability within the US, they are comprised of unhinged and violent men and women, with no loyalty nor ties with the USA. They will steal, rape, and murder your sons and daughters.

They will be armed and funded by the (((left))) and co-operate with the (((left))) to destabilize and create a civil war.

The civil war is SLIGHT, the true goal is the up and coming multinational-war (WW3).

Once defeated or destabilized, the enemy can come in and kill your sons and make your daughters their playthings.

>Days without Jewish Trucks


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Yes they can LARP as Eskimos or should I say "indigenous"

Fuggin saved

My sentiments exactly

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