Well can you Jow Forums?

well can you Jow Forums?

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cryo everyone and defrost in 2050

Mass outbreak of a disease that targets non whites almost exclusively. Like a second black plague. Whites shrug as everyone else fades from existence.

Detroit gets declared a "free zone" and becomes the most prosperous place on Earth. This sets a precedent for anarchists to overthrow the US government while every other country declares a media blackout on information about what happened in the USA. The rest of the world starves to death North Korea style, thinking the USA collapsed even worse then themselves.

It's either ethnostates or cyberpunk 2077

In 2019, we round up all the Leftists and gas them.

>backwards engineer

God smites all the niggers, Jews, fags, trannies, pedos and spics

Happily ever after

The new awakening achieves it's goal and proceeds to reconquista

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Collapse and reformation, the old rotten edifice must be destroyed.

>Donald Trump eats ice cream with Kim.
>Leaked pictures reveal 3 scoops.
>Scoop continuum breaks
>Civil war
>Nogs get flattened en masse
>Whites stay white for 30 years
>Jews get deported to the moon
World Peace

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Internet Bill Of Rights, completely legalized marijuana, and universally subsidized STEM educations will unite the country in a new era of personal free and economic prosperity.

The wall and legalized low-risk drugs will end the war on drugs.

An end to corporate welfare followed by overturning Citizen's United (will need a constitutional amendment) will be the final moment that the Government/Deep State/MIC/Corporations lose control and the citizens regain their freedom and their lives.

It will be like 1776. It will be glorious.

30 years of Republican Presidents after Trump's second term.

>Turns out civic nationalism works just fine.
>Who knew?


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well pol

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Jow Forums basics

>Who we are against.
>What we do. What we want.
White supremacist,Nazi,Alt-right among others are just labels given to those who speaks for white people and to those whites who want to preserve their culture,heritage & identity. So situation is like -Die or be the "bad guy"

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No, I cannot.
>t. eco-doomer

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Wouldnt literally the plague (yersenia pestis/black death) be pretty good for that

Why do they want in so bad if it's that ebil then

I literally an not comprehend what he is trying to even ask or accomplish by saying such a...statement? Is this even a question actually?

What the fuck does a heuristic analysis of optimism and pessimism of politics as a whole have to do with america?

Arent we already a nation?

They unfreeze Walt Disney, who becomes the president and brings back American moral values with his own better media and production company, eradicating the welchman merchants back to wander away.

I believe that a society based on industry is fundamentally flawed and completely unsustainable despite attempts by the smartest of us to maintain it. It will always fail because it not only rapes nature and wastes resources, it also violates human biological imperatives. After it collapses if humanity survives we will return to a more agrarian based existence and thrive once more.

A white man, a nigger, and a spic find a magic lamp and summon the genie. The genie informs them all that he will give them each one wish. The nigger wishes for a land of his own where the white man won't oppress him. the genie snaps his finger and the nigger vanishes the spic wishes for the same and vanishes. The genie turns to the white man and asks what he wants, The white man seems stunned and says...."all the niggers and spics are gone forever?".....I guess i'll have a coke.

boondock saints is my nigga

Mexicans took over completely and totally, all remains of the United States of America have been destroyed, everyone speaks Spanish and Mexican culture is enforced

It's 2024 after the revelations of Wikileaks 2.0 the involvement of high profile jews in attempting to cover up the South African Genocide becomes widely known.

President Don Trump Jnr has been working on the legacy of his assassinated father, along with outgoing president Pence.

The investigation has lead to the discovery irrefutable proof of the vast pedo-satanic blood-libel cult being run within both political parties.

The action is swift and deadly, the grizzled veterans of the the 10th kaffir war in South Africa are called up for duty. Swiftly, moving from house to house, they arrest almost every high profile democrat, MSM personality and College professor, not to mention a few RINO's.

Due to the treasonous, and monstrous nature of the evidence, The show-trials are conducted by military tribunal, and recorded for public access. Mass hysteria (in the truest sense of the word) breaks out as TDS afflicted leftists see the deplorable crimes of their deified figures.


The executions are swift and brutal. The vast network of satanic pedophiles numbers into the tens of thousands and Firing squads and other forms of public execution become the order of the day. The remaining mainstream media are based enough not to take the side of the jewish pedophiles.

Some Antifa cells have the audacity to resist, but they are brutally suppressed by Right Wing Death Squads before the police have a chance to get to them.

New laws are passed, enacting communal punishment for terrorism. As leftists realise that violent resistance will see their entire families, social networks deported and/or jailed, a new era of peace and prosperity takes over America.

Voting rights are completely revised, voting is deemed a privilege only eligible for those who have either completed 2 years of civil service, either in the military, or who have over scored over 130 in an IQ test designed to determine the ability to see long-term consequences.

Gradually, the dismantling of the welfare state, and the shrinking of government sees blacks and hispanics either slow down their reproductive rates, or emigrate to Venezuela to take advantage of the Americas last remaining welfare state.

Socialism is identified as a mental disorder, gorillians of jews and leftists are put into box cars and taken to FEMA reeducation camps. Conditions are poor and Suicide rates are extremely high, officials try to deal with rampant pest control using a new insecticide that only targets parasites. The new formulae however has a detrimental affect on Jews as it's discovered they share functional DNA with said parasites. Only 5,999,999 die, so it doesn't make the news.



The executions are swift and brutal. The vast network of satanic pedophiles numbers into the tens of thousands and Firing squads and other forms of public execution become the order of the day. The remaining mainstream media are based enough not to take the side of the jewish pedophiles.

Some Antifa cells have the audacity to resist, but they are brutally suppressed by Right Wing Death Squads before the police have a chance to get to them.

New laws are passed, enacting communal punishment for terrorism. As leftists realise that violent resistance will see their entire families, social networks deported and/or jailed, a new era of peace and prosperity takes over America.

Voting rights are completely revised, voting is deemed a privilege only eligible for those who have either completed 2 years of civil service, either in the military, or who have over scored over 130 in an IQ test designed to determine the ability to see long-term consequences.

Gradually, the dismantling of the welfare state, and the shrinking of government sees blacks and hispanics either slow down their reproductive rates, or emigrate to Venezuela to take advantage of the Americas last remaining welfare state.

Socialism is identified as a mental disorder, gorillians of jews and leftists are put into box cars and taken to FEMA reeducation camps. Conditions are poor and Suicide rates are extremely high, officials try to deal with rampant pest control using a new insecticide that only targets parasites. The new formulae however has a detrimental affect on Jews as it's discovered they share functional DNA with said parasites. Only 5,999,999 die, so it doesn't make the news.


nuke the moon

The jew fucks up so bad that whites develop a sense of racial consciousness.
The race war begins with shipping all the Mexicans back.
The blacks largely fight on the side of the whites, as do the Asians. But transvestites and onions lovers join the Mexican side.
There are many betrayals by the Jew and self hating whites. But the nobility of white America prevails.
The jew is holocaust for real this time, the gays and the Mexicans are purged. An ethnostate is created in its wake, with dindu reservations for their place in the war.
Peace and prosperity reign for a thousand years.

> Only 5,999,999 die, so it doesn't make the news.

well done

His clone will be born in 2020, we have the technology.

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A virus that has 100% fatality among non-whites spreads across the nation. Democrats lose their constituents and fade into obscurity.


Seriously, we're living in good times and yet people can't stop complaining

>Middle East is nuked
>Jews can't call themselves Jews anymore
>lose their influence
>minority shilling dependent on Jews wanes
>supermajority of Party of Hitler in Congress and Presidency
>passes laws to allow undesirables to exile themselves
>America suddenly becomes 80% white and straight

I can only see this happening if we can impeach trump and kavanaugh and the dems win 2020

kys troll
Okay, Ted. How's that manifesto working for ya?

trump and putin nuke israel

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>Marijuana will cause economic prosperity
Stop smoking weed while you still remember how to type.

Good times

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Yes, of course I can.

A virus is engineered to turn all non-whites into white people.

Totally fucking implausible, you triple nigger. He could never get 3 scoops.

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>A rogue white supremacist scientist engineered a virus that killed all non whites in 2042.

yeah our government stops being made up of fucking jews
seriously why dont you fags fucking understand this? in what warped brainwashed fucking delusional state does anyone think that """"""dual """""""""" citizens belong in our fucking government making fucking laws?

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>black employment - up
>hispanic employment - up
>all employment - up
>Trump breaks the Fed
>Trump legalizes recreational drugs
>Trump breaks the vicious cycle of Big Medicine and Big Government
>Congress passes Zero Taxes for Zero G
>we discover life on Mars or Ceres


>subsidized STEM
kill it with fire.
most people don't have the mindset, its why they don't pursue it in the first place.
they'll just drag the programs down and make them a laughingstock.