but really, it kinda makes you think

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is he implying they have teleporters?

>50K estimated to arrive at US border
>have funds enough to eat along the journey without pillaging their way to Jerusalem, so to speak
>who is financing this?
>why is this happening right before a US midterm election?
It’s an invasion.

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Bumping based Viking thread

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No, faggot, that this entire thing is being (((organized))) by (((someone))) tremendously wealthy.

Oy vey surely this has nothing to do with how these people are invading

he's implying that there is an organization providing funding and logistic to the caravan


Brisk walking pace should be 4-6 kph. It's 2000 km from Guatemala City to Brownsville TX. Walking for 10 hours a day, that's 50km/day, so it should be closer to 40 days. Call it six weeks.

Anyway, they're fleeing violence at least as much as poverty. Wealth doesn't mean shit without security.

They are helping Trump by bringing in World War Z

Attached: glowinthedark copy.jpg (288x288, 29K)

School of the Americas mercenary terror ruined Guatemala.

6 weeks 5,00 people where is this food coming from?

sup Chaim?

Trains and buses will take them to Tijuana

(((NGO's))) are driving them across Mexico just like they do in the Mediterranean.

Maybe they should use some of that wealth to buy themselves security in their homelands?

I don't care, kill them all.

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Where are they all shitting and pissing?
How many young girls are being gang raped each day of the journey?

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Immigrants take jobs? Yes, jobs that Americans CAN'T or WON'T do. There are over a half million jobs that are going vacant because the technical industries here CAN'T FIND QUALIFIED US CITIZEN APPLICANTS. Americans are notably ignorant about science and technology. Most people can't give you the basics of electricity or how their car works, even though they count on them for survival.

*smacks lips*

yo hol up

You mean to say that the illegal immigrant caravans might have the means to purchase food and goods along the way? That implies they not only have the financial incentive but sources willing to provide enough food for trips in the middle of the desert.


The Jews are baiting Trump into doing exactly this so we lose the mid terms. We need to stall them for a couple weeks and then open fire after republicans win

Hiking that distance over mountains and rivers in inclement weather without proper gear and provisions would be a grueling ordeal for fit, young men. Yet we're supposed to believe that malnourished women with babies at the hip and old men could do so. Pretty obvious they are being bussed here and Soros/NGO's are paying for it. It simply wouldn't be possible otherwise.

Just suspend elections, no one on the right will care and we'll rise up if the left does.

did you just unironically argue that the brown horde are all scientists and engineers

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Imagine how many toilets you'd need for so many people
I need to know how many toilets are at the mexico-US border, then input the average toilet visits a typical immigrant does per day, then check to see if the toilets at the mexico-US borders will suffice

Otherwise there will be shit, LITERAL SHIT


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glow in the dark cia jews?

>Anyway, they're fleeing violence at least as much as poverty

They're importing violence and poverty to your doorstep, you ninny

you would think in 2018 events like this would be livestreamed

The cameras that just so happened to be hanging out in Central American villages filming this caravan as it goes "walking" toward the US-Mexico border only seem to come out when all the buses and trucks are gone.

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>jobs that Americans CAN'T or WON'T do

The Big Lie. Americans did those jobs for centuries, so what changed? Where I live new immigrants are starting to appear in minimum-wage retail jobs formerly done by whites -- they are subsidized by the government, so are more attractive to the employers, but when they replace the locals brainwashed sheep like you simply say "WELP, GUESS WHITES ARE LAZY"

Supplying 5000+ people on the move, with food & other necessities is no ordinary task, & requires an extensive level of coordination that the 'refugees' don't themselves possess. Weaponizing refugees is nothing new, but it's been done mostly by state actors like Qadaffi & Turkey. Now, we're seeing intrastate elements, i.e. Democrats, weaponizing refugees against their own country.

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No one can briskly pace that entire time, your calculation doens't take into consideration breaks, rest from fatigue, bathroom breaks, or food consumption. No one walks 10 hours a day without breaks or other variables intervening - thank god you're not a data scientist, your logic is garbage. Either you're 12, or a stunted adult.

I'll go with the latter.

Attached: Moron777.png (832x737, 905K)

American agriculture is an industrial concern and needs a lot of employees to make it work. That is if the rest of us want to eat.

and get ready for a lot of our friends from the south and Caribbean. As their climate dries out and heats up, there is only one way to go.....north.

What do you think the children and girls are there for?

that movie was fucking awful

>School of the Americas
Shithole countries disarming their own citizens ruined them

It's real

Are these Mexican NGOs or US ones? If US, shouldn't be too hard to find their offices and BURN IT TO THE FUCKING GROUND

Based Canuck bringing facts

That’s exactly what the Dems and Soros want Trump to do, in the hopes of swaying the midterms.

If Trump doesn’t take the bait then they’ll likely send in a black-op (((right-wing death squad))) of “Trump supporting militia men” to massacre a few hundred refugees in the hopes that will get Dems to come out and vote Blue.

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They could just shit in the streets they're walking
as long as they don't start from the front, of course

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>strategic engineered migration as a weapon of war

seems like she's taking some inspiration from Hooton.

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The solution is simple. Start burning the synagogues.

This guy is a very famous baseball statistician. Looks like the Deadspin contingent got to him because he's deleted this post.

Source on the 50k number?

>synchronized street shitting

>fat Hondurans without any scars
>nice close and brand names, wearing Adidas, Nike, etc.
>carrying cameras and phones
Yeah, really fleeing poverty and violent. LA is worst than where they came from.

>American agriculture is an industrial concern and needs a lot of employees to make it work

And when there is a shortage of those employees, absent illegal immigration the wages will rise and the jobs become more attractive for American workers. Yes, this will cause food prices to rise, but they aren't especially high in the US anyway

>As their climate dries out and heats up, there is only one way to go.....north.

They can't survive northern winters without Whitey paying for their housing, heating and vitamin D supplements, so your cuck invasion fantasy is just that -- a fantasy

So...is Trump doing anything right now?

He talks about this on Twitter, but what is he doing?

Nor was the book a literary triumph, frankly.


any1 remember Q talking about the Marines? i think this is it. Marines will be stationed at the border. Ready for war.

>and needs a lot of employees to make it work
agriculture used to employ half the country, now it employs .5%
at best, immigration like this is giving farms an excuse not to automate with new technology


The day every race can come together against the jew is the day the world will know peace.

post webms

It's not even an edit. I thought the same thing till the video got linked.

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>$3-$4 per person per day to keep up their "brisk walk" the entire way
>Times X number of people, let's say 50k, so $200k per day to feed them
>Times 100 days
>Meanwhile these are $800 plus $40 for fuel times ten of them to clear the whole fucking place in under a minute
>Also meanwhile, Soros is still breathing

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you are glowing

I cannot believe people like you will be gassed in my life time, I am overfilled with joy!

The study is a study, not an endorsement.



jobs that used to be taken by teenagers, saving for the summer or college, or people recovering from poverty, or drugs, or ex-convicts trying to rejoin society
nice way of taking care of your people
really progressive

Shut the fuck up with your neo-lib shilling you faggot. Americans are happy to do any job so long as they are paid decently in reasonable conditions. The rest can be done on temporary visas instead of letting Paco and his 85 children stay here forever. There is no shortage of technical expertise. Big companies simply want to use H1-B's to pay Pajeets less. Besides we should be training our own workers for decent positions not replacing them with foreigners. Less labor in general is good. It forces wages up which have been stagnating for decades. Now go choke on an HIV dick before you fuck off back to Plebbit nigger.

This just proves how easy it actually would be to deport all the non whites out of the US for good if 50000 of them can do it in 10 days with only covert aid

you can probably still find pics of the heyday of the 2015 migrant crisis, everywhere they went they left a trail of rubbish, piss, shit, food scraps, things they just felt like breaking. very very subhuman behavior

I assume that's why he didn't say 16 hours, he thought he was being generous...
Either way, without food and rest they would be quite shattered by the time they arrived. Where are they getting water? That much walking is a shitload of sweat. They're not hauling that much water by foot, and you can't bank on rivers. Hell, scavenging for food and drink would take up most of your days. Through deserts, if you didn't have a car, there are often stretches were walking from point A to point B would be near a death sentence, especially at a grueling pace.


Attached: Mexican Federales Assaulted by Migrant Caravan.png (960x1624, 2.38M)

None of them are poor they’re all wearing clean clothes they all have food and most of them are obese. They will add nothing of value to this country and only further destroy it.

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post link

>pillaging their way to Jerusalem
i like this phrase

Guys, I hope those of you fluent in Spanish can report any redpills or are redpilling yourself in the appropriate boards and chats

Theres no doubt this is a calculated Attack on our country, funded by (((Billionaires)))

You do know that they create impossible posted requirements for those tech jobs. Then they post them and no one bites. They just have to show they tried before they are allowed to go to the Pajeets.

You don't need guns to invade another country anymore. Just ship families and they will use their kids as meat shields.

Brown people know our weakness is our own compassion. They know we don't want the useless adults in our countries, so they use their children.

>Anyway, they're fleeing violence at least as much as poverty
> they're fleeing other shitskins, but don't worry, they're the (((good ones)))

Jeez. You can't realize that was giving an absolute maximum, therefore the pace this caravan has achieved thus far is near impossible. No way these creatures could sustain that pace. They are being trucked in.

Kill them all.

> implying there are teen girls
It's all fighting aged men probably.

>they're already fat

jesus christ, just wait til they enter the mecca of fatness - Amerifat.
America shouldn't let them in at all, for their own health's sake.

So if they weren't walking they wouldn't need to eat?

>and it's beatifull

They mistake our compassion for weakness, I sense the white awakening soon.

based Wizards poster.

Attached: shootingfaries.jpg (474x405, 33K)

>be mexico
>can't even defend borders from your south american goblin brethren

All that machismo outer-shell shit was just cuck-genes in disguise.

Kek speaks

It takes a lot more than that since they aren't always walking on roads and might even have to take detours, so it isn't a straight line

I would if I had it, someone else will have to be a better user than me and post the webm or youtube video.


>Americans can’t do basic maths and sciences
So you mean all those leftists that chose genders studies?

>black-op false flag squad
>that's hidden from the NSA, FBI, CIA
>only controlled by jews and democrats

Tell me more man, you totally know what you're talking about!

Yea white people are lazy because they don't want to work for half the wages their parents did lmao

What's that from?

I wonder if the word 'unarmed' will become meaningless soon.

Plenty of violence happen when people are 'unarmed' and some nigs still attack when 'iunarmed'

And these people are 'unarmed' yet still attack.

Do people care anymore about the word 'unarmed'?

Where the fuck are they actually, keep seeing mixed reports and just that "they're reforming and gaining people" so presumably they're in Mexico proper but where?

>Fleeing violence.
"I live next to violent spics" isn't the same as fleeing violence, or blacks in Detroit could apply for asylum in Europe.

I think it works more like a portal gun
