Tucker is a civic nationalist cuck

I watched about 40 minutes of the debate with Cenk and all Tucker did was make us look bad by being too afraid to tell the truth. Cenk brought up the poem on the statue of liberty as proof of us being a nation of immigrants. Did Tucker say that poem was written by a Jew and put there 17 years after the statue was erected? No. He supports mass immigration from 3rd world countries as long as they "share our values". To him it's just "culture" that makes a nation and our culture is just our constitution. He's a liberal. Mainstream republicans are the exact same as the democrats a few decades ago.

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Stormfags always want to purity spiral themselves into a situation where they can't win.

>make us look bad
What do you mean by "us", Peasant?

>You're a nationalist so you must be a fascist
Everyone in this country was a nationalist until the 60's


He could of left out jew and said it was added 17 years after



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this, op is a fucking retard.

>public networks
>Did Tucker say that poem was written by a Jew
>being this fucking stupid

He couldn't be signalling harder that he isn't without getting his life ruined, I don't see what your problem is. This isn't another Juden Peterstein situation.

>Mainstream republicans are the exact same as the democrats a few decades ago.

Gonna copypasta from the other thread what I thought:
Too much of a pussy to say that niggers get killed because they commit more crimes, while saying there are things you can't say.
This is the state we live in.
What about saying "I don't agree with the premise that BLM is promoting, that is, blacks being killed disproportionately like you stated, the FBI statistics show what discriminating by violent crimes, blacks get shot at a lesser rate than whites", how about that and not just faking ignorance ?
Hell, if you want to win the public you go: "that's the problem with BLM and nike, they end the conversation instead of starting it, black people needs the police from being killed, creating a fabricated divisive narrative to sell shoes it's discusting, and it will only create further resentment and worse living conditions for black people".
Then Cenk will go "hurr blacks get arrested for pot more than whites", you say "very few people go to jail for marihuana posession, they get incarcerated because distribution, while one of the charges may be possesion of marihuana, it's not the only charge, and you are taking a biased stance, hiding the real problem, making it worse to talk about how we get better living conditions to black communities, just saying Police are racist doesn't fix anything, and you are just making it worse, and nike trying to profit from real violence in black communities".
In some stuff yeah, he did a good job.
Hell, he went Alex Jones (good one) with google.
It rubbed me off the wrong way because it was the perfect example of the PC police at work.

yeah, great idea, go on TV and rant about white nationalism and Jews

this video has points straight from the 88 precepts, Tucker just isn't a retarded faggot so he keeps the racist part to himself

low effort even for The Onion

they both did a good job of finding common ground. immigration is debatable, hence their forum, and Trump is PRESIDENT so the issue is null as long as we win more house and senate seats. YEs, immigrants illegal or otherwise contribute to the economy and employment. We need more people for labor. BUT, illegals suck the fucking life out of entitlement programs and end up producing a net negative result, as well as not paying into taxes, committing VIOLENT crime and expatriating our wealth as well as lowering our global and national standing. Tucker made a great point of a nation's need to be commonplace starting with the spoken word and illegals and many legal immigrants refuse to assimilate further degrading our national identity, fracturing the union on every level. Build the Wall, deport the illegals, end chain migration and we can have a Renaissance and middle class revival.

you can't say "I HATE NIGGERS AND JEWS" and expect to keep your job as a TV show host

Tucker is a good man...op is right but he expects too much....guy works for a mega media company after all

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white people are literally retarded and deserve to be enslaved.


It was written by a Jew who was talking about the Jewish refugees that she wanted to come to America. The statue itself was a gift from the French to celebrate the 13 colonies independence. If it's too controversial to say that then we're more fucked than I thought.

he meant governmental oversight and transparency. big tech needs to be nationalized and we are well within cause to do so.

Anyone knows about Braving Ruin? I want him to destroy Tucker

What do you expect him to do, go full race realist and demand that America stay white? The Overton Window has shifted, but not THAT much. Tucker knows immigration is destroying this country, but he knows he will lose his job, his platform for normie republicans, if he goes that route. I don't use this term lightly, but he is a normie gateway and we cannot afford to lose him at this point. Enough of the internal division, kike.

i said nothing of the statue of liberty, steven miller already blew that tired talking point out of the water and if that NPC cchenk wants to continue espousing bullshit then let the pigeon shit. rise above their stupidity or lay at their feet.

I didn't mean to respond to you

Like I said Ann Coulter would have held up better. She can walk the race/crime/immigration tightrope better without going 1488.

>Hurr I'm so retarded I can't keep the ends I'm working towards off my sleeves.... When I want something I work for it outwardly out of ineptitude despite that overt effort being self defeating
user, Tucker along with alot of people you call a civcuck are just smarter than you. Working towards a meritocracy with the freedom to discriminate on am at will basis is an end game worth trying for. Not only is it feasible comparable to the retarded shit you have in your head as a "final solution" but it is also completely capable of accomplishing the exact same end goal of productivity, safety and homogeneity through gentrification and nepotism.

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thought so. some people are so fucking dumb i couldnt give you the benefit of the doubt.

Sure, let him show his power level in front of a crowd and on YouTube. No recourse would come from that. Saged and go fuck yourself.

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He just agreed that we're a nation of immigrants in a debate with Cenk. He has no fucking power level.

That's a term the ADL came up with in the 60's btw.

And to those bitching about exposing power levels and the tethering of himself to a more palatable position... You underestimate his inability to be intectually dishonest. By having these goals I mentioned in mind he never has to take the position of a liar ...

Agreed. Maybe they haven't caught up on saying "oh, he's racist" isn't funny anymore when the left tries to use it as a legitimate point for everything.

That's not an accurate description of anything he said.

Tucker likes working at Fox News. At least he can be subtle.

>. He supports mass immigration from 3rd world countries as long as they "share our values"

l2 read between the lines. Which countries share our values? African counties or European counties?

Republicans will have to tell the truth at some point and soon.

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Cenk talking about statue of liberty poem is what made me turn it off. I wanted to hear a good debate on logic and facts from opposite ends, not appeals to emotion through meaningless talking points.

Go fuck yourself, dumb LARPers. You are that kid of people who would advocate for racial purity of Wermacht at march 45? Fucking imbeciles.

We don't know how redpilled Tucker actually is. He works for a kike owned network and therefore has to pull his punches.

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And shills pretending to be insistent stormfags here do a great job of imitating them.

LMAO his new book is 200 pages of him naming the jew without naming the jew.

>YEs, immigrants illegal or otherwise contribute to the economy and employment.
They expand the economy, but I haven't seen anything to suggest that the common worker sees any material benefit from it.

and mostly, yeah

when tucker he said he doesn't dog whistle or speak in code he was lying


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Stephen Miller said it to Jim Acosta in a press conference

Every time a new immigrant walks through the door, whites lose more control and power over their own destinies. We are giving everything we have to dogs.


>a good debate on logic and facts
You won't see that any time soon.

>You are that kid of people
no U

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ah haha YES

>he didnt scream heil hitler and tear his shirt open to show his nazi tats waaah waaah waaaah
STFU you absolute stormfaggot fucking piece of shit, commit suicide or die either way you are worthless garbage,

OP is too dumb to know Tuck's strategy.

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I'm not big into purity spiralling either user but Tucker didn't win this despite going the soft civ nat cuckservative route.

Face it, the left has defined what is and what isn't approved behavior and encapsulated you and your party in it.
The left cucked you. The jew wins once again. Don't forget that Trump is a jew shill that Jow Forums memed into the WH.

>make us look bad
How dare Carson ruin your frog posting memelord reputation.

He really isn't and his book even gets as close to naming the jew as possible while retaining plausible deniability.

This is wrong though. Even in a dystopia the best individuals prevail. It's not like the sea of fresh immigrants is bathing in wealth, they're just richer than they deserve to be

Illegal immigrants and low skilled immigrants depress wages for the working class, that was probably the only point Tucker really nailed Cenk on.

>even gets as close to naming the jew as possible while retaining plausible deniability.
lmao it absolutely does not.

I don't think Rupert Murdoch is Jewish but he's definitely a neo-con.

Look who he chooses to ally himself with. The very worst of the Globalists and their subservient lackeys.

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Yep that's a neo-con for you.

He seems unnaturally restrained on his show as well, he gets up to the edge, then veers a different direction to prevent going over it. Probably orders from the top. The left is still out to get Ingraham off the air and she is still weathering an advertiser boycott.

I thought Tucker was actually a pretty good debater and had some bombs that Cenk couldn't respond to because everyone knew they were true. He gets a little too excited.

White (((zionists))) have done more damage than jews ever could.

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The entire point of the debate was not to "win" but to set terms. That TNT was even willing to give Tucker a platform is a huge win. Tucker did a fantastic job of moving the Overton Window.

>blame the golem for he has done more damage than its jew master

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>This is wrong though.
Why? Why should I cede power and land to subhumans when they themselves are preparing to it away from me and give it to their children?

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Jared Taylor debated Cenk once and he destroyed him because Jared isn't a civic nationalist cuck. If someone asks you why demographics matter your answer should be because I don't want my fucking nation to be replaced just like every non-white country doesn't want theirs to be replaced.

>he thinks (((they))) are jews
Canaanite might be a better term.

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Yeah but gauging from the audience reaction and just the strength of Tucker's arguments and overall performance I think he didn't represent his ideas very well.That's probably due to the inherent weakness of cuckservatism though. He did well on the immigration topic but he floundered a bit when Cenk alluded to his points being a dogwhistle. He didn't do very well on Trump and money in politics imo.

t. someone who hates TYT and generally likes Tucker

Tucker is based and you are just a lapring kike faggot

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You do know whenever he says "elites," he means Jew?

>stop calling us jews, goyim! jews are actually the good guys!
begone mamzer.

When anyone says "elites" they're talking about Jews. It doesn't mean they're aware of it.

I though it was (((European Style Socialist))).

when commies say it, they mean capitalists
when natsoc say it they mean jews
when tucker says it, he means the capitalists in silicon valley who vote for democrats and try to censor cuckservatives like him

All journalists get the rope

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you need to distinguish between the babylonian talmudists and the torah jews (orthadox) or you will end up the same as hitler. Dont fuck up this movement with extremism.

Listen I don't think every Jew is involved in some conspiracy to rule the world, but Tucker is very aware that the Elites are disproportionately made up of them.

Tick Tuck.

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It's not stormfags, its (((stormfags)))

Right now, the enemy's greatest strength is that Nazis, Hitler, and any form of anti semitism is viewed as a horrific evil. You can't even say "Jew" without people looking at you funny.

The solution to this is not to go out in public and ruin your life by ranting about the Jews. That's exactly what the enemy wants.

Instead, this is a psychological contest that must be won by deception. If we can, we need to revert America to majority European, as it was. First, stop the bleeding by stopping immigration. Second, restart the recovery by repairing our birth rate. Third, remove the splinter from our psyche.

>tucker owns apple products
totally cucked and blue pilled

This, civic nationalism is a good temporary solution

That isn't enough.
Whites are 54% of the population and falling.
Less than 40% of babies are white.
It's over, the window for opportunity for change within the current system passed some time ago. If you want a huwhite America it's going to require either balkanization or mass deportations.

>we need more people for labor

No we fucking dont.


>Everyone in this country was a nationalist until the 60's
then you going to explain why they arent now.
the nationalists voted against their interest

Or sterilization of nonwhites which isn't that bad really.

Tucker still our guy,civic nationalist is as far as you can go on tv w/o being called racist (by everyone)

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that shitty poem was the death of Anglo America. Funny thing though, our last great stand was the immigration act of 1923, btfo'ing shitholers around the globe.

No, people start getting comfy with the foreigner.
"Mmm, they bring good, ethnic food; it's not bland like 'white people food."

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Civcucks will never fight for an outcome where they don't lose.