How does America stop this?

From last thread:

>Look at this webm and all these fucking kids coming. Can't even open fire on them because it would be a political nightmare for Trump. He's fucked. We're fucked.

Save all of your carpet-bomb, strafe-run, dropping nukes and other irrational bird-brain ideas that clog up the thread. Looking for critical thinking/ plausible solutions and ultimately averting this. Also would like to put together a list of Trump's total amount of options and the fallout from each of those.

This is serious. A precedent will be set if this horde crosses the border and the next batch likely won't even need Soros' funding to invade.

Old thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:

youre not going to do anything

maybe tents on Mexican border, asylum seekers will be processed. a handful will be detained. the rest will slowly leak into America

more will come, 50k every week, every month

not that your government really cares. more cheap labor for Bezos, pic related

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i think we need to erect some sort of physical barrier on our entire southern border

if only there was talks of doing this 2 years ago and a Republican controlled government who could get things done....

oh well

I would be able to solve this even as a grave of a situation as this
>But i think its time to learn from mistakes

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que te viole un nica

We could just pay the cartel to murder them. I mean why is every other country just letting them through. Hmmm

They're moving pretty fast for a group of 50,000, aint it?

>doesnt realize this is just a diversion for something else they're planning

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Who is going to process 50,000 fucking humans? Is the border crossing even that big? Are they just going to run into El Paso or whenever and just scatter? I would assume 50,000 people would be somewhat easy to keep track of, but are the guards just going to let them walk in?

stop jews

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promote a system that doesn't exclude more than half the population and uses them to enrich the world elites. If we continue down this path then more misery and mass migration will inevitably come our ways.

Trumpies btfo

get JOH out of the presidential seat and let the guy who won the popular vote be the pres in HN. Salvador Nasralla me thinks was his name.
Or give em guns and tell em to go back to HN and overthrow their shit govt.

>Save all of your carpet-bomb, strafe-run, dropping nukes and other irrational bird-brain ideas that clog up the thread.
Fuck off. They're literally an invading horde. They should be killed.

you mean 1488? godspeed

More voting and more Walmart Guns will save america.

Hungary stopped a wall of faggots. We just need to stop being faggots.

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you know they won't


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Give the horde amnesty into CA with CA only visas then enact border protection policy around the CA border. CA progressives would unironically accept the migrant horde with open arms.

a fence

If it looks like they're not going to stop them I'm going to round up a bunch of the boys and we're going to fire a few warning shots at them

>ICE/Law Enforcement/Border Control and at worst case, National Guard
its not that hard, stop being a defeatist faggot.

I thought the mexican goverment was going to arrrest them all what happened?

they changed their mind

This, can we meme these fuckers into CA?

>Look at this webm and all these fucking kids coming. Can't even open fire on them because it would be a political nightmare for Trump.

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They couldn’t tell themselves apart from the caravan

>Migrants reach the US
>News stops covering the crisis
>People forget and go back to their TV entertainment, or some /ptg/-tier distraction like Stormy
>Migrants come in without any news coverage whatsoever.
>WTF? Why's my town full of beaners!?

Screencap this.

>what is stand your ground
If you don't get out there and defend your border you're an absolute faggot. Stand within the border of your country and shoot any shitskin that threatens you by approaching wielding a child as a deadly weapon.

>Have 9 kids.
>No way to feed them.
>Whitey in America owes me
Fucking spic animals

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This. Just treat it like any other LEO situation, and yeah the left will get mad but the right will be happy. We just have to make sure no trigger happy cop blasts someone in the process. Hell im thinking they’ll be a false flag or a legit dimented boomer who kills a kid, and then the shit storm will last through the mid terms.

I like this idea. We should fund the craziest most violent fucks we can down in their countries.

Dude, texas is already full of beaners. I live in a midsize town around south/central texas and its 35% white on a good day. There have been times i goto heb, the store is packed, and there are 10-15 whites give or take. Texas is fucked, moving to kentucky in two months.

Honestly fuck you guy. This is an invading horde of people and if Trump strafe-runs their asses I'll still vote for him. Time for crap to start getting done the right way.

theres no way a real Jow Forums poster would think this is gonna happen
your little shill campaign over this caravan is getting pretty tiresome

why does this only hapen in the west? Why is China immune to this?

>Save all of your carpet-bomb, strafe-run, dropping nukes and other irrational bird-brain ideas
I don't think you understand.

How many do they have to be for you to resort to lethal force?

If I said a caravan of 1 million migrant is heading to California. What would you do? Border city would be abandonned of course and they would start pillaging, occupying the streets, claiming their land.


If I said two caravan of 1 million migrant each next year? Same? You would abandon your border cities? What if they are so many that they start to take shelter in a capital city like Los Angeles or Houston and the whole State economy collapse?

Then, what if they spread in all the country because the situation in the border State become unbearable?

I will tell you exactly what would happen :
You are going to take them in and exactly as I said more will be coming and you will abandon you land. All remaining white will form small ethno-cities accross the US. And maybe one day, when you will be purged from the decadent liberal guilt you will reclaim your land. Everything in our History leads up to this.

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This shit was way easier to death with when they died of smallpox.

>How does America stop this?
Summary executions. None of our laws, regulations, or other rules apply to non-citizens. Unironically just start killing them. Men, women, children, it doesn't matter. Fences don't work. Laws on paper don't work. Even deporting them doesn't work, they always just come back.

I think we should just round them up and kill them. Anyone opposed to this? Show of hands, who here actually gives a fuck about squatamalan tax payer burdens? If there's one thing I know it's that I'm fresh out of fucks to give. If it's brown, gun it down.

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It's unfortunate you don't understand that a president is not going to strafe-run a group of people, particularly when there are women carrying children. Not that I give a shit, but the optics of something like that are a million times worse for him than your one fucking vote does him good.

Way to shit up the thread, though. Good job.

Az bros lets get that militia going

You want to solve this? You have to attach the source: the gangs that turn these countries into shitholes and run smuggling cartels. How do they make their money? Drugs. Solution: summary executions for anyone caught with hard drugs (heroin, cocaine, meth, etc). No ifs ands or buts. Execute them on the spot. Eventually people will be too terrified to buy and the gangs will run out of money

Because the Chinese would just fucking shoot them.

Shoot to kill is an option. It would be terrible the first week but everyone inherently understand that you get shit if you trespass. Yes even children.
>mob proceeds
>gets shot
will be what stays in everyones mind. Don't bring your children to a gun fight.

You sound like you're speaking from experience and spite

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we don't do anything, we let him do the work.

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They won't be stopped. Better get used to seeing a bunch of spics in your neighborhoods begging for money and breaking into homes.

Sell tags. Like deer or bear tags. Everybody with a legal hunting license and a tag doesn't get procecuted.
>I know, not serious

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Moving away from beaners to live with niggers, you’ll regret it
t. Former southwesterner living in “Dixie”

Oh sure, it's a crisis when it involves you guys. Welcome to what you unleashed on all of us. Like this would even make a difference to 56%ers

No one wants to live in China. Also it does happen, North Koreans and Indians try to get in there iirc.

Poison from plants like giant hogweed or whatever

CIAnigger the post

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Not only would they shoot them, they do shoot them. And they're allow to shoot them. They're celebrated by their own people for shooting foreign invaders.

But not for whites. Whites aren't allowed to have their own countries. You, white man, aren't allowed to do jack shit when a goddamn Roman leigon's worth of spics is spilling into land to sack it and carry your wealth back to their shitty little village.

This isn't required. If you're white and you speak English you should get an automatic pass on shooting anything that comes near the border. I'm absolutely serious. I'm also completely fine with murdering shitlibs who oppose this. They can get their mock trial first, the same as they'd give us if the roles were reversed.

I'm the CIA nigger for suggesting a real solution to an invasion of my own country? Kill yourself, weakling. I'll fedpost as much as I please.

We could also false flag american flag burning. It already happened in Honduras I think. Make people associate this with an invading army.

/ggg/ v2: border bugaloo

Why aren't you arresting Soros?

>No way to feed them
M8 all the photos of them show they are medically obese. These fuckers just want easy gibs life.

>They're moving pretty fast for a group of 50,000, aint it?
yesterday i read about 5k. why the fuck would they be 50 000 now?

That 5k was a bunch of central Americans. Mexicans who were deported for one reason or another are joining the caravan in a bid to get back into America

>all the photos of them show they are medically obese

They're integrating into American society already!

this guy is up to something

>all the photos of them show they are medically obese
More fat rolls to catch hot lead in.

GTFO you false flagging glow in the dark nigger

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>shooting anything that comes near the border.
I've been advocating this for decades. It would only take a few days worth of dead bodies before the word got out and the flow would stop.
The best wall idea I've heard was a small and stout concrete wall filled with radio active waste
My tag idea was for death-row prisoners, where they'd get tattoo'd and hunters could take 'em out, free of charges.

This is an invasion, Trump has every right to open fire on this horde, and has said that he’s considering sending the military to deal with them, which I’m praying every day that he does. Some people have to die, otherwise the message will never be sent. We need to make it more dangerous for them in America than in Honduras

Ill be living in the country, arrangements have already been made and i have already been to the area multiple times. There is one black couple in town, as soon as they moved in my soon to be neighbors went to their house and said, "we like peace and quiet out here". Essentially they said, "dont fucking step out of line nigger or youre gonna go missing". I think ill like it there...

Trump is done if they get in he will figure it out

This is still a win-win for Trump
They get stopped = win for diplomacy.
They break through = win, because more people will demand the wall.
Soros Inc think they are causing big problems for Trump, once again, but they'll lose, once again.

Legitimately this. The only way these endless hordes of third worlders will be stopped is with force. They are no longer scared of the power of the West and they need to be reminded that White people can exterminate tens of thousands of them in an instant.

Ivy league linguistics, you went to Yale, you're not fooling us.

I swear you people are 16. Trump IS NOT going to order the military to open fire on a group of invaders, particularly containing women and children. 80% of the suburb women who voted for him will bail and 30% of the men would. 9 out of 10 radio/tv/ecelbs who shill him would bail just for optics. That's just the start. Please, shut up with this nonsense.

America has cool helicopters,right?Just grab like 4 of em,and start gunning them down.I like watching helicopters blow shit up.

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This situation sounds really familiar...

Its clear these people are being supported by international aid organizations, get the people supporting this to fund a return ticket or declare war on them

I see it like this as well

If any of these fucks get in it’s not going to go over well for Democrats in most of the country. Sure, retarded Californians will pat themselves on the back but I would imagine most people in the rust belt, Pennsylvania, Michigan, etc are going to be horrified.

This kind of PR leads to an overall win for the right wing I thing, atleast in terms of the presidency and senate

The people who voted for Trump (including suburban/white women, a majority of whom voted for him) did so explicitly to STOP THIS FUCKING NONSENSE. If you’re really thinking that doing what he promised to do would be bad optix then you clearly weren’t paying attention during the “[mexicans are] bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists” speech, which many (((experts))) said ended his campaign. But it was after that speech that he instantly shot to the front of the republican primary pack, where he stayed until he ultimately won the primary, and then the general. Or the “total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the country” speech, another moment where every political commentator on earth, on all sides of the aisle, guaranteed us that he was finished and basically disqualified from running. But his poll numbers went up 10 points.

TLDR if trump orders military action resulting in the death of these invaders, he’ll win 2020 in a landslide

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Hire cartels to butcher them then the cartrtel that achieves victory can blame their rival evil cartel headlines wall goes up profit

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This. For fuck's sake, why is the US of all countries tolerating this bullshit? You have those ridiculous anti-terrorism laws introduced by Bush and Obama, you don't have to deal with any of that in-court obstructionism that stops many EU nations from dealing with this shit. Get the fucking FBI to uncover Soros' activists' ties to this invasion, declare them terrorists and Guantanamo their fucking asses.

You're not fighting the shitskins here, you're mostly fighting their local communist (((allies))).

It's easy - you do what Hungary did. Temporary fences and bunch of guys armed for crowd control (tear gas, pepper spray, clubs, shields). Then you take a ton of video material showing rioting Aztec savages and feed it to your base to build up support for various other solutions.

let the women and children in. start shooting the men after. its the only way

Jews own media jews own democrats jews own porn industry jews in cia the answer is the jews elections are soon but this is far from over currently its a mexico problem but jews are driving them by the truckload so they will be at the border soon the military may be deployed i hope so

As stated, let them in and escort them all to Canada.

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Build a wall.

Are you fucking retarded

the anti-terrorism laws are for the Americans, not actual terrorists

You pull them off in groups of 10-100 and arrest and transport then to containment facilities it's a slow bleed.

Electrified Robotic Alligator Moat

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That's great, because you have fuckload of (((Americans))) to arrest. I realize that this isn't exactly Trump's style, but I really wish some western politician actually picked the Duterte route. It honestly seems just superior at this point, the amount of deep state interference you get when you try to tread softly is unreal, and it's just as true for the US as it is for Poland or any other European country.

>How does America stop this

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Remember when trump said he'd do this and then all he ended up doing was increasing the Federal Government Budget Deficits by 300 billion after Obama

Israel pops the heads of kids every day at their border and no one cares.

Barbed wire. It's easy to put out, and will stop them. Lay it high and deep, it stopped the Germans in ww1. It they try to cut it, you can shoot them.

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