How come most christians do not vehemently hate the jews?

How come most christians do not vehemently hate the jews?
From a religious standpoint, would it not make sense, since the jews were responsible for Jesus' death?

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Jesus didn't come to preach peace alone.
Evil shouldn't just run rampant.

Because Christians are stupid cucks, and Christianity in the first place was made by the Jews, so the Jews just brainwashed Christians into thinking they're greatest allies

They did, vehemently so, up until about 60 years ago with the rise of evangelicalism. Read Ivanhoe. When the first Crusaders sacked Jerusalem, they killed so many jews the streets ran read. Jews were viewed the same as Saracens by Christians for hundreds of years, like dogs.

Jesus had to die to fulfill the prophesy. He then had to rise from the dead thus completing His mission.
Someone had to kill Him. Naturally it was a crowd riled up by the (((people))) who had the most to lose by Jesus' message.


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Subversion is right. No idea what you mean about that other stuff.

People who don't hate the jews are dumb, or not christian.

But, Jesus death is the only reason we don't burn in hell

We do. We also hate sandies, the joobs ugly cousin.

Hate is not a Christian value.

But I would never trust one of the fuckers.

Because Christ Himself still loved them and commanded us to do the same.

Love your neighbors and even your enemies, user.

Varies from what sect of Christianity, Jehovah's witnesses are basically nigger jewish footsoldiers.

Because as in other areas, they)) have subverted and overtaken Christianity. Mainly all the big Christian)) organizations. Look at the U.S, literally all the mainstream big Christian organizations are spreading love of Israel and the jewish people.
Good on topic vid:

Som norsk kristen ser jeg også samme fenomen her, med en politisert kirstendomm i Norge..
KRF er forovrig også latterlig som et såkallt “kristent” parti.

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Christ never met a Mohammed cocksucker. If he had he would have hated them. And the Joobs weren’t like they are now. There is no way he could stomach either

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>religious pursecution for 2000 years

jesus didn't exist
the roman families who created the myth are running the world and they're jewish

You sir, are a retard

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No goyim, the whitey Romans killed Jesus.
Ignore 1 Thessalonians 2:15-16. Jesus was a Jew and a victim of antisemitism.

being called a retard by an ignorant sheep has no effect on me:
>CAESAR'S MESSIAH The Roman Conspiracy To Invent Jesus

>The Dead Sea Scrolls [complete eng translation] - John Marco Allegro

spending your life hating anyone is the most bluepilled thing u can do

This, honestly

Jews made christianity, and have altered it highly after its heyday.

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not according to polls.

No, because Christians wanted Jesus to die because the Jews said he needed to, and they are gods chosen people and god has a plan... kek

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God loves Jews but Jesus hated them. When God became Jesus, he hated Jews but when Jesus became God, he loved them.

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I love the Jews but I hate Judaism. Jews are the enemies of the entire human race, I proselytize to them and pray for their conversion.

>I love the Jews but I hate Judaism.
>Jews are the enemies of the entire human race
The absolute state of the Ancap meme flag


I don't like religion in general but I believe in the one true God. If you are an atheist, look up. If you are not filled with wonderment and humility, I have pity for you.


When you say "Christians", do you mean all religions based around Christ of run of the mill Christianity, whatever the exact term is?
Excuse my ignorance because I was raised, for the first five years of my life at least, as run of the mill Christianity.

I feel like Catholics should have some strong reservations about kikes, though.

Jewsus was a kike himself.

That’s why I’m not a Christian and I hate Jewsus.