
Attached: IWANTTOKILLMYSELF.png (1323x255, 38K)

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>number of migrants vs immigrants are nearly even
literally what?

Someone needs to create an actual green party that has the environment as their directive and not social issues. Biggest joke of a party there is.


it's futile trying to argue with these people, they will actively degrade the livelihoods of people who have a right to live here until they're 6 feet under.

>create an actual green party
rather not when the RMA and environment court has kept us poorer than AUS deliberately

Migrants and Immigrants are the same thing, also we have had the pop in 2013 at 4.2 and in 2020 it will be 5 that is 800k in 7 years which is Huge population growth

not according to leftists, dude in OP explicitly stated we he wants. 3rd worlders pouring into 1st world countries. why? i will never know.

1. why would we ever want non skilled migrants
2. literally wanting open borders
3. he has to be baiting

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yea i read it all, unfortunately there's more boomer business owners in the comments dealing with the same thing who agree with him. it's an extremely sad state of affairs, anybody who doesn't own a home or wont own a home within the next 5 years is fucked.


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