I have a Theory about the NPC meme

I have a Theory about the NPC meme...

Maybe... we are all sentient & we are all souls. Some of us have just been around longer. Since the population of the earth is growing many Souls are just... ya know... newer is all. Perhaps we all start out with about the same ability for critical thinking & self reflection. When a new soul comes into being, perhaps it starts out as sort of a blank slate.

Over time & over repeated incarnations, a soul will develop more into it's own. It's personality will become more distinct over time.

I think the reason this meme may have struck a cord is peraps there's some truth it. But it's the truthful insults that hurt the most. Like when you call a fat person a fatty or someone with acne a pizza face. The reason they seem to have this simplistic childish almost automated world view is many of them ARE children, they act like children because they're newer souls. They're younger & haven't had time to develop & are very impressionable.

I dunno... It's just a theory.

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We're a Republic indefinitely. Squad up, we're going to stop the migrants, then exterminate all the (((agents))) and murder all the CNN reporters in the US for forcing this upon us to collapse our country. Get ready lads, its finally happening.

We Phantom Troupe

IDGAF about your question, but I know where that pic is from

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Thats a shitty theory.

Its more likely that idiots with a tendency toward collectivism sound like idiots with a tendency toward collectivism

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the spark of the divine is in us all.

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Yeah? ... I think it's pretty good theory.

Because it's more than likely what's going on here. These people are not "Zombies" they're not "NPC's" Their souls who are just younger...

That's another thing... I think maybe that's why they're pushing so hard for a second civil war they're young and & most these younger souls haven't ever fought in a real war. They only know about it from documentaries and history books, the scars and wounds haven't been felt. They're bored... bored with video games and porn and Starbucks and debates and going shopping & working (those who actually have jobs) and are itching for a fight.

Don't get me wrong... I'm not sitting on the fence though. When that times comes, and it sure seems like it's approaching fast. I'm fighting on the right.
I feel like we're all being played for saps here, like we're being pitted against each other. I don't know if it's deliberate or not, or why this is happening. I used to be a liberal myself, but DAMN... ya know... the left has become something I don't even recognize anymore & something I don't want any part of.

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Pol discovers sociology.

I know right? Sometimes civil war is unavoidable but I don't think we've reached that point yet. I mean left or right... we're all human beings...
rather we like it or not... we're all in this together.

I was a little skeptical my self of Trump, but I decided ya know damn... Let's at least see how handles it & ya know I think he's doing a pretty damn good job.

I feel like what we should be fighting for is Respect for each other. It's that rather we like it or not... we are all this together. War is what happens when we all lose site of that. Left? RIght? Why should we have to be divided into these binary & misleading labels? It's fucking dumb!

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>we're all human beings
