White poppies for peace. Most bongs here have heard of them...

White poppies for peace. Most bongs here have heard of them. Stupid Liberal shit to try and fuck with poppies on remembrance day.
It definately won't be hard to turn the shite poppy into a white nationalist symbol so let's get cracking, and we can do away with it and thus own the libs

Attached: whitepoppy.png (728x720, 1.06M)

White poppies for the white man.
Remove the peace thing from the middle and put some gay little WN symbol. The daily mail will fucking love it, come on lads

>so let's get cracking
not your personal army.

Peace can only come form an ethnostate for Anglos. DEPORT ALL PAKIS WEAR WHITE POPPIES GTPRWN

>Implying he's appealing to Americans
And fuck off with your /b/ level buzz frases.
>Not your personal army!
This is why Jow Forums gets nothing done anymore you subversive kike

nothing personal about this, jamal

>Not just wearing both
Literally just a poppy that includes the deaths of all combatants, which is justified. I don't think Hanz Pumpinshüter who got gunned down by a tommy in World War 1 doesn't deserved to be remembered because he was on the losing side and infact just increases how tragic world war 1 ws because each side died for nothing

its a political symbol, designed to politicise the red poppy. its creators and early pushers of it were making a deliberate attempt to politicise the red poppy and hopefully get it banned and replaced with there gay little liberal bullshit

x post

I'm going to buy a red poppy and a white poppy just to piss you off

The white poppy was pushed in opposition to the red one, not as complimentary. You do what you want, I dont care.
The point is to drop the white poppy into more controversy as a counter attack to their blatant attempt to undermine and replace the red poppy as part of an obvious political agenda.

Obviously shills like you hate this idea, because you know it would work.

I dont actually WANT a WN poppy, I want the red poppy and the red poppy only, without political messages attached, but after the WN poppy story gets out, no one will want to wear one anymore.

Attached: wypipopoppy.png (615x818, 216K)

We just need better posters, I suck at making them. Stuff like "no more brother wars", stop white people fighting white people kind of messages.

Why don't we accuse them of glorifying the opioid epidemic instead?

Because that won't work. We want a quick strike that can cause sensationalism. If you fight against it, you're just giving it attention and ultimately will gain traction among Liberal wankers

No more brother wars. :)


Attached: Collage 2018-10-22 13_29_45~2.jpg (1336x854, 328K)

>You have been slain in war
Eh it's a proof of concept I guess I have a better idea anyway

"stop war amongst whites"
Let's bring an end to war amongst whites for once. One race one family one poppy.

Here's one I think is alot better

Attached: Collage 2018-10-22 13_33_54~2.jpg (1080x919, 257K)

Thus is great. Bumping for white victory

Attached: 1540096285808.gif (202x360, 2.2M)

Looks like an existing poster. Needs more wn

Shit. They're going to fuck up even this little gesture. The jews have thrown society so far off kilter, there isn't a square inch of common ground any longer.