Sweden better than ever!


Praise Allah the all mighty for granting us the region know as sweden. Today sweden is a barbaric uncivilized un-islamic country. The country is filled with degeneracy such as tolerance for homosexuals and feminism. But with a few years of hard work we muslims shall give the swedes civilization and islam. Sweden in the future will be based and islamic!

Attached: The new sweden.jpg (640x337, 6K)


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slide thread

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>un-islamic country

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Why is that Muslims descrimate so much and still get protected by the PC brigade.am I missing something. Isn't it wrong to be a homophob and sexist these days. How do they get away with it

No! I will kill you infidel!

Attached: beheading-of-US-journalist.jpg (550x649, 37K)

I'l slap the teeth out your mouth rat.

At least half of you will be stoned since you're all faggots

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> Immigrants live in ghettos
> Too stupid to understand the language or infrastructure
> Commits crimes
> Contributes nothing to society.

Thank you Sweden, very cool.

I will stomp your face in, you fucking termite!

you will never be close to me, i feel the smell from the distance

To make this more understandable in the future, I present the PC Pyramid of Pity(left), or PCPP for short.

Note that white men are not included in the PCPP, because they can only be the perpetrators of oppression - not the victims.

When one group of "oppressed" people commits an act of "oppression" against another group typically deemed "oppressed" - that is when the culprit isn't a white male, one has to determine who's more oppressed in order to analyze the situation and figure out whether an act of oppression has occurred or not. If the group committing the oppressing act is in fact deemed more oppressed than the group the act is being committed against, then no oppression has occurred - and vice versa.

So as you can derive from the PCPP, muslims can't oppress gays because muslims are a high tier oppressed group. Whereas asians for example can in fact only be oppressed by white males.

Attached: PCPP.jpg (1458x1322, 125K)

You better run away since you italians can't fight anyone, you probably end up dead by just trying to kick a cat!

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Face to face when and where you bitch?
Come to Bratislava,let's see how tough you are.

To bratislava brothers! Lets level it to the ground!

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What a larper you are.
Piss and wipe.

Kys. The Satanists will take over and offer you sand niggers to satan.

Sweden. Yes!

everyone is muslim at this point swede
have fun with fun rules like decapitation! lmao

Is there a reason why you are hiding your flag? Afraid of showing the flag of your subhuman country?

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yawn.. you talk so much shit and then come to europe crying for help, where are you from Ahmed?

Oh no its retarded

thank you so much. Every country you have been to became a litteral shithole. I speak from experience i've lived in a major city for some time now since mass migration was launched you have brought us only rape gangs and terrorism.
Even your fellow muslims brothers that came from algeria in the sixties despise you

Thank you brother
UK shall be same also
We must convert Europe to dominant faith of Muhammad (PBUH)

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*has became*

I didn't come to europe to cry for help. I came here to spread islam just like my ottoman ancestors!

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It's so big

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you are like babies, and you probably already realized most people hate muslims, despite what jews media tells you. It must be a hard life

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Döda dig själv.

Inb4 Qos_milf is posted in this thread

Alhamdulillah the mightiest, it is indeed very great news that we have achieved large progress in the islamization of sweden, we are steady in our march forward to an islamic sweden thanks be to allah alone.

Attached: hisbah.png (1219x688, 555K)

Rome conquered unwashed barbaric c*lts whereas ottomans conquered entire civilisations

Agreed, the great ottoman caliphate terrorized the hearts of the infidels in many places in europe, the balkans were under ottoman islamic rule for hundreds of years.

Attached: muslimclay2.jpg (1398x1160, 735K)

they was never able to conquer Europe, remember Lepanto in 1571

So? It's not like Romans conquering naked celts in Gaul is anything to be proud of

you need to study history better, but
if you are that powerful i don't understand why you are coming in Europe as refugees instead of forming an army and try to conquer us..

I'm not ottoman
And besides those times are gone, it's like asking why doesn't the British empire invade places if it's supposed to be so powerful


You don't understand, with muslims and niggers you don't "fight" it is more a pest control a disinfestation.

Attached: WhenYouGiveZergsSomeVespeneGas.png (240x280, 21K)

bacause they don't need and don't want to, you muslims seems so desperate for a land to stay

Attached: WhenYouPutPineappleOnPizza.jpg (1079x691, 247K)

I'm not muslim and what makes you think that most muslims want to live somewhere else
The muslim diaspora is tiny compared to home population

then you must have some mental disorder, see

>what makes you think that most muslims want to live somewhere else
what you all write and say when asked

Just joke lol
>i get my idea of Muslims from ones i meet online

>italian invasion of ethiopia

Lol so italians can only fight people when they are light years ahead of them in technology.

But when faced with enemies that are more or less equally to them self in terms of technology. They get their asses kicked.

non meaning there, there are various sources, through i have to admit that i refuse to talk to them. but when you try to come here illegally, with ships that most of the time sink, you must be really desperate..

A literal minority of muslims though

>l so italians can only fight people when they are light years ahead of them in technology

1) Ethiopians, muslim and niggers are not people, but anthropomorphic creatures

2) There is a reason why we had plane and chemical weapons while they were busy stucking bananas in their asses and living in mud made cabins.

>But when faced with enemies that are more or less equally to them self in terms of technology. They get their asses kicked.

No Ogumbo, it doesn't work this way. Even if the monkeys gets the finest piece of equipment, stuff that is alien technology to them, they still can't do shit with that.

Everything more than an rusty ak47 is wasted on you.

Attached: somalia.png (246x205, 92K)

How can you watch a white person in the eyes and come to the conclusion that you are equal to them.
Come on Mobunto! You know what you are, you know how your "mother" treated you, how your father did, and how your "friends" did.

It is not our fault if you are animals, and you know it.

This is the most retarded way of coping i have ever seen and i was browsing /b/ for 10 years, youre just so fucking retarded no wonder your people still praise a goat fucker pedophile

Kill yourself you muzzie pigfucker ! And take that paedophile Mohammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmed with you.