Major Black Pill Carpet Bombing

>The same families and bloodlines who ruled over humanity 5000 years ago are still ruling over the earth
>all major religions including Abrahamic religions are sun worship
>we are trapped inside a terrarium which has a dome and a flat bed
>the network of the elites is scattered across the earth but swiss is the center of the evil and their main base
>astrotheology + gnosticism is the final theological black pill
>we must enter the aurora borealis to become free of this recurring reincarnation hell which recycles us to be used as bio-CPUs of this gigantic computer simulator machine called earth
>there are two suns. one white that emits golden light and one black that emits green light. the white sun is evil and makes us old and wither.

Attached: 1499101553087.jpg (600x507, 96K)

>he thinks there's other rulers

Attached: christ_pantocrater.jpg (397x768, 132K)

Attached: 20a.jpg (1234x815, 100K)

schizophrenia the thread

user goes off his meds the thread

Have you been smoking that skits hydro?

This is a change from ten caravan threads. Go on, user. Please continue then take the meds.

nice fanfic op

i hope white sun and black sun get together.

Please state theological case for your brand of Gnosticism. There were many conflicting sects. And they largely deal in dualism.

Uhhh can you tell me more about the green sun because I unironically was spoken to by god like four months ago when a massive green sun moved across the sky at 1:11 in the morning precisely as i was reflecting on my life and thinking about all that i'd been through, and how im going to have a beautiful life because of the contrast.