Just popping in to send a message to every racist virgin browsing this board. Nobody cares about you...

Just popping in to send a message to every racist virgin browsing this board. Nobody cares about you, you will die alone, you're ugly genetic trash & every single person in the world secretly wishes you were dead. You blame women & minorities for your problems when the reality is every non ugly normal white person is thriving, your life is shit because your a shit person. I'm glad you fucks will never reproduce, please fucking kill yourselves.

Sincerely, the entire fucking world.

Attached: ovvsoomagwcy.jpg (640x728, 53K)

>1 post by this ID

Yikes, all that projecting

Try love, OP

That's a Yikes! from me.

what is the hate of leftists against virginity?
why is a bad thing if a man is virgin?

If nobody cares. Why are you here commie?

Clown world.

>Nobody cares about you
>creates a whole thread full of letters and spends time looking for a "perceived virgin gets btfod by progressive kween, how will they ever recover?" picture

you retarded incels are so easy to trigger. gonna go get head from my gf, i'll keep monitoring this thread in case any of you cockwombles has an actual argument.

I... No... He got us, bros...

Attached: JK.png (1877x840, 226K)

How do i get an NPC gf like you?

Ayyy lmao

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>Be British
>Use Commie flag

The nucleus of the feminine perspective on the world is social-sexual status; thus women and feminized men invariably reduce all conflict down to "you only disagree with me because you're a virgin". Read any "deconstruction of the right" from NYT, the New Yorker, Vice, etc., it's an endless parade of roasties and soimen verbosely explaining how there is literally no valid criticism of progressive globalism that doesn't ultimately derive from some kind of status insecurity on the part of the criticizer

>children’s book writer supports the female version of her book’ main antagonist
What is this timeline

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Why do you think that chasing orgasms is the end-all, be-all of existence?

Ok. Explain what is then.

an actual argument to what?

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OP was raped by his stepdad as a kid, don’t hate him, pity him.

>woman calling someone she disagrees with a lonely virgin

You have no higher goal you want to achieve beyond a paltry squirt?

How many kids you got?
t. nazi with 3 kids and one more on the way

Oh no a roastie hack called him a virgin, how can he ever recover? Daily reminder JK lived on welfare and was a single mother with an absentee father when she started writing harry potter.

Reddit is the board you are looking for

Attached: DesertedHeavenlyGoldenretriever-max-1mb.gif (240x180, 258K)

Gotta squirt it to hurt it mayne

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TLDR. Saged.

Here I am reading this garbage right before I wake my 6 kids for school.

Its liberals who die old and alone.

>Rostie responding to confrontation with "ur a virgin lol"
I sleep

Why are you posting some dudes manifesto to fuck his own mother/Rowling?

You cared enough to post we're living rent free in your head

Stole from Neil Gaiman

WTF with that shitty picture? J.K. Rowling is black.

forgot pic.

Attached: J.K Rowlling.png (618x370, 263K)

Well pop back out and commit auto fellatio upon yourself, then after that commence anally penetrating yourself with a magic wand that you hand crafted from a random tree branch in your suburban backyard. Harry Potter Sucks Faggot!

Attached: bullypepe.png (540x540, 230K)

>Commie uses posts by unrepentant human trafficker to bolster his delusion
KYS pedo-lover

Attached: JK Rowling & pedo symbols.jpg (1164x698, 219K)

Why do they view virginity as a bad thing someone should be ashamed of?

Also, don't they usually see themselves as against bullying?

Attached: af2.png (741x568, 20K)

At first I thought, these meme flags, they are going to make this easy for mods. Only trolls and actual shills pick meme flags, they literally mark themselves for banishment, but no, the mods seem content on letting just anyone who clearly does not belong come and just shit up the board. Marked or not. Mods are fucking compromised.

>Ok. Explain what is then.
You're not so different to the Indians, you know.

>t.incel looser

That's nothing new for Rowling. She stole a bit of the plot of potter, from the rash of wizard books written in the 40s and 50s.

Don't they see this just makes them look like the high school 'mean girl' bully?

>leftist views don’t line up with their behavior
Imagine my shock

how can we turn the incel meme against the left? we turned the Nazi dehumanization into NPCs and they lost their shit.
it's not like the left is loaded with sex demigods... Carl the Cuck, AIDS Skrillex, Trigglypuff, Patton Oswalt.. these retards are all incels too.

Can't you just COEXIST?!?!?

We should start a Tariq Nasheed-style rumour that JK stole the Harry Potter idea from a black writer.

Wrong board, buzzfeed. You have to come and me a sloppy bj now

Did your antifa ama not go as well as you expected Nigel?

>genetic trash
How ironic

Imagine being a supposed gorillionaire writer with vast mansions. You could be doing anything you want and you're arguing with a frog on Twitter. I'll never understand these alleged people.

I'm more interested in how they manage to rationalize it to themselves

>2 posts by this ID
they learn

Jew Killer Rowling is /ourgirl/

Kike raving mad, has it sunk in yet that you've lost politically for the next 30 years?

The saddest thing is that even now you’re projecting.

>Blame Minorities
We are the minority you faggot.k

I was just thinking about portraying her as she was meant to be portrayed: as a strong woman of colour.
Simillary to BBC history documentaries.

What makes you think there is any rationalization? You realize why NPC has gained so much traction as of late, no?

>lonely virgin
>made millions from book series for virgins

Ungrateful bigot

>caring what JK Rowling says
In case you slept from 2009 onwards she's a MASSIVE ATTENTIONWHORE ready to poke everyone or pretend to be anything, like whenever she goes on her '"I'm a feminist because X but just because I don't do X doesn't mean I'm not one"", or how she lied Harmoine was supposed to initially be black for more virtue points and now this.

Basically she's rich, older than a mustang with a loosened curtains. All she can do now is qweef on social media hoping someone will bite or tap her on the back

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It’s the ego my friend

Why do they think "you're a virgin" is an insult? This is a grown ass woman still throwing around adolescent schoolyard taunts. After quoting Churchill, mind you. I do not understand this mentality at all; apparently they're all emotionally stunted and stuck in their early teens.

Bc they know their only power in this world is their pussy whciih they've been convinced through years of indoctrination mKes them ultra desirable and relevant especially because the orbiters around them give them unended approval of all their opinions in a desperate attempt to attain such pussy.
when they find a man who challenges their ideas and doesn't give a FUCK that they Have some used up roast flaps, this is their biggest fear because they lose all control.

"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."

->Nobody cares about you,
Well! obviously *you* do, you're here posting shit.
Remember the Jow Forums curse... You are here forever...
Have a cartoon frog and a (you)

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>having sex outside of marriage
what a loser degenerate. Make sure you take a bong rip and shoot meth up your ass too.

Well they have deemed you as a hateful bully, so anything bad they do to you, they see as attacking hatred and evil.

>0 posts by this ID

>muh vagina

I love how she latched onto the 'black Hermione' thing to virtue signal even though she was obviously involved somewhat in the initial casting and never said anything back then

> nobody cares out you ?
>racist virgins you must be a mind reader !
> every single person , so everybody is on Jow Forums?
>so ugly white person is are not thriving ?
We lads this faggot hates whites , people attractively challenged, virgins , represent the world . Must be the usual tranny mentally ill faggot , le 45% suicide club!!

Isn't life a drag living in the past of your mentally ill pill inducted schizophrenia mania ??/


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>>t.incel looser
Must be, if trying to get laid is that big a part of your life. Women are easy if you aren't fat or ugly. Chasing pussy shouldn't be a big deal, any more than getting groceries is.

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Even from a mediocre author like her I expected better. Frogulus wins

You’re chasing the dragon commie faggot. I got more pussy than anyone on this board, and all it did was leave me feeling empty. When I realized the girl sucking my dick, is not forced to be truthful about how many dicks she has had prior, I was awakened to the true nature of women. It doesn’t help that I’ve had streaks where I was with 5-6 women at different times but you’re only young once, but chad your whole life. People that hate me are jealous of me, for different reasons, but the biggest one being that they want my genes. Your girlfriend is probably very ugly. It’s an open secret conservative women are physically more attractive.

>pawing at his penis like the cats she collects
Lost it

why are you here posting this msg if no one cares about us?
You fail at logic, you fail at life.

The left:

>Sexual headcount defines a person's value

Also the left:

>Don't call me a slut reeee

>Your not you're
I'm not just a grammar nazi either... Can you guess what other kind I am?

I’m married with kids and I’m financially doing pretty damn good, however I’m racist as fuck and think women simply are not as competent or intelligent as men. Fuck me too, or just the poor virgins?

I dont need a partner. My vibrator satisfies me like no man can

based pussy pedestal destroyer


Just popping in

Yeah of course your not the same left wing guy who posts here day after day because you are obsessed with us absolutely.

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Access to holes is not an argument

Too bad im married to a white woman and never fell for jewish propaganda. White pussy is the best. You shills are terrified at that truth

Reminder to sage all shill threads

This theory makes sense, and that is why it is wrong, liberals don’t make sense on their own so to understand them you must delve into the teachings of their masters. As far as how they have been programmed, you are spot on, but the thought proccess, the rationalization we are looking for, never occured in the leftists mind. It really is as simple as computers following a line of code.
>Anything against the status quo = attack

It's the
>Commies tells us that all of our arguments are invalid because we don't sit in a 700$ Chair, getting head and STDs everyday
It's the
>Anarchist tells us that we're wrong in everything we say because we're "alone" and "don't have any friends" while claiming to be the spokesman for the world he wants to destroy
It's the
>Autistic Fag comes over and projects so hard he could make an entire movie but no, he wants to call us "Wrong" because we use the internet to voice our beliefs
It's the
>Dude who actively sterilizes himself and gets a vasectomy for reddit points tells us that we're mentally insane for saying that there's a problem with the world we need to fix and can only use "you guys will never reproduce" even though he made it so that he literally, cannot, reproduce. The same guy that criticizes reproduction and does nothing to reach it uses that to insult us as if we will never do it

Do you guys ever get tired of this retarded bullshit? Consider this pasta.

The Harry Potter books are shit tier literature (I use that word LIBERALLY). Fuck that cunt with a splintery pike.

this is called- projection

Checksum and this is a) funny as fuck but only because b) it hits right on the money with this kind of whore. Enjoy the cats you friged bitch. I can't wait for the day we castrate all of her Harry Potter larping fans.

>go to 4chinz
>brag about pussy
Yea. Sure ya did.

no sweetie, i had sex 6 years ago

Gayfag here.
I know for a fact that you don't have a girlfriend you have a chick with a dick. At least when i fuck some cute dude in the ass I don't pretend he is a girl.

I always thought of it as one level deeper than that.
>Anything against the status quo = hateful and evil
And then the attacking happens after that.

I honestly don't know which of the two is correct.

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ya daft cunt, I already know. Its why I do this shit. Fuck sake, I've fucked over 50 chicks, not one of them black, One was nice but a fuckin bore. Ive had plenty of jobs and am now employed doing something i love.
Life is still full of cunts like you so..... Here I am, looking for fags like you to splurge my anger out on.

the fuck

no fuckin way, how did i not notice this? Jow Forums uses pedo symbols

Attached: pedochan.png (30x27, 325)

Gay and redpilled.
