
Shooting children is heroism according to Jow Forums

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If they grow up to be muzzie shit skins than it is

children of politicians

If they are cucks, muzzies or commies they deserve to be shot.

Nope normal childrens

Some might think of it as a preemptive strike.

And in max security prison, he's being treated as a person as well. lol

If Breivik truly believes what he did was right, and was for the good of his countrymen, then why did he change his name?

it's because he is ashamed of himself. why else would he abandon the name of his forefathers, when it was supposedly their legacy he was defending

typical unstable reichwing coward

He only failed because he acted alone. When a large group of people does what he did, it's called a revolution and it's lauded with moral virtue in the pursuit of justice.

>77 kills and several hundred injured, does not commit sudoku to spend entire life in prison w/o parole
Pick one and only one.