Why the fuck is nobody here talking about this? Some Saudi was wearing Khashoggi's clothes after they killed him.
Why the fuck is nobody here talking about this? Some Saudi was wearing Khashoggi's clothes after they killed him
Other urls found in this thread:
>literally in a dead man's shoes
these people are ruthless psychopaths
That's the basic everyday outfit of turks in that range of age
Saudi did 9/11 btw. Why is US allied with them?
This operation was the most retard thing ever.
>washington post journalist
this nigger had a few op-eds in the washington post, forget about him being a saudi national and anti regime journo for sand town
Those rich sand niggers are not to be trusted
>ead man's shoes
He was not wearing the journalist shoes. That's how they found he was an impostor.
Canada has polar bears
>gays get thrown off building
journalists: ...
>saudis influence US election and pay money to Hillary Clinton
journalists: ...
>saudis assassinate each other to be King
journalists: ....
>saudis oppress women and dont allow them to do anything
journalists: ...
feminists: ...
>instagram thots go to saudi arabia and get fucked by goats and kids and get pissed and shat on
journalists: ....
feminists: .....
>saudis kill a washington post journalist
Deepstate CIA, Mossad, House of Saud all involved. Bush and Chaney involved. 9/11 had multiple goals. Replacing regimes that’s not friendly to central bank, secure oil field for petro-dollar, insurance scam for Silverstein, Hiding missing DoD $2.3trillion, and most of all destruction of our constitution in the name of security to bring in New World Government.
you mean a washington post "journalist"
They brought that one guy in just to be a body double, probably felt like agent 47 walking around. This plan would have worked 15 years ago maybe. Dumbass saudis
what the fuck is the meaning of hits herecy
Fuck them, fuck them all!
Nothing sauce is CNN
Trumptards just love Saudi because their god emperor tells them to
>Why the fuck is nobody here talking about this?
Because it doesn't matter. Some sand-wog got killed by his fellow countrymen. Yawn.
15 of 19 highjackers where Saudi National. That’s a Fact, who orderd them around is still up to debate I guess.
Coming out of the same building that the guy was killed in on the same day?
Come on bro, you can do better.
>Trump is Putin puppet
That didn’t stick
>Trump is Hitler
That didn’t stick
>Trump is a Jew
That didn’t stick
>Trump is Saudi puppet
Hope it sticks blue wave orange man bad
Ah yes, apologize for the greatest enemy of jews, Donald Trump
>greatest enemy of jews, Donald Trump
Narritive change looks like you got your 4am talking point
He's not a jew, but he openly tongues their assholes.
Are you actually denying that?
how does this affect my life? I DONT CARE ABOUT THIS SHIT
That’s why we went to war in Syria 2yr ago and again 6mo ago and now we sent troop in last week /s
All Trump did was to move embassy to Jerusalem nothing else
Because CNN is pushing it
Seriously, it's just formalwear. Not as rare as you may think, given the location of the building (governemnt district).
Because it was a 30-40 year plan to destroy everyone else but USA. Saudi thought they'd be relevant because of oil, but like the show man in the high castle, their time will come.
I heard he was working on a damning article about 9 /11. Some insider info, I guess. That shit won't see the light of the day now.
Cannot account for =\= missing
You're a disgrace for the fatherland. Suicide is your best option.
I absolutely hated when Trump joined up with them.