Hypothetically speaking, is anything stopping us from forming a protest of 10,000-20...

Hypothetically speaking, is anything stopping us from forming a protest of 10,000-20,000 people to go down to the US / Mexico border to block the migrant caravan from entering our country? If they try to enter then they get get hit with wooden shields and pepper spray.

If the government can't do its job to keep these people out, then the responsibility falls on the American citizenry.

Attached: BunkerHill-small.jpg (800x533, 158K)

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Actually if you witness them crossing the border, (a criminal misdemeanor) you can legally detain them.



The National Guard has been deployed to crush the American Reich Army.

>wooden shields and pepper spray
this is a "shot heard round the world" moment OP.

you know this too, or else why include a picture of Bunker Hill. i see no wooden shields or pepper spray represented in pic related

Yeah, work commitments.

Where are they coming? Sounds like a good idea but watch the protest get filled with glow niggers who pull a false flag. Also watch Antifa form a counter protest filled with bussed in Soros funded agitators.

Is it illegal to shoot illegals? They are invading my home(country), so rightly I can shoot them, no?

Not can't...WON'T.
The Feds gave us integration, remember.
Also kicked God out of every public space.

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Spread this idea across texas

20,000 armed patriots at the border would send a powerful message to the left.

We all have jobs

I need the answer to this. I would love to shoot goblins.

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The U.S. government would rather arrest citizens protecting the border than enforce it themselves.

The US military would be ordered to shoot you, and they would.

Good. Seeing the military shoot its own citizens to protect third world niggers would be just the thing to kick this civil war into high gear

I hope they shoot the invaders. It would more than likely be the happening of the year.


It's not invasion.

How is it not?

It is an invasion, and if they were all gunned down, I'd cheer. Fuck civility.

antifa will mobilize to let them in. you gonna have a civil war

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It is

This would be pretty cool

In those numbers, if they cross the boarder I would just shoot them. I don't live that close to the boarder though

Yeah right. The media would tell people that the military killed violent Nazis, and they'd believe it.

Is legal to defend against invasion yes

Better to use bombs, wait until they are grouped up close and blow up like 500 at once

We just got back from vacationing in Mexico and we saw the caravan. Neither the left leaning press nor the right leaning press are reporting that the caravan is being escorted by cartel "soldiers". Once they get across the American border, they're going to be guarded by cartel "soldiers" already present in the states. This whole invasion is being brought about because Trump is interfering with the cartel's human trafficking operations which is even more lucrative than the drug trade.

Not by any definition I know. It's not an army.

Let's fucking organize and get down their I'm sick and tired of just sitting here watching them do whatever they want to our fair country

How many people are considering driving down to Texas to protest? I am. I live less than 20 miles from Canada for reference

You're the kind of retard that saw American patriots hiding behind trees to snipe redcoats standing in a line in the middle of a field saying "HEY, THEY CAN'T DO THAT!"

Not really but okay


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

You won't have jobs if that caravan makes it into our country.

Good, I have been waiting for an excuse to open fire on those masked retards.

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Good. Let's get it on.

I'd rather not have a civil war, but if they'll aid a literal invasion, then there will be a clear basis to demarcate sides.

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The NEET losers here can take one for the team

The founding fathers risked more than just their jobs

Football and baseball prevent any action.

how fast I would volunteer to bust some shit for the good of public order

Why not just open fire with some firearms? These fucks will only rape, kill, live of socialcare or whatever that shit is called in America, and clutter the streets with garbage.

>marching to your country with flags of foreign nations
Sounds like an invading army to me

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They're not an army.

Not by any dictionary.

That'll just make it easier to stop them. We need a purge. WWII was a couple generations ago. Hey, it'll be great for the environment!

Check the autism on this kike

Strict definitions of what constitutes an army have been irrelevant since at the very least Vietnam if not before.

I like where your head's at but there's a ton of ways this goes wrong
>Patriots shoot "unarmed" migrants, get arrested
>Antifa shows up to counter protest, guaranteed someone gets killed in the ensuring brawl
>US Military has to get involved, Patriots and Antifa get killed
>Media spins the entire thing against the Patriots right before the midterms

The best option would be for Trump to actually follow through on his promises, but we know he isn't going to do that, so I'm somewhat at a loss.

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>Hypothetically speaking, is anything stopping us from forming a protest of 10,000-20,000 people to go down to the US / Mexico border to block the migrant caravan from entering our country?
Armed Mexican criminals.


This, I’m at work right now and have no more vacation this year. I fully support any American citizen going down there armed and will donate to such a cause.

There isn't anything stopping you from protesting but please don't go killing people, be an example not a criminal.
Members from the American Blackshirt Party will be at the border helping US soldiers and Border patrol, hope to see some of you there

Yes whats stopping us is the Democrates have the money and infrastructiure to fund and organize such a protest

The right wing does NOT. The dems have decades of organizing experience dating back to Saul Alinsky where as the Republicans have 5 years of experience dating to maybe the Tea Party rallies of 2012. The Right can't into mass mobilization

They already proved they are....

1. Willing to use force to cross international borders where they are unwanted.

2. Admitted to doing this for economic reasons

3. Refused to seek refugee status in the first country they come to (mexico) per international law.

4. Have been shown to be armed to some degree when they attacked the Mexican border guards.

This is a hostile invading force. It should be stopped with extreme prejudice. Stop them anyway you can.

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Why wooden shields? Texas is an open carry state. Bring firearms and they won't even approach.

Based and redpilled black guy bottom left.

Armed Fillibustering was big in the US before the Civil War. An Anglo-American even managed to overthrow the Nicaraguan government with an army of 2,000 men. There are really nothing to stop ~50,000 armed patriots from marching into Honoraus and taking it by force. Invasion for an invasion.

Kekistanis rise up

Yeah, George Washington was doxxed on Ye Olde Tweeter

We are in the era of New Wars my friend. Warfare is fought out within the realms of culture, demographics and terrorism.

>Op wants to organise a defence of his country
>Posts pic where they ironically get BTFO by the royal marines