I've always considered the Dutch to be better versions of us: less autistic, more social cohesion, happy and content

I've always considered the Dutch to be better versions of us: less autistic, more social cohesion, happy and content.

I want nothing more than for our countries to merge, but they hate us. They fucking hate us, and it hurts so much. I hope one day you can learn to love us again, my Dutch brothers.

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I like the Dutch. They're pretty cool.

Dutch can sometimes sound almost exactly like English. It's pretty weird sometimes listening to them talk.

They're alright.

germans are the worst
they are not the only ones who hate you

Dont trust them all jewenablers

>I hope one day you can learn to love us again
We need some tough love ourselves, you know what to do to win our respect back.

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The Dutch are based.
>The Netherlands secretly gave arms and munition to the Colonies during the Revolution under the nose of Britain, was sadly caught
>Second nation to recognize the United States (First being France)
>First nation to give the first formal salute after the first US ship waved the flag of the United States
>Third largest foreign investor to the United States
>Both were Republics before it was cool
>The Netherlands harbored the Puritans from persecution before they sailed off to the colonies. In hindsight, protecting the future of the United States
>The Netherlands is the only former Revolutionary War ally that the US has never been on bad terms with

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Thank you for your kind words, I feel the opposite way actually. I love Germany as a destination for a vacation; beautiful countrysides, cheap meals and the best beer in Europe, lovely people as well, but I detest most of the Netherlands. Might be because I live in Amsterdam...

I don't hate Germans that would be retarded.
I do -with a passion- hate HATE you're government. And my own for the record.

EU was a mistake, The idea wasn't bad, but It should just have been an Germanic and Nordic union.

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>I've always considered the Dutch to be better versions of us:
Go back home, swampjew.

Most dutch don't actually hate Germans. I do hate that the general public is brainwashed and keeps voting Merkel

I dont hate you, My gf is German and we're going to marry and have kids.

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I might piss on you burgers from time to time but you're alright too, America has lot of cool things to offer like Southern culture and cool folklore, weapons and great amount of diffrent terrains.

Dutch is german but different

I agree with this.

We're all one big family desu. Dutch, Danish,German,Swedish,Norse, Icelandic.

German bros are alright.

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>I want nothing more than for our countries to merge, but they hate us.
like with the whole EU project you wish to destroy the things you like in the dutch you flamming faggot.


It's because the Dutch are basically Germans without southern """german"""" admixtures.


the Dutch are alright. Never met one i didnt like. Typically very polite, smile a lot, talkative, helpful. good group.

No theyre not part of the family! especially not Liechtenstein. (Just kidding ofcourse they are, im sleepy my friend im not gonna name them all.)

You fucked up any hope of merging when ya cucked yourself.

Good to hear some nice stuff for a change.
Dutch people can be quite nice but they also say what they think constantly so strangers can be very rude if theyre irritated. Dutch people can also be so direct that its insulting and think nothing off of it. Otherwise Dutch people are mostly cool we just got a whole lot of types, From white trash to the regular joe people to the rich "yuppies" as we call them.

>very polite

wut? We are a lot of fucking things. But 'polite' certainly is not one of them.

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If all goes to shit im sure a white enclave inbetween Germany and The Netherlands and the lawless shitskin lands will form.

I mean yeah im not gonna lie but i think alot of Dutch people also posters are straight up assholes. But atleast its nice people got a good impression of us right?

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Dutch are Germans on weed and bro-tier
We like them, they like us
The actual hate-love brotherhood of Germany is the one with the eternal Anglo-Saxon
They backstabbed us way to much for the international kikery and ZOG, we still have huge relation in blood and history

>but they hate us
You can thank the nazis for that

I never experienced that famous Dutch "bluntness" that people talk about. Can't recall any Dutch person ever being rude to me.

Dutch people are a bunch of cum eating fagholes

Kraut-nigger wants to merge with superior Colgate because he knows his country is shit, and he's mad that the Dutch don't want shitty Germans in their country.

Opa wants his bike back

Been missing since 1940

We always wanted to be frens with the anglo, but they don't

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Theres only some butthurt liberal fags still whining bout "muh german ww2" shit but ofc then they also love refugees and shit. Most people dont mind you at all and love going on holiday in Germany (Especially köln)

Give us back opa's bike and we might consider your offer

Fuck anglo you got us. I work every day with anglos, With the British ones its almost like talking to aliens sometimes, they seem like a diffrent species in behavior.

stop trying to merge with the dutch you fucking shitholes. You'll end up destroying everything that makes them unique. Go invade poland again or something.

ah yeah loving that Republic of the Netherlands
>oh wait

>They fucking hate us
Who doesn't hate Germans?

We are your greatest ally, burger. Never forget ABDACOM

Go fuck yourself and your mother. You destroyed our heritage, our families, raped our women, and ruined the entire continent.

I guess we automatically default to Angelo style courtesy nowadays when dealing with English speaking foreigners. That used to be different before the internet age though.

The Dutch are still rude cunts to each other though. Wouldn't want it any other way. At least it makes for some interesting conversations, plus you rarely have to guess what goes on in someones head and/or thinks about you.

Based Dutchbros. What a beautiful people they are, the Dutch.

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The Dutch also protected their Jewish qts while you were trying to slaughter them.

Sadly they weren't able to protect her though :'(

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>social cohesion
If only

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You got the pervatin green text by any chance I’m sad and in need of a good kek.

>You destroyed our heritage, our families, raped our women, and ruined the entire continent.
Are you from Rotterdam or something?
Here's a blackpill for you: more monuments, ancient buildings, canals, and other beautiful things were destroyed by Post-War city planners than by German and Allied bombs and even more disgusting shit was built in its stead

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>shot my grandfathers brother in front of his family for hiding jews on his farm
>then burned the farm

Kanker Duitsers
Zijn ze geen kuilen aan het graven, dan proppen ze wel je snelweg vol met caravans.

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He shouldn't have broken the NAP

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I have it somewhere, But I can't seem to find it. Take this instead.
Take solace in the fact that one day we will meet again in the fast planes of space, maybe uploaded to a computer. But still.
"What is life but a meaningless waltz danced by fools"

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>traitor family were hiding jews
seems like they were asking for it

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That's de Bijlmer. There was nothing but water there before those buildings.

>Hiding jews

Well there is your problem, can't really blame the Germans for this one.

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>There was nothing but water there before those buildings.
Yes and that was infinitely better than what we ended up with.
Our natuurmonumenten get replaced with commieblocks, what an absolute horrendous development that was, is, and shall be

Hoogverraad. Aan de galg kankerNSB'ers.
>letterlijk zo dom zijn om naziprogaganda te geloven
Hoe kankerdom ben je dan. Schaam je

He did break the NAP. Took German property and hid it

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Why they would kill people for hiding jees if acording to Jow Forums they didnt even want to kill the jews themselvs but just put them in vacation camps that even had pols and theathers?Nazis were so wierd.

djz kankersukkel

Keine Sippenhaft

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>i considered X more superior than myself
Textbook definition of cuckoldry

Nice tread about us status: DERAILED.
GJ user.

>First was France
Ehh pretty sure that's Morocco sweaty :)

>Hiding jews

You say that as if there's something wrong with it.

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And fought the British when caught
>1780 Will commence again

Been there once and got stuck in a traffic jam. I HATE these people.

Love you bros. Europe needs to abolish these current anti native governments. Return to governance by and for the ethnic stock.

i like the Dutch. i hate how autistic Canadians are about
>liberating the Dutch
and acting as if our chance involvement in one particular campaign 70 years ago entitles us to endless fellatio when visiting as tourists

in fact I basically hate everything about modern Canada's WW2 narrative

Nah. Germans have their strengths and their weaknesses, as do the Dutch.
Germany is our idiot savant big brother who spergs out once in a while and destroys the whole of Europe with his brute force
But he's a really nice guy and good with numbers too, once you get to know him, our Regenmann

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I have found some women to be bitchy, but Dutch men have always been very kind in my experience.

t. ass blasted refugee

>and acting as if our chance involvement in one particular campaign 70 years ago entitles us to endless fellatio when visiting as tourists
Old people really appreciated you liberating us though. My grandparents often spoke fondly of the Canucks

Being frank is fine (as long as it's not Anne Frank). It's better than being mealy mouthed and taking forever to get to the point. I'm sometimes criticized for being blunt. When my boss mentioned that he had a tumor, I immediately asked if it was cancer. My coworkers were appalled. But hey, fuck it, I come from a long line of autistic doctors and engineers. We get straight to the point. Is the tumor benign or malignant? And none of this tiptoeing around: I WANT ANSWERS!

Spic please

A shekel for the good goy

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We hate you because you vote Merkel and the like in charge of your country, and by extension Europe.
The least you could do to redeem yourself is to put her in jail for crimes against humanity. But you are far from that. After all that happened, you still let her in charge of your country.

What is this feel

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>gristelijke jodenliefhebbers

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Fuck the EU am I right

Unlike Mark 'adieu to the bureaucratic EU' Rutte.

My Dutch friend online is a twisted genius.

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It's more of an boomer thing. They were raised by their parents to dislike Germans. I just hate the leftie Germans from your country.

I went to Antwerp a few years ago, met a pretty cool Dutch guy and we really hit it off. Hung out for a week or so but it went really bad when we went to a pub the night before I was to fly back to Sweden and the bar tab came. My bank card had stopped working and I was .10 short on my half of the bill. He became enraged, slammed a 10 cent coin on the bar and told me never to call him again for anything.

We love Germany. I miss the mark and the gulden.

legalize cannabis and you'll become like them

Fuck merkel, she’s destroying the amazing culture of Germany by shuffling in all the raggies from the desert. Deutschland will lose its culture and society in the next 10 years on my mom.

How are you even two different countries? Germans call Germany "Dutch Land".
It makes no sense.

>shot my grandfathers brother in front of his family for hiding jews on his farm

Story time please?

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Lmao, must've been a Frysian

they are smug as hell. contrary to OP, i always saw the dutch as more autistic germans

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Easy there, Swehammed.

Duits and Diets my nigga

t. only been to Amsterdam and only had conversations with leftists online and offline