>too close to call >29-point margin of error What? At that point either you shoot your original pollster and get a replacement, or you just give up.
Jack Ward
Yes. The large turnout among the unaffiliated is what should worry Republicans.
Jaxon Flores
Amazing how on Monday the kikes come in and spam their pilpul, telling us they're our best ally when the whole weekend was showing how jewed the whole thing is
Alexander Cooper
The governments of Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico should be executed and overthrown by the U.S. military until these mass invasions by subhumans stop.
That is the foreign secretary of Honduras.
Ryder Long
Early voting in FL starts today in some counties. A precinct has already jumped the gun and reported their tally so far. Statewide Early voting begins on 10/27. Be sure to go out and vote.
Republicans have never had solid control of government like this since 1928. Generally the dems have controlled congress (especially the senate) since the 1960's up until 2014.
Latest nyt poll for it: >Trump approval split >Republicans leading generic ballot >people approving of Kavanaugh and Collins >15% undecided (mostly whites without degrees and Independents) I moved it back to lean R only but I think he got this
Jace Sullivan
I remember how he almost won the Democratic Primary. Most people seem to have forgotten, since the argument is now that "Clinton money is so powerful that she steamrolled the primaries"
Cooper Cox
just arguing the logistics of a caravan of humans with no food or water moving for miles with no transportation means.
Lincoln Jackson
Joshua Hill
>still making gay ass president kike generals >lfuckingmao
Ayden Myers
>we see him at the mailbox so you don't actually know anything about him
Dominic Thompson
ah as sure as a drunkard gets blitzed there will always be some niggers in our midst
Gavin Watson
>he's kvetching again
Anthony Rivera
This is unironically the real upset seat, not New Jersey. Just keep it quiet; Housley can win there. We saw how radically MN-08 changed.
Jordan Roberts
The fact that Tina Smith was a no-show at a televised debate won't help MN Dems
Asian women have slanted vagenes. Bet you didn’t know that.
Joshua Reed
>Port Orange Man >Orange Man BAD
Jose Lewis
They have Israeli trucks.
Joseph Phillips
Democrat strongholds in Broward and Miami-Dade begin early voting today. The gap will close big league and Democrats will overtake.
Mason Rivera
>humans too much credit
Joshua Ward
hahaahahahaahahahaha they should have put a cardboard cutout of Smith at the other podium
James Sanchez
Ehat state do they plan on invading?
What are the laws regarding shooting an alien? Need citation or source not rambling, ive searched high and los and cant find a case of it happening in the past, just thousands of cases of aliens killing americans
Hugin has a real chance. I think the vast majority of south Jersey is going his way
Jackson Howard
Not appearing to a debate is like the worst thing you can do, even if you're ahead.
Daniel Cook
Aiden Lewis
This. Dems are winning Florida; I've said it for a few days now. Broward has hardly been counted for early vote.
Landon King
They have to do it. They never stop trying to Shut It Down, it's what always leads to their expulsion. Their arrogance and obsession with control make them go ballistic and attack anything that might be bad for them.
all the kvetching over polls and shit just vote and wait already
Connor Hughes
didn't the AWB start the beginning of the end for them?
Ayden Hall
>Democrat strongholds in Broward and Miami-Dade begin early voting today. Broward yes, not sure about Miami-Dade. Polling has been very favorable to Republicans there. >The gap will close big league and Democrats will overtake. Republicans will win hard.
Robert Harris
Or Clint Eastwood's Obama empty chair.
Justin Edwards
No idea. They just stopped for some reason - even their twitter followers are like wtf. I've been using as an alternative: >twitter.com/POTUS_Schedule It's not perfect but better than nothing
Jaxon Ross
Whoa, you're not implying that the noble Democrats would CHEAT, are you?
Jeremiah Myers
Dems are always winning early voting while Republicans win on election day. What matters is by what margin.
Tyler Thomas
Early voting != absentee ballots
Michael Turner
External polling is wholly unreliable, doubly so in the age where people don't answer calls of numbers numbers they don't know.
John Jones
Trump should hold a rally at the border when the caravan is due to arrive
Wyatt Flores
This isn't polls we're talking about here, it's early voting data.
Ethan Anderson
I know. It's funny how he's ITT saying they're our best ally still after getting caught red-handed >and in a country with an even worse migrant problem
Grayson White
Scott and DeSantis will lose. Screencap this. The Q poll confirmed it.
Kayden Clark
are we fucking the dogs or eating them.. you guys gotta make up your minds.
For smaller races, sure. If you are a national figure you can eclipse the debates, like Trump did once in the primaries. And eventually Republicans will learn to trample over mainstream media debates until they stop doing them.
Thomas Gray
I wonder how many fake repubs are going to the rally?
Bentley Stewart
Mandatory, taxpayer-funded Queen of Spades tattoos for white girls when?
Camden Peterson
its even worse, she was tweeting while the "debate" was televised.
David Hill
>Scott and DeSantis will lose. Scott and DeSantis will win. >The Q poll confirmed it. Q and CNN are virtually Dem internals.
Matthew Jones
Was she in jail? That seems the most likely reason for a Democrat to fail to appear.
Chase Sullivan
it varies state to state
Austin Smith
Cream filling before baking
Angel Gomez
Pretty good.
Hunter Hernandez
That’s a dem internal. I think Rick Scott will win. As for the governator I still have it as le toss up.
Evan Russell
let him finish his goat first
Brandon Baker
>it's a tight race >I'll give my opponent a 30 minute ad free special BRILLIANT
This is what should be happening in W Virginia desu
Dylan Ward
depends on how chinese you are
James Howard
If you're a gook then both, in no particular order.
Jeremiah Nguyen
March them right into Mexico, we need a wall of people to meet a wall of people.
Connor Rivera
That's because it's a red tsunami but they are demoralizing as always. So vote R
Ayden Jones
was heitkamp looking good before kavanaugh?
Zachary Watson
should I even bother trying to go? seems like it already reached capacity because of these damn boomers waiting since yesterday.
Tyler Fisher
And I don’t even have a map
Aiden Flores
Rally when
Gabriel Morgan
Trump did it for the primaries, not the general election. She gave her opponent prime-time to talk about her election program.
Bentley Smith
I know; I'm assuming the margins here are gonna be more favorable to Democrats when Broward comes in. This race has been over for a few weeks now. Might as well move it to safe R if you haven't already. I dont think Heitkamp has even led a poll in this election cycle.
I don't mean the polls, I mean actual elections. So many of these have been tens, even hundreds of thousands of votes for each candidate and the winner comes down to within hundreds of votes.
Juan Scott
Fuck off Bogdanoff.
Carson Kelly
Reminder that Trump can invoke Article 4, Section 4, but he won't. He is going to fail us as a president. The President, the federal government, the military, and law enforcement has failed to protect us from a invasion.