American opiod epidemic

bros I can't believe no one has figured this out yet unless the only ones who did got taken out...

my roommate is from Afghanistan and last night we were chatting and I said I wanted to go to Afghanistan and he said I would die. I joked that I'm white so the drones would know not to shoot me and he said the drones weren't what I needed to worry about.

"radical Islamic terrorists then?"
"no there aren't any terrorists in Afghanistan"
"sooo the heroin farmers then?"
"nope, the people who control the heroin are like you"
"american military, they load it up in helicopters and ship it out"

I'm sure the dots are coming together for you now. Increased regulations demanded by the American public on painkillers has led to less prescriptions going through. those who can't get prescriptions go to the streets where they buy fundamentally the same product, just from a shadier looking person.

and its the same people that running both sides

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Other urls found in this thread:


No Terrorists in Afghanistan...

Terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in Afghanistan. Multiple threats are issued daily. Terrorists and insurgents conduct frequent and widespread lethal attacks against Afghan National Defence and Security Forces (ANDSF), domestic and international political and civilian targets including in the Green Zone, and those working in the humanitarian and reconstruction fields. There is a threat from high-profile, large-scale attacks in Kabul."

Fuck off you glow in the dark nigger

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"There aren't any terrorists in Afghanistan"

Well I'm glad that's settled

CIA funds its black ops with the drug trade. That's been true for a long time. Read Alfred McCoy and Bob Parry.

No the CIA is a waste of taxpayer dollars, lone wolves within the CIA take advantage of their authority and the drug trade to enrich themselves and fund their own schemes

I'm not denying that.

What I am denying is that Afhganistan is anything but the carbomb capital of the world.

"No terrorists in Afghanistan"

ANd you believe this man, who then tells you the CIA load up the opium.

Fuck me


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dismantle the CIA

both of you fell for the propaganda. imagine that a foreign power invaded your country, routinely makes attacks to secure their power that has unregulated collateral damage and their doing it entirely to steal your contraband drug trade and then blame your citizens for religious nutheads. obviously there are resistance fighters that are pissed about it.

but if there are radicals that hate the west this is why. Osama was a puppet, just like the guy in Iraq.

afghani occupiers actually shut down opium/heroin trade because they felt it was immoral but then when US invaded the first thing they did was whip it back up to full production

New super opium poppy strains are more productive, cheaper prices so makes more heroin.