The greatest artist in history IS JEWISH

That’s it. The game’s over. You lose, Jow Forums.

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Leonard Cohen sucks

That's a terrible picture of Jim Morrison.

>"Don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows."
Wow, such thought, many lyrics.

His music is fucking garbage though. Shit taste you subhuman mutt.

he had a few good songs but to call him the best is definitely a stretch

Game's over when you're DEAD

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That ain't Bowie, bitch

all the best artists are Masons not Noses. Bowie, who seig heiled and shouted out Crowley and Christ, and wrote prescient songs like Modern Love and Young Americans that are very relevant now.

Bowie, who worked with reznor and kennan and had a thousand different styles. From psych pop to witch haus to rubber soul.

That's not Viktor Tsoi

Attached: Kino.jpg (600x373, 69K)