I'm so sick of living here. There are too many white people. Every house on every street. White family...

I'm so sick of living here. There are too many white people. Every house on every street. White family. Every store is the same, every restaurant is the same. Every car on the streets is the same.

Someone save me from this monotonous hellhole.

Attached: USA_Great_Lakes.png (1000x619, 205K)

extremely based and redpilled

kys nigger, there's your escape

Move out then, shitskin. The north is for white people. You can move to Texas and hangout with all the subhumans there.

then fuck off to someplace else you fucking bigot
white people dont make your life bad, they make it good, in fact go live where there aren't as many and i promise it's a worse situation.

You could always jump the border and go to glorious diverse Mexico. Start a caravan of like minded people if you like.

Chicago, IL
Gary, IN
East St. Louis, IL


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Sounds like a paradise to me. But I'm nearly a boomer now, that might be why.

Literally every towns in Illinois are filled with niggers

go live in an actual city in there, like Chicago or Detroit

then come back and complain, if you still can

So long as you are a 5/10+ femanon fuckdoll I'll take you wherever in the states.

Otherwise you are on your own.


those are containment zones who cares

Might I suggest moving your black ass to detroit?

Fuck off back to Detoliet then, nigger. It's like an Apefreakan warzone. You'll feel right at home.

Or Cleveland

who said I was black? I'm a blonde hair blue eyed white man.

Yeah. Forgot that shithole. Good catch.

Ohio is objectively the worst state followed by Florida and California.

Sure, nigger.

Implying it's not a rust belt cause of outsourcing and freetrade agreements supported through the votes of inept conservatards.
>inb4 it was the liberuhls asking for too much from the poor corporations.

The only good thing to come out of Ohio was the Lulz Master himself, Jim Trafficant.

>tfw faggot who leans toward preferring white guys
>tfw will never see dozens of handsome, fit white Americans with intact dicks displaying themselves proudly

and why would that be?

>t. hoosier

Save yourself and fuck right off out of here then you raging faggot.

No, it was leftist Model Cities policies during Johnson's Great Society era that started the decline of the region. After the niggers took over once nice communities, and white flight ran it's course, the major cities in that part of the country are beyond saving.

You could move to Detroit and have your wakanda utopia there

There are also niggers in Springfield and Peoria, Illinois is getting pozzed fast, niggers are everywhere, don't know about the other states

Move to detroit or dearborn you stupid nigger
Please give updates

Based white man from white nation

i live in indiana, i just see white people
a lot of welfare white trash leeches though too

Name one major metro are in the United States that isn't infested with a plague of spooks.

Move to commiefornia with the rest of the degenerate niggers

Ohio is at least white, California and Florida are filled with subhumans.

> Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Flint.
> Too many white people.

Pick one.

Who are the people rioting in favour of open borders? Hint it’s not conservatives

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I live less than 20 minutes from East St. Louis. My town is 98% white and zero crime. East STL is a tiny, tiny place and as the other user said, a containment zone.

Break into their houses. Im sure they will totally not shoot you and site the Castle Law.

That's pretty funny man. I lived in Ohio my whole life and got the fuck out of there due to it being overrun with niggers.

I'm from Indiana.
Wonderful place if you travel off the beaten path.
you'll run into some white trash meth heads though. but mostly a peaceful place.

don't forget about Milwaukee

Where did you move to?

Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois have more niggers than the amount of niggers in every Western country combined.


Milwaukee is shit, but everything west is golden until you get to Madison, which could also be nuked for being a leftist shitpile.

I was unaware E. STL was down to almost 20k people. At one time it had 80k+.

Wouldn't have happened as abruptly if they would have just left the negro pastor alone but noo, muh states rights and muh comminizzy.

The niggers condense themselves in the shitholes of Cleveland and north Columbus mostly, outside of that its just white people pretending they're niggers.

t. Ohioan

go somewhere in ohio with a population above 1000 and you will see plenty of blapepo. all the main cities are just surrounded by sad coal towns

Even the South, huh? I figured we were the home of the majority of free range niggers. I guess not.

Then just transplant elsewhere, you live in america you can move to any area you like in the country dumbfuck.

fix'd dood

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A thousand times over.

Conservancucls is won't riot even if it's their wife getting blacked in front of them, even more so if the bull is police or military.

And thats a good thing. Yeah it must really suck to live around a bunch of people who work and mind their own business.

Even the worst white person is better than a nigger. :)

>Contains Chiraq and Detroit
Ok, bro

All these people saying but muh chicago muh detroit have never lived here. As SOON as you leave the city it is 99% white everywhere.

If you actually lived there you would know that
mostly everything you said is untrue.

Then just fucking go there no one cares
Move to africa

Then fucking leave.
My town has been flooded with shit skins. It used to be a white family in every house on every street. No longer. All of you, yes ALL of you need to get the fuck out.

Attached: death to my hometown.png (645x431, 388K)

>the excruciating monotony of peace and prosperity

Go to Africa if you want diversity, we like thing just the way they are.

Look up the definition of diversity please

Um, sweaty, diversity means less white people

He's probably new.