Who do I vote for

I’m in California.

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That’s my Lambo.

What district?

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Vote straight republican, Cox for governor, then build a nuke and take los angeles with you

Cox and YES ON 6 (repeal the gas tax). Those are the priorities.

Repealing the gas tax is retarded. Roads are shit in Cali, need more money for them.

Also, Cox is kind of an asstard.

use the money from taxed legal weed, duh

>dumb turk thinks the CA gas tax money actually goes to fix roads

dumbass, we dont need another tax, we need to kill off brown and his train thats sucking up all the tax money

That’s what I’m voting.

I'm sorry but if California's government can't figure out how to fund basic, fundimental infrastructure from the billions generated per year from the extremely high income tax, sales tax and other various taxes they have going to their general fund, then a fucking gas tax won't fix anything. They're fooling you if you believe that they can't fund infrastructure without a gas tax.

Register in a swing state and vote republican

Hang yourselves you fucking leftist nazi. The roads are the fucking same if not WORSE since the gas tax! It goes to illegal aliens. Not roads

I am from San Diego. The roads are shit and you know it. Fuck illegals too.

Cox for governor
Yes on 6
No on 10
Those are the big ones

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Feinstein over De Leon

I can't believe the day has come when I am WILLINGLY choosing Feinstein

I'm in Cali too, I've been looking at San Diego Republican recommendation and others even Libertarian picks, in LA here.. But here's some info to look at.

Enter address

Primaries 2018 Results

San Diego Republicans Endorsements

Libertarian California Propositions Guide:

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Vote for that socialist pos De Léon, make Feinstein pay for Kavanaugh.


Just write in "Adolf Hitler".

You are living under satanic dictatorship.

The ruling party (Democrat) has not actually won elections in years. When this is uncovered, they will all be put to death.

Whichever one is the one about refunding dialysis centers, if you vote for anything please vote against that. I work in a north bay hospital and if these centers close its going to overwhelm us with patients, which means everyone loses. There's no upside to closing them. Most people on dialysis in my area are not illegals, and they're going to die eventually. Making their last days unduly stressful is awful.


Only brainlets participate in the democratic process.


>go to California
>buy case of water for 2.99, the state charges you a 2.00 "deposit" on the bottles
>drive home and there's fucking garbage everywhere

so this is the power of the beaner intellectual

I went to high school with that grill, can confirm

>Dumb faggot can't even link correct post.
Caltrans is over funded, they don't use their current budget efficiently.

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the roads are fucking fine

What's so bad about De Leon?
Feinstein is a corrupt Jewish politician that has sold out her own country to China. Anything is better.

Fuck off meme flag

you should probably skip on the voting and just get out of commiefornia instead

Old and busted Dem establishment hack vs new SJW hotness "half of my family is eligible for deportation" De Leon.

I think the former will be easier to deal with in the senate.

How should I vote on Daylight Savings Time?
Is it a Jewish invention or are the Jews trying to take it down?

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Fuck off nigger. 6 isn't just about repealing the retarded fucking gas tax, it's about ensuring that faggot democrat politicians can't continue to pass tax bills without the consent of the people.

Vote R straight ticket. You may think your vote doesn’t matter but it does on the “we won the popular vote” argument and it matters nationally.

Pick one and only one.

>(((1 post by this ID)))
>in (((Commiefornia)))

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I need to know which judges on this ballot are out to destroy our country through litigation, is there any resources that can help me investigate these people?

All of them.

I voted De Leon, and here's why: he and his splinter progressive Dem backers (and fellow loonies, like that hottie Ocasio Cortez) are actively fragmenting both state politics and the DNC. This is a good thing. De Leon is too junior to really get anything done in his first term (the only term he'll get), and he'll see many of his efforts frustrated by fellow Democrats who aren't actually in favor of trucking illegals into the country or enacting Kalistan-style gun control on a Federal level.

Feinstein needs to be fired, and De Leon will be unable to do anything but thrash impotently for a few years before California voters kick him out.

Fucking killyourself, ahmed

We love Cox!

fucking hell. what a nice body.

Do any of you guys listen to John and Ken?

What happens if we don't? I see the commercials and think to myself who would vote against that.

I'm listening to them right now (well actually one of their endless commercials) based John and Ken, highly recommend

Same here.

Prop 6 is tricky. Normally you have to vote no to stop a tax. But the gas tax/car tax was already passed by the legislature, so Prop 6 REPEALS the tax. Yes on 6.

As long as you vote against Faggot Newsom I'm ok with whatever else.

Does it even matter who you vote for in California?
It's a solid blue state.

>My vote doesn't matter.
That's what they want you to think.

It has the most Republicans out of any state, and most states combined.

Fuuuuuck yoooooouuuuu, shiiiiillll faggot

>Making their last days unduly stressful is awful
No big deal, they have legal weed. There's no coming back from dialysis.

>the roads are shit
The gas tax is in place and they still dont fix the fucking roads.

Vote democrat, they have your best interests at heart.

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Vote from the rooftop

They spend all the road money on gibs for illegals.

horrible feet