What is your opinion about the Nordic Resistance Movement? have you heard about it? Do you support them?
Nordic NS
they look like Mormons
but anything that gets whites off the couch is probably good
No use unless they have guns.
>this guy slaps your gf's ass
what do you do?
slap his ass
>have you heard about it?
>What is your opinion about the Nordic Resistance Movement?
Too little, too late.
>Do you support them?
Does it matter? The west is finished anyway.
They have been active in military drills with Russian militants, so they are armed for sure.
I support any nationalist movement (with the exception of communist based ones)
Pan germanicism must include all germanic countries, not just the nordic ones. Everything else is pointless and weak
You have guns and you still got outbred and and your sons and daughters turned into marxist genderfluid rejects. Maybe you oughta use them instead of talking about them all the time.
The only real opposition and the one of the few serious nsms
Just look at who hates them, then you will know that they are good people
Communism is by definition international, it can't be nationalist. A nationalist socialist movement defies that by having boarders but having the population work for the common good. Nationalism, is always good in other words
Trust the leaf to be retarded about communism. Many of the communist dictatorships were nationalistic.
They are cool af fåvæ
Have they done anything? How many rapists have they lynched?
IIRC didn't one of them get arrested in Sweden not too long ago for plotting to kill a journalist? Seems pretty based to me
they're based
Love their podcast. spreaker.com
I know someone (a fellow burger) who went to Sweden to attend a few rallies with them, he says he has way more hope for them than any "movement" here in the US, and honestly I agree. They seem to have no problems going out on the streets with hundreds or thousands of people and getting their message out whereas here it's basically impossible to do without being attacked by antifa and/or the state.
Waste of time.
Your women are filth.
A lot of Swedes are filth too and it shows by the LACK of support at these rallies.
Realistically all around you in Sweden most will be against your ideals and openly cuck you. Your wife would never be safe and your children will be cucked. Don't forget home schooling is illegal in Sweden so your kids are going to liberal brain washing no matter what.
I say openly form a group and don't breed. Bring the end of times along faster than the liberal planned. Make the ones that get beaten, executed, raped, tortured be the now generations NOT your poor children. Save lives, save loved ones by not having them in the first place.
The only way you can win is to laugh at their torment and torture and say told you so.
Fuck whores, buy a sports car, buy a boat. But never marry and never breed. Only spread fear and hatred and try and get these liberals killed as soon as possible while you have strength. That's the end game. That's winning. Because it's the only game left to win.
What did Hitler think of the defeated germans
Why are there fucking womyn
It's pure larping. They won't basically do anything.
Too many beards and shaved heads. A true Patriotic movement should consist of men who are clean shaven and have short , combed , respectable haircuts. Pic related conveys my point (Give or take a few outliers).
super gay
Unlike cuckservatives, these guys are the real deal.
I think they've done a lot more for the white race than me so I can't really talk shit about them.
>tfw you take the neckipill
Completely subverted by Jews.
an army of mat forneys can not be defeated
Let's look back when SD used to acutally be based and redpilled.
They don't look like complete wignats, as opposed to the trailer park trash in the US, but they're still all bark and no bite. I suggest rallying around viable political parties and metapolitical organisations if you want to actually get something done. Sweden Democrats and Alternative for Sweden are better propositions in nearly every way.
based but their leadership are satanists and need to be hanged.
based and redpilled
QUEER will rise to give them power
Much love and support from Greece.
Golden Dawn and Nordfront/Nordic Resistance are under brotherhood pact.
We must save our Nations.
Nordic Resistance Movemen is just a fart in the wind.
Powerful neck, powerful message the Nordic race is in safe hands
Swedish kids must go to state school by law.
Home schooling is banned.
Your kids are no longer your kids.
You lost.
You are a percent of a sea of cuckoldry and debauchery and any next generation must start all over again.
Sweden had a major economic issues in the 90s, sadly when humans are comfortable there's not a lot that will get them active.
Who wants home schooling?
yes you have to go to school by law but it dont have to be government-owned. You can go private schools aswell
They are a good force.
Indeed. I think things will get spicy next time we face hard economic times though. It'll be quite interesting in Sweden.
Like clockwork.
How are your guns helping? Oh, that's right, they're not.
not in the front for obvious reasons... they are a bit back in the middle with men at their sides to protect them
>clean shaven
maybe in christcuck usa, in Europe it is manly to have a beard
Beards are the worldwide symbol of trash; White , black , yellow , brown trash.
Bald heads and mustaches are acceptable , though.
you are wrong, and gay
They are super Chads
Only bearded dudes are gay. They need to pretend they are manly , and what is more "Manly" than facial hair? A clean shaven man is filled with testosterone and doesnt need to have hair all over his face to show it.
In Sweden most of those schools are closing. They are trying to close Waldorf and Montessori schools
Good lads.
I wish them to become a political power house in their country.
> youtube.com
> youtube.com
> youtube.com
NMR is filled with a whole bunch of retarded nationalists, just like pol. They believe conspiracies, believe in violence, believe in failed economic ideas. Many, if not most are crypto nazis. They make nationalism look terrible, directly destroying the nation's identity by making it associate with them. They associate with russia, which is retarded on so many levels, it's honestly baffling that they call themselves swedish, because they sure as fuck aren't acting in the best interest of sweden.
Ultimately, they have the same problem as pol. They believe they uncover the truth, but they are only responding emotionally. They think they are being impressive, but have no perspective.
dra til helvete, jodesvin. Tror du (((SD))) er et seriost alternativ?
Hello non-nordic person that got a swedish citizenship and is shilling hard to keep draining nords from their rightfull clay.
Kkkkkkkkill yourself
What are you doing on pol? Reddit is that way cuck.
Actual nationalists that people can take seriously. In America you either have kekistani retards who are civnats or stormfags.
GUID CIA NIGGER filename detected.
no cause im not a nazi
Fuck off ancap, why don’t you go rape some more babies for schlomo.
>Hurr evil Russia
Why do you hate Slavs? At least they distance themselves from the Slav hating Nazis
>no cause im not a nazi
Anybody who misspells “Jow Forums“ is automatically a shill in my eyes.
Om man vill ha nationalism, ja.
SD, 17%.
AfS 0.3 %,
NMR 0.03%.
Falklandsöarna tillhör england.
Russia is and has been planning a potential invasion of sweden for a long time. They actively probe our airspace and our coast. They release propaganda that only retarded munchkins like NMR believe. There's no economic future in allying with russia over europe. There's no safety in allying with an oligarchy. Anyone who has ever been to russia would not want thier country turning to russia for inspiration.
muh gatekeeping slashes. Surely has nothing to do with your emotional rejection because of my opinion.
So last week a couple anons pointed out that Haakon Forwald, co-founder of the NRM and main leader of the Norwegian division of the NRM is not exactly what he claims to be. I thought it was bullshit but I did my research and it’s completely true. Haakon Forwald is a satanic infiltrator of the white nationalist movement.
>he founded the band Disiplin in 2000 whose members are legitimate satanists
>joins the band Dissection as a bassist in 2005
>the founder of Dissection was Jon Nodtveidt who had been a member of the Misanthropic Luciferian Order since 1997
>he initiated Forwald into the MLO before he killed himself as a satanic sacrifice in 2006
>Forwald left Dissection in late 2005 to focus solely on his satanic work with the MLO
>he emerges soon after as the leader of the NRM, the most powerful white nationalist group in Europe
>he is now running for office in Ludvika
Look into writings by the ONA and MLO/TOTBL. These groups actively encourage their members to infiltrate political movements, government, military, law enforcement, etc. in order to establish a satanic foothold on society. It is very clear that Haakon Forwald is one of these infiltrators. I know it will be a tough pill for many to swallow seeing as the NRM has gained a lot of momentum, but the truth has to come out.
Here are some of Haakon’s songs:
>song praising African voodoo black magick
>song praising the 11 heads of Azerate, the destructive dragon energy worshipped by the MLO/TOTBL
>song literally praising the devil
That’s just but a taste of what he was involved with. The TOTBL has been involved in some sick shit. It’s all centered around Jewish Kabbalah. So I ask you, do you trust a Kabbalistic magician leading the most powerful white nationalist group in Europe? I’ll let you decide.
dude lots of white nats are old death metal/black metal fans/artists. Look at varg asweel.
Its literally nothing, death metal/black metal is just a larp
don't fucking spoonfeed, dumbass. It's supposed be an indicator of newfags like you
>bara det nuvarande största alternativet är ett alternativ
SD fick inte 0,3% i sitt första val. Det är såklart bra att SD är så stora, kanske dom tonar ner invandringskritiken för att nå den större massan och sen är hårdare än vad dom säger när dom väl får makten, vem vet. Är dom det så kommer dom samarbeta med AfS ändå och är dom inte det så är det bra att AfS finns där och flåsar dom i nacken. AfS kan mycket väl komma in i riksdagen 2026 eller 2030, kanske till och med nästa val om Sverige går åt helvete finansiellt.
>you must be clean shaven!
This is a meme from '50s American corporate culture where you signaled submission to capitalism.
I'm clean shaven because my beard growth sucks, but it's by no means better than a good-looking beard.
>have you heard about it? Do you support them?
Not much
Hell yes.
Your country for you culture, newcomer must integrate or leave.
Sven Strongneck our leader!
> Foreign donors
Fuck 'em. A fifth column is still a fifth column no matter if it's left or right
they're retarded for not wearing masks.
>committing social suicide and destroying your career to larp
Skyrim is for the Nords
why do they have shaved heads? it looks bad, it reminds people of nazi skinheads and why would a european with prime hair shave it instead of let it grow?
We’ll get right on that schlomo