Intelligent discussion has completely died on this board, I think I'm done. But here's one last crack at it, in the hopes you can prove me wrong:
>US Economic expansion and Military power are based on the trade of oil in dollars, the 'ptro-dollar' >Even if abiotic oil creation is real, it's not being produced fast enough to keep pace with current demand >As more and more shithole countries become increasingly developed, oil demand continues to increase >A finite resource which is consumable, not reproducible without a net loss of energy, and is the basis of globalism and American power will eventually run out
What happens when oil gets too pricey to be a useable fuel source? And secondly, what happens in the years between 2050 and 2100, when the Earth's population reaches into the 10-14 billion range based on current trends?
Every 13 years or so we add another billion to the world population, mostly in these underdeveloped countries. As they develop more, the population won't rise as quickly, but their demand for oil will. So what happens in the next few decades as these two intertwined factors reach a critical point?
It's as easy as you continue pushing and understanding the wealth you have is created by your population mostly. And instead of selling out your workers or your natural resources, your population creates goods that satisfy all local needs and can even go to satisfy external demands. Oil isn't that important if you believe in your best resource, your population
Evan Lee
>US Economic expansion and Military power are based on the trade of oil in dollars, the 'ptro-dollar' Nonsense. The volume for oil trading isn't that large. The power of the USD is in international trade other than oil. Look at how SWIFT clears positions. It's mostly in Dollar even between countries that don't use the Dollar.
Robert Hill
im going to infinite, the last few months have been awful here.
Eli Baker
That's something nearly impossible to predict for at least two main reasons: 1. We are unable to predict neither the technological advances in the future, nor their pace. Technology is one of the key elements that define the world's economy and subsequently policies. Not knowing what sort of advancements we will make and how fast they will happen diminishes our chances of making an accurate prediction. 2. Human factor might not be as crucial as it was in the previous century, but it sill manages to hold its ground. We have no idea what principles humankind will hold on to even in the next decade. And these principles are one of the pillars of defining a country's policy, ranging from compromise and cooperation and war and extinction.
Gavin Nguyen
haha I come back for the lolz but I tell you stay away from 8 it's just as bad. more an more faggots arrive every day shitting up that board too.
Grayson Rivera
>Intelligent discussion has completely died on this board Jow Forums is an image sharing board you complete and utter mong.
You literally just want to play who gets the toys first, I want the toys first. If I get the toys first I get to have friends and fuck a lot and have kids, darn that's gonna be great. Dude just chill the competition is unnecessary it's a game you are creating to give yourself importance. Im sorry, no one is that important unless it is like that but it's obvious you just want an excuse to be abusive.
It’s more than likely the USA has already invented, tested and verified an alternative energy source. We have a shit ton of shale. Sell what we have to pay off national debt and remain energy independent from the rest of the world. And pic related was information probably given from a time traveler. God bless user you’re here forever..
>A finite resource which is consumable free energy exists, the nature of the universe is infinite, not finite- a system created by those wanting to control the globe and it's people
Mason Cook
I think you make a good point here, the population of a nation is the heart of its power.. but what happens when almost all modern technology falls apart because oil is too expensive? Car tires, 95% of plastics, medicine, fertilizer, and plenty of other products are made from petroleum. The modern world isn't sustainable, and many of these things will be hard if not impossible to replace to the degree we have them now, even with a hard-working, ingenious, and patriotic populace.
SWIFT exists because the dollar is seen as relatively stable and ubiquitous trading currency. But the dollar is tied to the US's position on the world stage.. and in spite of the volume of trade of the petrodollar, that is one of the defining factors of the US dollar's stability. If the petrodollar dies, high finance might shift what currencies they perform international bank trades in.
Entirely true, but if things continue as they are now, even with new discoveries like fracking, we are on a collision course for serious trouble. It's a matter of arithmetic to see that things continuing as they are will eventually become untenable, likely within our lifetimes.
I also hope that human ingenuity wins out, but even if we were to discover a new source of energy, for instance, that wouldn't curb the population problem, it would probably only make it worse by 'feeding the pigeons'. I really see only one inevitability, and that's conflict.
Shale is the equivalent of a pothead picking bits of weed out of his carpet when he runs out. That can only last so long.
I tried it and didn't find it very different from here. After being on the internet since the days of BBS in 1991, after 27 fucking years, there's no place for me anymore. Feels badman
Asher Sanders
I think the solution to your problem has arrived. Pic related. However kraut bro here is right US dominance is because for a long time every international trade was done in dollaroos. That is waning and countries are starting to make deals to trade in something else. As for the worlds population problem, America will likely be fine. We produce a lot of food we are all about green alternative energy. I doubt we will have the comfort that we have been accustomed to but we won’t be as strongly impacted as developing nations.
>what happens in the years between 2050 and 2100, when the Earth's population reaches into the 10-14 billion range based on current trends >current trends why do you think so many young kids are turning into trannies? the earth will never see 10 billion because there will be a culling before then.
Asher Lee
Goodbye faggot
Brody Gonzalez
So here's the thing, even an energy revolution, and even if we manage to replace all the goods produced from oil somehow, that doesn't solve the other side of the coin, the limited space on earth combined with the exponential increase in human population. There's nowhere in space for us to go besides centrifugal gravity stations in space which would be horribly expensive to build and maintain. We can't terraform other worlds and there's nowhere in the solar system with similar gravity to earth aside from hellish venus. We can't realistically dream of going to another solar system.
I think you're right, the US will probably be fine even if it's no longer top dawg.. but I worry that the result of the shit hitting the fan will reverberate globally.. I mean if things really get out of hand, the current refugee crises will seem laughably tame, for instance
Conflict will be inescapable. Culling humanity down to a managable level may be the only option left. Now I'd rather have this process in a controlled fashion than indiscriminate. Anyway, energy is the true factor in possibly replacing petrochemicals. Also more efficient chemical processes, I work in industry facility design, you would not believe how wasteful the procedures of most big companies still operate (which is fucking madness even outside sustainability considerations as they simply burn money by being to lazy to streamline their processes).
>But the dollar is tied to the US's position on the world stage Yes and people are just used to it. The financial sector is remarkable resilient to changes.
>If the petrodollar dies, high finance might shift what currencies they perform international bank trades in. Well, that's what I'm not so sure about it. The oil positions aren't that large.
Modern technology will fail because we chose to invest or create infrastructure dependent on outside sources. Everything we could already want we already have, unless someone is trying to create a monopoly over us, they want control over us, how much will you submit to have access to that monopoly? Do you think all of us should submit so you can have access?
Cooper Howard
I think you're right.. on all counts. But increased efficiency often leads to greater waste on another end (jevon's paradox). Even if companies become more efficient, their consumers may do the opposite.
I hope you're right. That would mean a lot less chaos.
Its an imageboard with a char limit. Go read a fucking book.
Gabriel Powell
newfags detected, opinions discarded
Lincoln King
That is an issue I am usually reluctant to deal with from my engineering ivory tower ;) But yes, without a change in mindset the increased efficiency will simply allow for one thing ... increased production and the frantic attempt to somehow then dump your product on the world market. Severe shortages are usually the only thing forcing a change in that philosophy. But looking at how interdependent and at the same time unstable our world has become I fear a shortage in any key resource may bring the thing down like a card house in a hurricane. Btw I recently read that even in Germany there is a growing interest in nuclear energy again as the whole bullshit about renewable energy has miserably failed due to misplanning, technological constraints and plain ideological idiocy.
Mason Fisher
For the foreseeable future Oil is where its at. Shale allows us to squeeze out every last drop and will keep us going for a long while. Not to mention the huge Oil field they found up in Canada which the TPP tapped into. Eventually though there will need to be a shift to renewable resources eventually. The holy grail would be cold fusion or more advanced solar. there may be fuel wars if this does not happen. As for the population there will be a massive gap between the first world and third world more so then there already is. Mega cities will form and space will be at a premium. Population will also most likely plateau eventually and we will see a decrease eventually.
Connor Young
people like you(memeflags) don't exist and actual discussion happens there WAY more often.
Blake Jones
cancerous forums with little homo names tied to them are intolerable now unless they are an echo chamber, because everyone just bans or goes after the person
David Barnes
Oil is not that important in the long run,look at countries like france where the vast majority of their power comes from nuclear power plants,the only reason why the US is depending on oil its because of crony capitalism and special interest groups that dont want to change,if the US made an actual effort in a year you cloud build enough nuclear power plants to not worry about energy ever again.
When it comes to poor countries we are more dependant on oil because its cheaper and we dont have the money to build renewable energy sources,but the cost of renewable energy goes down every year,just look at the price of solar panel,their relation price in relation to its efficiency goes down every year,so every year we have cheaper solar panels,in fact having a solar powered house costs about 15k to 30k depending on your needs and location you can stop using electricity,and considering how much money everyone makes in the US almost everyone can do it if they save some money,someone making 40k a year would only have to use one year of saving,energy its not a problem really,its only a problem because there is no will to fix it.
Lucas Cox
I keep coming back every now and then just to piss beta nerds that keep coming to shill against "the nazis". Plus you can still find some interest stuff and recommendations. Still, there are better places to get news from and discuss them in a more constructive way but here you can vent more freely.
Henry Brown
there really arent better places
Matthew Thomas
is he ok?
Isaac Parker
Dat boi ded bro
Jack Wilson
as a pot head, We don't pick bits of weed out of the carpet, there aren't any usually. But in the event any is spilled on the carpet, you get a vacuum cleaner and put a cotton sock over the end of the hose, then you can suck the weed up. Anyways love the thread.
Juan Long
sad that for people like that the first thing they ever accomplish and see through to completion is annihilation of the self.
Angel Nguyen
Chase Powell
dude nice epic hook to get people into the thread, i like how you just say zomg is gone now rip then start rattling shit off epic
Dylan James
>Intelligent discussion You're on the internet you little faggot. Expecting "intelligent discussion" on the internet is like expecting free blowjobs in a whorehouse.
Adrian Bennett
>Intelligent discussion has completely died on this board >Intelligent discussion on Jow Forums dude, what are you fucking talking about, I can't even get past that first line
Alexander Hughes
>intelligent discussion >prophecy the future with vacuous speculation
Pick one.
Anthony Flores
>What happens when oil gets too pricey to be a useable fuel source? War, countries with oil will refuse to sell it to foreign nations, hoarding it for themselves. > And secondly, what happens in the years between 2050 and 2100, when the Earth's population reaches into the 10-14 billion range based on current trends? It wont happen, much of this estimate is coming from africa and makes the prediction that no depopulation event will occur. One will occur, africa will be heavily depopulated by a series of wars between the east and west over the rare earth minerals contained there, this will result in migration, famine and the spread of plague. These estimates will never be reached.
Asher Smith
Some places are better when it comes to inteligent discussion than others,I agree with OP,most of Pol is bait and shitposting,I want to talk about politics,not shitpost about politics,also the amount of LARPing in this forum is insane,much more frequent than in other websites.
And even when you have people that are willing to engage with their ideas instead of insulting and shitposting,their ideas are retarded,im tired for example of arguing with ancaps that belive that people will magically follow the law without coercive power of the state (if you have a privatized law system you can always hire the security company that will act as coercive power so they dont force you to follow the law or you can hire a security company to protect you from the one that will force you to follow the law).
Anyway my point is that the vast majority of people here is either retarded,larping or shitposting and that makes it boring if you dont want to engage in those activities.
No. Most of pol is people being paid to spam shitty threads because they fear what this board could be.
Adam Walker
How? Literally how? We will run out of fresh water, clean air, and arable land long before we run out of commercially viable oil reserves. American research into exotic extraction methods in the 70s-80s bore fruit when the Saudis and Opec tried to assfuck everyone in the 2000s. Drove prices high enough to make nontraditional extraction viable. From there it just got cheaper, and cheaper to do. If demand rises? More fracking happens. Those shithole countries also often times have massive reserves of their own. Peak oil is a myth. Peak oil demand may not be.
You're just too low IQ to realize that "meaningful discussions" actually aren't as meaningful as you might think. What are you going to achieve from it? Nothing, and you'll never know what's right for sure until you try it anyway.
Juan Wright
I could explain to you what's happened but I think I would rather much go to bed. Yawn. So sleepy.
Samuel Parker
>This Nothing ever comes from these fart huffing discussions. Sure it can be fun once in a while, but that's about it.
Christopher Lewis
>Is Jow Forums dead? Tomorrow we might all be. This is gonna be one hell of a month.
Lucas Foster
This is because there are retards like I met last night who immideately jump to conclusions. He was like "Jews push nigger culture because Jews are in charge of record companies" and when asked for any evidence (I believe this but cannot prove it other than through circumstancial evidence) he responded, "lol low IQ faggit pay me 1k to teach you". Basically most of you are as retarded as the left. >Look there is a kike >Therefore they did it >I don't need to back it up lol you tard
People don't back themselves up Logical reasoning requires factual information.
Nicholas Lewis
There is going to be a fifth (or is is sixth now) mass extinction due to climate. This is unstoppable. Developing countries want what the west has, cars, movies, air conditioners, everything, and we really have no argument against them developing. "Yeah, we kinda exploited your cheap labor and took all the spoils for ourselves, but now that your rising up you can't do it, sorry." No developing country will listen to that. No developed country will stop them. A whole shit ton of species and a whole shit ton of people are gonna get wiped out. It's gonna make the plague look like pussy shit. The people most directly responsible for it, oil companies and the like, will never be held responsible.
That's what happens.
Bentley Diaz
To create a more well thought out view on the world. The more you understand about what is actually going on, the more we can work together to change it.
Jackson Jackson
>"You will never know whats rigth for sure until you try it anyway" Are you an actual brainlet? You can have discussion about what works in the real world,most ideas have alredy been tested before and there are reason why they failed or succeded "you cant achieve anything by having meaningful discussion" you are to stupid to understand that you learn you new things by talking about ideas,why do I even bother with you,you have a memeflag.
I heard about this before,but is there actual proof of shills or is it just people taking advantage of the fact that you dont have to create an account to post and the anonymous nature of the board that makes it easier to troll? Anyway in my opinion anyone involved in shitty off topic slide threads should get banned and anyone participating in the that did not use sage should get banned as well in order for people to learn a lesson about not incentivizie shitty threads.
Robert Hernandez
Bump because I like the cut of OPs jib
Xavier Evans
>Are you an actual brainlet? You can have discussion about what works in the real world,most ideas have alredy been tested before and there are reason why they failed or succeded "you cant achieve anything by having meaningful discussion" you are to stupid to understand that you learn you new things by talking about ideas,why do I even bother with you,you have a memeflag. Most ideas have already been tested before, that's why meaningful discussion outside of the box is mostly pointless unless you're someone in a position to actually make change. Jow Forums works with proven formulas and the answer is already known. That's why you see little variation in viewpoints in a poor attempt to project how "unique" an user's viewpoints are, because they're usually shit anyway.
Jow Forums already knows what's going on from first post anyway.
James Nguyen
user, they win when we think we lost. As long as the redpilling goes on, evrn in far much simpler times we expelled the kikes. Theres no real reason to be upset. Now we are in the early ages of ibternet, but as newer and faster methods of transmitting information before, we arensuffering a crisis of disinfo because with the new "speed" of transferring ideas thats what we have. Even wheb the press came out 99% of whats printed were shitposts. Now is the same. Give it time so the coming generations learn how to filter, and maybe, this time, we will expell them and leave a warning in the net fir everyone, at all times, can see, can see that the jews are biological subversive and that we cant negotiate with them and actvin consequence. I think that kikes are fucked for good this time. Theyll have to write talmud 2,0 to keep with us and we will be ibfiltrated by then. We will kike the kikes, keep shitposting.
Dominic Turner
I don't actually think there's any hard proof of a full shill op, other than a few posts from /leftypol/ or something (see pic related), but it's probably a combination of people shitting up the board for fun and people doing it on purpose. And seeing as how easy it is to bait here, It wouldn't even be that hard to to set up a shill op either. All you would have to do is find some pajeets and give them a few lines. Also
All these claims that the “petrodollar” is going to collapse are just a total joke. Oil is less than 10% of world trade.
The oil and gas drilling sector make up between 4.6% and 6.5% of the global economy. The FX market daily trading volume is about $5.3 trillion which dwarfs the equities and futures markets - no less oil and gold.
The support behind the dollar is it can be used worldwide without permission from the USA as is the case with the Japanese yen. It is a single currency with a single federal debt market where big money can park – that is not the case for the Euro, Ruble, or Yuan.
And since 2016, a lot of retarded newfags came along to lower the average iq of the board. You could go either arguing this.
Ryan Lopez
A major happening will occur before we reach the 14 billion population point. It will either be civil wars or chinese/global economic meltdown. People will stop propping up africa. Famine will set in
Sebastian Ross
Fake and gay. Nasim used the exact same blue tarp as a blue screen in her videos.
Leo Kelly
Hell is for ever!
Benjamin Clark
I'm looking forward to the culling. The industrialization of agriculture was very poorly implemented and turned the human race into a metastasizing cancer which seeks to replicate itself until all arable land is being used to feed humans. Dysgenics are already in full swing as the unintelligent base instinct humans are increasingly and vastly out-reproducing the intelligent humans capable of higher consciousness. Civilized and developing nations will began to buckle under the weight of these hordes of useless breeders and eaters that natural selection is no longer allowed to dispose of. The culling can't come soon enough and after it occurs there needs to be a eugenics system implemented with a limit on human population if industrial agriculture is to be utilized again. Nothing wrong with a hard reset, we have already created an unsustainable Hell on Earth that will only get worse as the population continues to grow. Why shouldn't we wipe the board nearly clean, preserving the knowledge and wisdom attained through this experiment and rebuild human civilization better than it ever could have possibly been on this current trajectory?
I didn't think knowledgeable people were still on Jow Forums.
“petrodollar” jabber assumes none of the financial whizzes of like 200 countries can figure out ways of moving shoes and mangos and lumber and ten thousands of other products -- including oil -- between sellers and buyers without relying on one currency.
“petrodollar” jabber is code for "i know how to solve all the world's problems in spite of my middling intelligence" and "i wish i were important" and "kill the jews"
Levi Ortiz
>What happens when oil gets too pricey to be a useable fuel source If oil ever became too expensive to power industry, they will switch to Russian natural gas or finally try to go nuclear. Solar and wind are too spiky, geothermal is too picky about location, and biodiesel wastes resources to produce. Hydroelectric and coal are the only things that can compete with oil. Energy storage is super horrible though in any form but biodiesel.
Oil is propped up by shipping and transportation which is why companies are trying to bridge the gap to electric. Non uranium/plutonium nuclear and biodiesel are politically suppressed technology. If we need that shit it will be allowed. Shale, very new tech, is already allowed.
Eli Wilson
>what happens when almost all modern technology falls apart because oil is too expensive? Sustainable and self sufficient communities form. Food will be produced to be eaten, not shipped across the world to be used as landfill.
Jacob Thomas
Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda. >Israel’s Online Shadow Operations >Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S. >"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.
Thomas Cox
>tripfag >the_adjective_occuptation >meaningless plebbit babble I hope this post is being ironic
Justin Butler
The petrodollar exists in order to maintain the debt based system going, which in turn incentivizes governments to go with rapefugee welcome policy in order to refresh their demographics with younger people who in theory will pay the pensions of the old. I'm not worried about oil whatsoever, I believe there are much more reserves than they let on and we won't have a problem inventing an alternative when things get hard. What matters right now is to see if we are able to get nationalist governments who manage to break free from the debt system and see their national demographics stabilizing or even reducing for a while which will calm down your overpopulation concerns.
Ryder James
>factual information Jews do run record companies. How much was paid in royalties for rap/hiphop/r&b nigger culture vs. every other kind of music? I'm curious to know, not sure that is ever released by BMI/ASCAP. I'm sure kikes wouldn't get into it if it wasn't lucrative, and they've been in the game long enough for Ice Cube to hate (((Heller))).
If you can't get a blurry, rough perspective on the role of Jews as owners of mass media in the direction the country takes as a whole from this, you're defective. Please infer.
Christopher Martinez
Check my numerals
Connor Murphy
always deflect from the repulsive behaviour of your own people
what's on display in just today's news:
1. Police say Arkansas woman wanted husband and ex-wife dead
2. "It wasn't a foreign enemy...this was done by Australians to Australians -- enemies in our midst, the enemies of innocence," he [Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison] said.
I blame the donald. every fucking time I try to have a discussion it's filled with TD retards.
Zachary Howard
Remeber, oil isn't just used for power, its complex hydrocarbons mean it's also used for a lot of materials that would otherwise be nearly impossible to produce. Plastics especially. That, to me, is more of a concern than power..
God I hope so, that sounds kino
> africa will be heavily depopulated by a series of wars between the east and west over the rare earth minerals contained there This is totally true, Africa makes up the bulk of the population growth since the 80s, and its already starting with the Chinese moving in with a form of 'corporate colonialism' This is really inevitable at this point, I feel. Hard reset or harder reset, tough set of choices..
It seems like population is only a talking point for progressives if it furthers some other agenda. I remember a few years back I saw a Time magazine or some other propaganda rag with Al Gore on the front declaring that population wasn't a problem, and would be solved by industrialization.. I laughed aloud
Josiah Murphy
The sun hits the Earth with 174 quadrillion watts of energy every single day. That energy is 10000 times more than the entire Earth's consumption. Finding enough energy will never be a problem. The problem is getting away from oil. How much new infrastructure and systems would have to be built and reworked. It's a challenge with no incentive because right now oil is dirt cheap and plentiful.
Julian Foster
Few months? Try the last 2 years.
The troubling thing is that it isn't just reddit influence which fucked this place up. It has been actively subverted. It used to be something special, a place with unity and the cunning to influence an election. Now it's an impotent shithouse of memes and elementary school-tier "banter".
Ian Morgan
>US Economic expansion and Military power are based on the trade of oil in dollars, the 'ptro-dollar' Petrodollar and oil war memes are gaslighting by Noam Chomsky and other jews to take the focus off the Israel-US relation, the greater Israel plan and to spread the idea that capital is all that matters in modern politics.
Zachary Lee
Indeed. I've bounced around on different boards, and different chans, but Jow Forums has nosedived in quality since it stirred up so much shit between Brexit and Trump's election
That used to be the reason to come to Jow Forums, bants and bullshit mixed with gems of actual conversation. Now it's the same shitty thread x20 plus stale memes. It's kind of like a shittier version of /b/ from the old ytmnd era
I literally have a video where she makes you out to be an impotent cuck.
Carter Thompson
Airships bra. Pimped out zeppelins for transportation and giant megaliths airships roaming fair winds doing trade. Fuel will be reserved for the military and emergency services.