>How else are they going to stop them marching through? Surround them. Arrest them. "Operation Wetback" them on a boat back to their starting point.
Camden Reyes
I agree with your analysis. America is living what happened 3 years ago in Europe.
Easton Reyes
I hate when there's trash left on the beach
Samuel Garcia
Yep. 10,000 people rushing the border isn't immigration, it's an invasion. Democrats know that people will get hurt, regardless of whether it's self-inflicted or not. They want to put that on TV in an attempt to make Trump look evil, when there's no way we could let thousands of anonymous people into the country.
The good news is that Trump wont let a single one of them in regardless. The invaders will be met with LRAD, tear gas, and handcuffs.
Brody Morgan
What is the military going to do? Form a human chain at the border and push back?
Even if they do stop this mass of people at the border with no supplies, water or food, dead kids is inevitable.
Do you think these asshole are going to just turn around and march back to Honduras?! It will become like Calais .. permanent refugee camp on the border.
They are going to be put on a barge and shipped back. They can fight all they want, they're not getting in.
Dylan Fisher
Form a line and funnel them into a tight corridor, then mass restrain, cuff, put on buses to a deportation camp. Then have the Navy ship them back, dump em straight onto their own coast.
William Adams
I hope you anons are right. This didn't happen the last time there was a caravan though. The army doesn't have any arresting powers ... I don't think the army wants to touch this shit at all desu
Levi Nelson
If we have any biological weapons kicking around now would be a good time to use them. indefinite quarantine south of the border
Ryder Ortiz
The army will touch whatever their Commander in Chief orders them to. And they wouldn't even be arresting them, just disallowing invaders entry by force.
Carter Morris
Not what they meant by body surfing.
Aiden Wilson
Trump is going to shoot some border jumper kids? Where can I watch the live stream?
Logan Watson
Ya I realized this too. They need propaganda material and they are hoping this group leads to shots being fired. Just Zionists trying to give America bad press like they received shooting Palestinians
Isaac Ward
> army will touch whatever their Commander in Chief orders them to Well they better be wearing the softest kid gloves they can bring or the media will be plastered with images like these right before the election
If you want every city to be Detroit or Flint, then welcome them in.
My only thought is to go to Reddit, and make it more racist.
Immigration, cheap wages, and the crime when it all goes bust, does not help me. I don't want to take care of people that aren't in the system, can't speak english, and aren't american. ITs a multi-tier problem to let them. Its an evironmental hazard. As many people that think its okay to let randos in, there are just as many that would die to defend America.
What we have now is propaganda that is destroying our culture. Its going to be torn apart if we let a ton of immigrants here.
Doesn't really matter at this point. All the #(((Resist))) mob are already voting blue and this invasion scares the shit out of conservatives and moderates. Way to light a fire under their asses to turn out, total backfire for the dems.
Kevin Russell
These aren't citizens, it's not an arrest. They're literally invaders from another country. The army is perfectly within its rights to capture and remove them.
Jordan Lewis
Shooting people at the border seems like a perfectly reasonable reaction
Jonathan Robinson
Adam Wright
I think I may have a solution anons! How about we let them in and give them a safe passage to Canada?!!!! Let the leafs deal with it ... BEST optics for Trump.
Ha that's the best idea on here so far! Not for Canada, but fuck it the people here need to see what freedom they are losing first hand before they stand up for themselves