Imagine having such a weak party that you're dependent on gerrymandering and voter suppression to win elections

Imagine having such a weak party that you're dependent on gerrymandering and voter suppression to win elections


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>imagine being so shit that only shitskins and faggots vote for you
LMAOing at your life

imagine having to rely on illegals and dead people to be able to win any election

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Yea, fuck I mean after all orange man bad.Am I right?

Imagine thinking voting decides politicians

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they said the exact same thing in 2016
>massive early voting
>expected for Hillary
>Trump destroys her

How bad is the violence going to be after liberals get btfo?

>a base hit in top of the 1st inning

says increasingly nervous man on the 12th thread today.

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Ya that early voting sure helped hilary

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