Imagine having such a weak party that you're dependent on gerrymandering and voter suppression to win elections

Imagine having such a weak party that you're dependent on gerrymandering and voter suppression to win elections


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>imagine being so shit that only shitskins and faggots vote for you
LMAOing at your life

imagine having to rely on illegals and dead people to be able to win any election

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Yea, fuck I mean after all orange man bad.Am I right?

Imagine thinking voting decides politicians

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they said the exact same thing in 2016
>massive early voting
>expected for Hillary
>Trump destroys her

How bad is the violence going to be after liberals get btfo?

>a base hit in top of the 1st inning

says increasingly nervous man on the 12th thread today.

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Ya that early voting sure helped hilary

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The rethuglitards really messed up with the caravan "emergy"


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checking your 140% digits turnout in key dem areas

t. party that only wins elections cos of importing tens of millions of scum purely to vote for them against Americans

Checked and blown out.

>not to mention over 40% of whites

Literal fake news. You have zero proof because it's make believe bullshit

>losing popular vote by 3M is destroying someone

Who.Even.Write these,headlines(((who)))

Fucking spoiler,Its thefuckingjews

The left consistently giving themselves false hope.

>lets let felons vote
>lets lower the voting age
>lets let in the caravan

HUurrrr guys look at the turn out everyone super supports our political agenda.

how fucking retarded can a person become, honestly.

>Over 40% of all whites have died at some point and joined the (D) ranks

Your meme flag leads me to sage this post, I'll pray for you

live in Reno. The Democrats have so many illegal voters in this state the cemeteries have been emptied out to vote Democrat. Las Vegas is a shit hole with every nigger from 6 states bused in to vote Democrat. Fuck all of them

The Republicans are at work.

Not worried really

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Really, fag? Is that what you're going with? Rethuglitards? C'mon you can do better.


I agree minorities are too poor and stupid to produce ID so we must protect them for their own good. Us whites know best.

>Look I won by not fulfilling the conditions for a victory
>Just because he won how youre supposed to doesnt mean he should really get it!

based, true, indisputable and checked

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Who is president?

Imagine being such a Jew that you argue voter ID laws are “voter suppression.”
Yeah, we’re suppressing the votes by these “citizens”, you kike fuckbag.

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High turnout in blue states.

US has never been a democracy and never will be. It is a Republic. The popular vote means absolute dick. May as well have asked how many people enjoy pizza. That'll really get the popular vote going.

Trump should do like Trudeau and let them all in and house them in expensive hotels.

they should put them on busses and drop them off in beverly hills, and synagogues all over hollywood.

Things Hillary won:
>popular vote
>celebrity respect
>hair length contest
>msm polls
>"most Ls in a name" award
Things Hillary lost:

Imagine having to fill busses of homeless crack heads and drive them to the polls to win elections

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How the fuck is early voting a thing?

They do it so the polling stations are so congested on election day. I voted today. Red down the line.

AkaUkrainian cp

>Dems win 2 out of 10 special elections (and only because of insane sex scandals)
>think they will win midterms

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Oh yay, the biennial tradition of pundit over-analysis of early voting. This is easily my least favorite part of October in any election year.

>Guy, guys, guys!
>This year the Republicans have 30.07% turnout in early voting in Florida, vs. 29.93% for Democrats
>Last election cycle, it was 32% for Democrats and 28.75% for Republicans... and the GOP won that race!
>Ergo it's a safe bet to say the Republican candidate has this!

Maybe ruraloids don't understand this but city people's time is too important to spend 5 hrs in line at the polls on Election Day. Imagine thinking waiting 5 minutes to vote in your bumfuck community center is representative of how the better half of this country lives lmao.

Mostly single women, many of them single mothers. So they're ignorant, stupid, and massive fuck-ups. Democrats are the loser's choice.

Dont become complacent.
Early voting has started, get out and tell everyone you know to go out and vote red down the ticket.

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Misleading as fuck. I work on campaigns and the only data you can extrapolate is the number if dems and Republicans that vote. Independents are not reflected at all in this data. Not to mention vote by mail, no matter where you are, accounts for a smaller percentage of those actually voting.

>completely ignores states like Florida that the Dems are needing to win that are showing up over 13% in favor of Republicans
Funny that no matter what happens, liberals cherry pick the one article that suits their agenda while ignoring all the rest.

Imagine thinking black people are so subhuman that requiring the same ID needed for college or other things is too much to ask for.

Imagine being so stupid you misunderstood what the courts said about the alleged 'racist' voting schemes. It was problematic not because ID's are racist, but because they proved some lawmakers were deliberately looking for a slight edge in some way. Take a fucking class in entry level logic and proofs.

>You have zero proof
You could type "voter fraud" into google and find evidence, but you're a retard.

His four of a kind trumps your two pair, fag.
>dude bro it's make believe

Its white peoples fault that blacks are too poor and uneducated to get an ID therefore its racist.
>it's all make believe bullshit drumpflets amirite

Reno Fag here. Really does seem razor thin here. Even if (((Rosen))) wins I feel that Laxalt will win either way, which is decent. But I feel like buy in large people are neglecting the importance of Washoe county. I DONT WANT TO BE BLUE DAMMIT!

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You want more of these faggot?
Guess you only care when your magic nigger isn't up for election

>early voting. Huh?
If your mind is made up, and you want to cast your vote, you get to vote.

You don't have to worry about being sick on "election day" or having to go on your lunch break or fighting traffic after work to vote.

Here in Washington you can ONLY vote by mail. We no longer even have polling stations to vote at.

There is LITERALLY no such thing as "going out to vote" in our state

Even the most optimistic liberals will be surprised by the vote because there will be huge numbers of people who never voted before voting... including those who voted for Trump last time. The financials and unsavory connections of the criminals in the white house will be properly investigated and they will be brought to justice.


Do you know there is a character limit to tweets? Yes.

Do you understand that this was short for emergency? Yes.

Yet still you bitch as if he is the idiot..... u want him 2 tlk like dis?

you cant even apply for welfare without ID
you cant get section 8 housing credits, food stamps, ebt, wic, nothing without an ID
but its supposedly racist to require one to vote
voter ID has nothing to do with black people, that's a diversionary tactic by shitlibs to get us to sputter about not hating blacks and put us on the back foot
they know they're protecting the illegal beaner vote

Nobody cares about Democrats rigging the vote in CA/NY. I hope they do it in swing states and get busted with Trump in office.

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I've been saying this midterm is the time the demosharts get caught and BTFO. So far there's been six degrees of separation between the fraudsters and the DNC, but they're not acting so competent anymore without a bunch of lackeys in government covering for their fuck ups anymore.

Nevada has (((electronic voting))) funded by Soros. It will never go red again. We need to cleanse these flithy fucking spics and destroy the culinary union. Its the type of socialist platform that Lenin used to get to power.

Imagine having such a weak party your candidate loses an election you rigged in her favor

quad quads, checked

OP is a faggot

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the democrats need to lose, to steal a term from them, by any means necessary. ;)
g'night sweetie


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wait who's your president again?

>wow look at all this early voting
>republicans are in trouble
>just imagine all this early voting is for democrats
>dont look at the party affiliations of the early voters
>just bathe in this obvious blue wave and come join us, surfs up!
>please god come surfing, we need you please

Remove California and Trump wins the popular vote. How do you account for that?