ITT: Politicians and hamburgers
ITT: Politicians and hamburgers
Other urls found in this thread:
>be rand paul
>be presented with ethnic food
>whip out emergency backup burger
problem solved
He really needs to stop thinking he can shop in the men's dept
Look at that! Rand scoring a fat stack of free cups for back at the office so the taxpayer doesn't have to pay for them. Good guy!
What’s the point of this?
i lovin it. keep going op
>im one of you NPC guys now he he he.
The Chad Candidate vs. The Virgin Runningmate
Y'all didn't forget about the best the democrats could do for VP, John Edwards... did you?
making me hangry
imagine the smell
Why are there so many photos of Rand Paul eating at McDonald's? I know that politicians go to restaurants for pr but what the fuck? It's all the same photo too. Taken at the same angle, he has the exact same expression on his face that makes him look like he's saying "This is MY fucking burger." I'm so confused.
Rand wants you to know he is being frugal.
Also, he takes after his old man
based and randpilled
SNL did a sketch About bill clinton at a burger joint, see if you can get the joke, snl wasen't so left wing back then.
whys he so cute bros
I can't watch phil hartman clips in 2018. nothing personal, kid
What kind of thread is this with no Kashich?
then post him
rand 2024 though
that will make him 6ft
also post more
Look at this dood
That has to be shopped
I'm literally posting dead dudes now. help a brotha out
I like people who weren't captured
Based backup burger
you niggers have juice boxes at mcdonald's?
honestly I've only ever seen orange juice boxes there
they are intended for children, but yes.
i forgot about biggie size
>biggie size
i cannot let this thread die
>apple juice
dude legit looks like he's about to puke
imagine being that coked out
why two watches?
most of those are inn and out which is god tier fast food you fucking pleb
he did this for us.
Black women usually wear TOO much perfume lmao
More like Mogged Paul
In and out fucking sucks. And the only pic with Rand eating a one of those overated California shitholes is
The rest are McDonald's
You are yet another fucking retarded burger who need to take a good fucking look in the mirror before killing yourself.
kinch is a sinch