The left's trying to guilt trip southerners (once again) for supporting Salvini. You know what to do

The left's trying to guilt trip southerners (once again) for supporting Salvini. You know what to do.

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>only 1 video
>12000 visualization already
seems legit

Give a tl;dr of the video.

"If you're from the south and you treat niggers like shit you're just as bad as the people who treat southerners like shit"

kek they are really desperate


#TerroniPerSalvini #Governo #EAlloraLeFoibe #HoUnPeneMoltoPiccolo #CompensoAttaccandoSenzaCapireLeTroiateCheDico

Talks about how Northern Italians bashed southern italians during the 50's and 60's (migration period), how they avoided renting homes to them and called them criminals etc...and concludes saying that only the african migration problem unified the Italian people more than Cavour was ever able.

It basically makes southern italians feel guilty of having voted LEGA

>i negri han fatto gli italiani
He's right you know. We all have our differences, but throughout time we've been able to put them aside to fight externale enemies. Once we're done kicking niggers, no doubt we'll go back at each other's throats again. But, that's a huge part of being italian.

That's what bothers them. And they have nobody to blame but themselves. Talking shit about M5S all the time for the past 6 months was foolish: they allowed Lega to grow in the polls to 32% and now they don't know how to stop it.

Indeed, but I want to make it clear to all terroni here that we need to stick together. The invaders are a problem for all of us. We will settle our differences in the future, possibly through federalization. For the time being, we'll fight side by side.

this is a really desperate move

Yeah that's the only credit I can really give to him.
Though that doesn't mean those differences have disappeared, they've just been buried for more serious concerns which should be a double good news since it means the italian right wing is very flexible and that our left wing is still stuck in that anti-old "racism"

When will your based Salvini start deporting those 700'000 niggers who got to Italy since 2013 ?

>The invaders are a problem for all of us
I'm surprised here it isn't the reverse, usually in the US the poorest states are the most anti-immigrant right wing
and for good reasons since immigrants hurt poors the most
Instead here Lega is a middle class party and terroni just slightly agree with Salvini's anti-immigration policies

I blame the pope. The south is religious, and religion usually implies conservatism. That's why rural states are more right wing in the USA: religion. Too bad Francis happened.

Hopefully soon, that's what we pay him for.

>I negri son riusciti a fare quello che Cavour non è riuscito a fare, ha fatto gli italiani

When the jews are dropping the mother of all redpills, something just doesn't fucking feel right
I literally couldn't make this shit up if I spent years studying it

Looks like you have a lot of SJWs in Italy.

fake milanese doing propaganda against salvini and lega
Thing is, they're talking as if "leon cha magna il teron" is something of the past, but it will never extinguish, and as soon as the niggers are gone, if ever, we're back to where we were in the 1980s.
consider that these people have been doing mostly music videos for literal nobodies, so they don't know the kind of hive they're kicking by reminding these people how good the old times were

Nah we're all oldfags
even our commies are so old that they're still openly racist

it’s true

but southern italians are still the alpha bull and matteo bows before them

you are the ususal meme flag that know nothing

Venetian, not milanese

you guy should go to the mafia