>man made climate destruction isn't rea-
pol, is it time to stop being retarded?
>man made climate destruction isn't rea-
pol, is it time to stop being retarded?
You should stop worrying about pol so much and worry about dealing with your Syrian migrant hordes.
All I see is a pussified man in the second photo.
>1st photo
>basic bitch boat and oars
>hardly any thick clothes and a hat
>2nd photo
>shitty air boat
Typical burger comment
post your selfie from the arctic circle user
Prove it's man made first.
Listen here, fagguette. Niggers invading the west is a far more pressing matter than "man made" global warming. A carbon tax won't fix a fucking thing, kikes and crooks just figured out a way to get people to pay for breathing and you retards gobbled it down whole without even chewing.
You should have eaten literal shit instead, that would have been much more productive.
>how could they melt?!
>shoves exhaust directly into water for muh feels photo.
I wish them an early grave.
Some people preffer to compensate for tjeir tiny baby dicks with huge pickups
Summer versus winter.. Seriously turbo!!!!
>man made
Where are the proofs.
>i sit on the bus and risk getting mugged/beaten/raped/murdered by all the niggers i retardedly let into my nation without even flinching
>i'm superior
Do these fagguettes have some app that alerts them to muh glubble wurming threads?
others like to cry like girls about muh environment and hope a real man rapes them
oh wow, two pictures of the same location ~100 years apart . Wow, so insightful, brb, gone to get a tesla....
Some people like to watch their wives fuck black men
That's because the guy in the first photo died from capsizing and drowned in hypothermia inducing waters because he unprepared and ill equipped for the harshness of the sea. Survival of the fittest at work.
There have always been cold and warm periods.
The climate swings like a pendulum between these two states, so it's not something we should worry about.
Isn’t climate change obviously considering there was an ice age. What brought on the ice age, and then the period that followed? Super volcanos? Man?
man made solar flares are gonna kill us why don't people do something to prevent that?
Global warming has been debunked and is the 2nd biggest hoax in history. If you don’t believe the real facts about this then you are the enemy of everything good and you need to be thrown in prison.
I'm not afraid of being in public places since I'm not a bitch like you
I see a post and an easy cliché, not an argument
>I'm not afraid of being in public places since I'm not a bitch like you
>gets stabbed by a nigger for his shoes
Okay, fagguette.
You do realize we want to die and bring the world down with us, right? You can't reason with people who hate everything
>Currently in an ice age
>Based on orbital models, the cooling trend initiated about 6,000 years ago will continue for another 23,000 years.
>Slight changes in the Earth's orbital parameters might however indicate that, even without any human contribution, there will not be another glacial period for the next 50,000 years.
> It is possible that the current cooling trend may be interrupted by an interstadial in about 60,000 years, with the next glacial maximum reached only in about 100,000 years.
>today we hear tale of global warming as the boogeyman
>in the 70's it was global cooling
What the fuck is the point of your post and this entire thread? Why does it keep coming up?
Someone 's trying to exorcize it's victimhood here
you can't teach them, they already know. they just do not want to admit it.
why dont we just make another man made ice age
How far did the sea levels rise during the Medieval Warming Period?
There are much larger problems to worry about.
How does this picture prove that climate change is man-made?
The world isn't static.
>oy vey.
Yes, we must save the world from global warming with a nuclear winter. Let the bombs drop
>Holy Shit guys! Ice can melt
Do you not have google?
Woah, that guy on the boat did all that?
Its not man made, it's natural cycles
The picture is anecdotal evidence of a generall trend which has been described in numerous scientific articles.
the average global temperature is lower now than it was in the 30's.
stop being retarded.
Climate Change is not Rea.....
Post proof it was man and not, you know, the SUN.
>Let me show up to the same locations 40 years later to demonstrate how badly global warming really is in my polluting motor boat
ayyyyye because man fucked over the last ice age too yeh?
fuck off m8.
Fixed that for you.
>Hurr durr, ice melts when it's warm!
Ever heard of summer you faggot? It comes once a year.
Honestly, global warming is probably real and probably man made. It seems absurd to think that the absurd amount of pollutants man has put into the air over the past 150 or so years had no effect on global climates.
That being said, it makes absolutely no difference. Chinks and Indians will absolutely destroy Earth's environment and there's nothing western libs can do about it.
b-but 94% of scientists agree that "global warming is real"
>top of boat man's head same distance from mountain top in each shot
How does this prove global warming is real?
theres no summer in the arctic, summerfag
>theres no summer in the arctic, summerfag
This level of retard is beyond belief.
for 90% of earth's multi-billion year life, it hasnt had polar ice caps. the (aberrant) caps it has right now have been melting for 20,000 years. get over it
There is now bitch.
Your welcome.
>man made climate destruction
better ban aerosols and buy a heavy coat
>OP just cant stop sucking cock
If it all melted and the sea level rose, why the fuck is there more land sticking out of the water?
Human Co2 emissions is 39 Billion Tons
Microbial decay Co2 output is 209 Billion Tons
Temperature in Mars is rising
99.9% of our solar system is the Sun alone
Temperatures on earth were much higher than today(more than 6000 years ago) when humans were ~100 millions total and not industrial.
oh yea look at all that water thats gonna get us.........
No one is arguing that you imbecile. That's why they left "gobal warming" for "climate change" label.
Cause no one denies climate changes.
What is being argued here is man made global warming
>trying to get retards to stop acting like retards
You fail.
>guy shows pic of winter vs summer, like OP
>you sperg like a retard
that orrange thing(?) on the top of the first picture looks like a penis haha
Where's your proof that it's caused by man?
Climate change by itself isn't indicative of human involvement. The Earth has literally been changing for billions of years, long before man ever existed.
Your point? i wasn't adressing the pic, i was adressing that they wrote.
Your post contains Zero arguments for or against.
Go eat a bag of dicks
Why stop it? This natural destructive wrath against civilization is the single greatest weapon against (((them))). (((They))) can not stop it, (((they))) can not bribe it, (((they))) can not assassinate mother nature in her sleep.
She is a good mother, and she will redeem us in the coming century.
>man made
Show proof.
That's depressing.
Shit thread
Thread shit
Spring vs Fall.
>Milankovic cycles
>man made
Talking about being retarded, Deidalos?
>Glaciers have been receding for 10k years
>Slight bounce back during little ice age
>Currently experiencing longest period of interglacial warmth in measured climate history
>Cooling inevitable
>Sun going dormant
You better hope we are artificially warming the planet
Most of the earth's history was prior to our existence. It also was iceless most of earth's history before us as well. Glad to see we are returning to normal.
I think the point is that the ice probably changes with the seasons
If you can prove climate change is man made then I can prove that mass warfare that kills millions is a good thing
>hahaha bruh what even is technology haha ted k was right amirite?
fuck off faggot
I'll start giving a shit about some solidified water thousands of miles away when white people have a future to care about.
Prove that it's man made
10,000 years ago, NYC was under a mile of ice. The earth has cycles of heating and cooling, get over it!
People that deny man made climate change are the biggest retards that ever existed. Same level as flat earthers. Don't you get that we never ever in the next 500.000 thousand years will get a iceage again because of us? There is a unnaturally high amount of co2 in the atmosphere, the plants and oceans can't store this amount in time. Your children will suffer the consequences. Refugees wave as big as never seen before, tornadoes in europe, more storms and shit weather around the globe, mass dying of plankton resulting in even more co2, also do you know what siberia is? A big freezer! You know what it freezes? Exactly, methane and co2. You know what happens with that freezer right now? It's broken, its releasing more and more methane and co2. You know how many people are working on that by replanting siberia so the permafrost can be permafrost for the next thousands of years still? 1. One guy.
When this biological nuclear bomb explodes we are done for, forever. Animals that burry up the snow are needed so it can get deeper frozen in the winter. Without animals removing the snow, the snow acts as insulation making the permafrost ground even more warm ironically.
Only low IQ retards that have no education would ever think that man made climate change is a meme. I fucking hate you. For your political agenda you ignore the biggest problem of our time, cursing your children and grandchildren with the horrendous effects.
Also nice german normie song that they play when someone dies: youtube.com
Its only amerifats who deny it on here. They are so brainwashed by republicans they parrot anything they say. I really think republicans pay people to shill on this board
Why do you have pictures of little 14 year old girls stored on your computer?
Things change over time and creatures adapt or die. Determining cause and effect is an interesting intellectual exercise and pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge is always worthwhile. However, in this case and for very practical reasons, it does not matter.
Other nations are not interested in truly curbing their development. They expect us to cripple ourselves to help them? We have done too much of that already.
For the West, even in the worst-case scenarios and of course provided our borders are properly secured, it is an involved and really quite interesting civil engineering challenge. It is not a threat to our continued existence. It is a challenge which will push our technological development to new heights. PER ARDVA AD ASTRA.
>People that deny man made climate change are the biggest retards that ever existed
>There is a unnaturally high amount of co2
>Refugees wave as big as never seen before
We don't "bring" refugees you retard, they come. This would have happened 30 years ago if the internet would have existed back then. Every nigger and shitskin has a smartphone now. But they got these far later than we did. We started using this in 2007, they in 2012-2013. People never get the big picture here. Just because china or india are still pumping carbon up the atmosphere like retards, it doesn't mean we have to do it too. They are developing, we are developed.
>let's cap our growth by reducing emissions but let china and india pump carbon into the atmosphere
Yeah that will solve the problem
>We don't "bring" refugees you retard, they come.
They come because someone is paying to bring them and because you accept them.
God you fucking pathetic
What didn't you understand about my post? Why should we continue burning coal, when we have the technology and intelligent minds to not do so, to be a frontier of renewable energy, to in 20-30 years teach china and india when they are read to do the same? Because they will. They just can't right now, because as i said they are still developing countries.
Someone is paying to bring them yes. Themselves. They sell all their shit to give it to a trafficker who brings them to europe. Us accepting them is a whole other thematic to be addressed. We had laws that accepting refugees is good and okay. But this time it was in a scale we could never imagine. The laws were made for a few thousands a year, not millions. Laws are laws, and also see above, internet and smartphones are having a big deal of involvement in the refugee crisis. Our laws are just not up to date and leftists are abusing that because that. But this has nothing to do with the current topic and climate change right now.
NOAA says feedback mechanisms are poorly measured and understood, which impacts the reliability of long term projections, so why are we putting so much faith in long term projections?
NOAA on Water Vapor, the most prolific greenhouse gas of them all
>The feedback loop in which water is involved is critically important to projecting future climate change, but as yet is still fairly poorly measured and understood.
>Because they will. They just can't right now, because as i said they are still developing countries.
Yeah look at this poor developing country. Ugh. I'm sure they're just DYING to go green! Soon little buddies.
Your are bluepilled and naive, i understand what you saying but the whole climate change bullshit is to fuck the west with carbon taxes and growth cap and let china continue as industrial superpower, while the oligarchs are in the process of moving their operations to asia and let the west burn.
The west is being used like a whore by a international clique, wake the fuck up, you have been brainwashed to oblivion in germany after the 2nd world war, that's why you say the things you say and accept millions of savages.
Get a fucking spine and stop eating their propaganda of a pink fairy tale world, it's all a pipe dream.
Kill or be killed, your choice, will you go down without a fight or will you break free of decades of conditioning and return to your roots and fight for your race, for your people, for your land?
Too late...
Republicans and their corporate overlords have lied and fought the truth for so long we're passed the tipping point. Why do you think Musk and Bezos are trying so hard to colonize another planet?
There is a difference between denying and being skeptical. I think scepticism is justified considering how much the (((evidence))) has been tampered with and the lack of general consensus past "we're all going to die, goy."
Pol isn't one person.